Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3149: Galaxy crisis

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"We Xinghe Sect was sneak attacked by the people of Daotian Xuan Palace, and there were traitors who opened the Xinghe Sect's Holy Array. Now several Sect Masters are blocked in a wild cave, our people have basically been killed!" This disciple Crying, there was panic on his face.

"Don't run! Little cub die for me!" At this time, a big man with a few feet tall rushed into the hall, and saw the three of Zhao Yuande, they suddenly roared excitedly, a big axe As if the falling stars were bombarded towards them.


Zhao Yuande's heart was full of anger and he snorted.

The big man was squeezed together by an invisible force, and the next moment was directly exploded into flesh and blood.

"Damn it! Dao Tian, ​​how dare you kill my ancestor!" Zhao Yuande's eyes were fierce, "I haven't gone to you yet, you came to me on your own initiative! Today I will let you die without burial Earth!"

"Brother Zhao, if you play like this, I am afraid that the enemy will be scared away. If you want to catch the net, you have to take over the big formation first, and then catch the turtle in the urn!" Dongfangqiao saw that Zhao Yuande had fallen into anger at this time. Lost the ability to think!

"At this time, please Brother Dongfang! This is the way to open the Holy Array..." Zhao Yuande passed a piece of immortal imprint to the other party.

"Leave it to me, even a fly can't escape!" Dongfangqiao nodded, his figure disappeared in an instant.

Although Dongfangqiao is very weak in front of Zhao Yuande, it is extremely powerful in front of others, especially in this lower realm, people who can deal with him can count with five fingers!

"Dao Tian, ​​you pray! Pray that they are fine. If something happens to you, you will not keep the chickens and dogs in the Tian Xuan Palace!" Zhao Yuande's eyes showed a strong murderous opportunity.

In the next moment, his God's domain space has enveloped a territory of hundreds of millions of miles, directly covering the entire world of the Xinghe Sect.

"Beast!" Zhao Yuande was violently thundering at the next moment, and his face was extremely ugly, and even a bit daunting.

There were many emotions in his eyes, such as worry, remorse and so on.

The entire Xinghe Sect was almost destroyed, numerous resources were plundered, and a large number of corpses appeared in the Zong.

He was worried about seeing his familiar figure from these bodies.


But then, he took a breath.

At this time, in the depths of the wild mountains of Xinghezong's small world, a huge cave flashed before it, and countless strong men were surrounded by this cave, and their faces all showed a greedy and greasy expression.

"Swallow the sky, you come out! As long as you hand over the secret of Xinghe Sect, we will let you live a way!" A middle-aged man with a chilly face stood proudly among all the strong men, his face exposed high above expression.

"Stop thinking! You Dao Xuan Palace is really shameless, even taking advantage of the time when our Xinghe Sect opened the gate, and rushed into the Zong to try to seize our foundation!" The voice of swallowing anger came from the cave. Don’t you know that my galaxy is already in alliance with Sixiang City and Zhanxian Palace?"

"Hum! Four Elephant City, Zhanxian Palace... They are now overwhelmed!" The middle-aged man sneered, "Zhou disappeared, Zhanxian was suppressed a thousand times by my father and Zhen, your galaxy is only ours In a battlefield, the Four Elephant Cities and Zhanxian Palace are now about to fall!"

"What do you say! Do you really unite the forces of Heaven and Earth!" Tun Tian was even more shocked to hear the news.

"No more nonsense, I will give you 30 breathing hours. If you don't surrender the secret of the Galaxy Sect in 30 breaths, all of you will die in this cave." The middle-aged man's face appeared A sneer.

"What should I do?" The anxious face swallowed all over his face, looking at the people behind him. "The guy Zhao Yuande couldn't be reached. His avatar was suppressed. Who among us is the spy?"

"Sovereign Sovereign, it is better for us to succumb to perfection and surrender the so-called secrets. Now we are so exhausted that we have no way to live!" There was a trace of anxiety in the eyes.

"No... this is what Yuande has left for us, and we can never hand it over. I believe Yuande will have a sense, and he will come back to save us!" At this time a woman stood up and shook her head flatly. "And the group of people in Taoist Xuan Palace has no faith at all. Even if we hand it in, they will never let us go, it is better to give it a go!"

This woman is Yi Menggui, she has now practiced to the level of Venerable Master, and her strength is among the top among everyone.

She is in charge of the property among the galaxy, and she has absolute authority. She is one of the few people with the highest status in addition to the swallow master.

"Good! Yuande and his avatar must have some kind of connection, we must believe him, he will definitely come back!" Another woman walked out slowly, standing beside Yimenggui, her face was also very firm look.

This girl is Yu Rosa. On her shoulder, the turtle turtle's eyes are slightly closed, and there is a mysterious rhythm between one breath and one breath.

At this time, the strength of Lord Turtle also increased to an incredible level, and even achieved the top nine monsters.

"I agree with Sister Yi!" Gu Hanyun also stood behind Yimenggui at this time.

"I agree……"

Many old people who came here from the heavens and the whole world, such as the Spiritual Emperor Emperor, Thunder God Immortal Emperor, etc., also stood behind Yi Menggui.

"Several don't bury my Xinghezong's great future for personal feelings!" The silver-crowned middle-aged man looked at Yimenggui and others, and there was a bit of gloom in his eyes. "We are now alive and dead. Let's try our best to do everything. ?"

"Yes, this is the life of tens of thousands of people. If you persevere like this, the entire Galaxy Sect will be destroyed!" An old man with a white beard stood behind the middle-aged silver crown.

"Vice Vice Sovereign Lord is right, you women should not only care about their own interests, but also think about the lives of the disciples in life and death!" said another old man.

"Yes, don't pin your hopes on a person who left. Zhao Yuande is already in the past. He has entered the road to heaven, and there is no way to come back to save us..."

"His avatar has been controlled and suppressed, and now he can't do anything..."


Some people keep coming out, looking at the jealousy, the resentment, and the twinkling eyes in the eyes of several women...

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