Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Swallow the sky, do you say that?" Yimenggui did not look at those people, but turned his eyes to the sky.

"This..." Swallow's face changed again and again.

Xinghe Zong is his hard work, and he cannot watch its destruction anyway. It is really difficult for him to make a decision now.

"Sect Master, we are just trying to get things done for the time being, something outside!" Silver Crown's middle-aged man Yu Deputy Sect Master said anxiously, "Don't lose the big thing because of the small!"

"Yes! Sect Master don't listen to this group of women bewitched, Xinghe Sect is your hard work..." The old man is constantly bewitched.

"Dao Tian Xuan Gong is also one of the three forces. This is really Dao Tian's parent-child, Dao Tian Xuan Gong's young master, there should be nothing wrong with what he said."

"Give it up! The secret of property, in exchange for the stability of our sect..."

"Sister Yi, these early people are all strong men who were later recruited by Deputy Sect Master Yu. I feel something is wrong. Are they..." Yu Rosa sent a voice to Yi Menggui, and there was some anxiety in her voice .

"I know that, according to our previous guess, this Deputy Sect Master is probably a spy, but swallowing the sky is a bit indecisive... hey!" Yimeng Gui frowned.

"What are we going to do now? Is it just watching them bewitched and swallowed the sky, in case swallowed the sky and promised them..." Yu Rosa's face was very ugly.

"It's a big deal. Let's kill. My turtles and grandchildren are already hungry and thirsty!" At this time, the voice of Master Turtle came into their ears.

"Wait a moment, I still believe that Swallow will handle all of this." Yi Menggui shook his head slightly, "It's really impossible, we will try harder."

"it is good……"

"Sovereign!" There was an anxious look on the face of Deputy Sect Master, and a glimmer of coldness flashed deep into his eyes, "The Sect Master made a decision early, our lives are in your hands!"

"Yes! Give it up! Big deal, let's start over..."

"We didn't join Xinghe Zong to die!"


Many people behind Deputy Sect Master at this time put pressure on Swallow Heaven.

Yi Menggui and these people are silent, just looking at Tian Tian quietly.

"Time is up! Swallow the sky, give your answer, life or death!" The proud middle-aged man outside the cave showed a cold smile on his face.

"Sovereign..." Yu Deputy Sect Master said anxiously, "The big picture matters!"

"I'm going to **** the big picture." Tong Tian gritted his teeth and snorted. "Tao, if you want my Xinghezong's foundation, take it to fill it!"

At this moment, he made his own decision and put it to death!

As Yi Menggui said, Daotian Xuan Palace is no longer one of the three major forces before, and they don’t know what powerful forces united to suppress the Four Elephant City and Zhanxian Palace, or even a real palace. They were almost annexed by it.

Now listen to the other party saying that Daotian Xuan Palace is besieging to fight the Immortal Palace. Can they still believe what they promised?

Swallowing is not a fool, and soon made his own decision.

Although the Star River Sect has not developed for a long time, it can not be compared with the monsters such as Daotian Xuan Palace, but they are not completely without the ability to fight back.

Their true strength, such as the tortoises and tortoises of Master Tortoise, has been accumulating power in secret!

Although the opponent's strength is strong, they still have the ability to break through. Why did they come to this cave? That is because in the depths of this cave, they concealed a small teleportation array. Except for Swallow Heaven and Yi Menggui, several people knew , Other people simply do not know.

If it is time for a crisis, he can completely transfer the vitality of several women in Zhao Yuande and Zongmen.

"Sect Master..." There was a disappointment in the face of Deputy Sect Master, but the next moment there was a fierce intention.

A little cold mountain penetrated the body that swallowed the sky without warning.


The swallowed body exploded, flesh and blood flew.

"What...Yu Deputy Sect Master, what are you going to do!" There was a shock on the faces of the people beside him, and his body went back and forth.

"Don't you see it? He simply ignores our lives. What kind of people do we follow him to do? It's better than we robbed the group of women, the group of lower seeds from the lower realm, and went out and dedicated it to Dao Tianxuan Palace Strong, maybe we can join Daotian Xuan Palace for reuse!" Yu Sect Master's face sneered.

"Haha! Yes, as long as you take these women, I will open the door to Tianxuan Palace for you!" At that time, there was a grin on the real face.

"I heard that, Master Daozhen personally promised!" Yu Sect Master's face showed pride, he looked at the group of people standing behind him, and asked coldly, "How do you choose whether you want to die or live?" ?"

"We...we want to live!" Someone's eyes flickered suddenly and came to Yu Sect Master's side.

"We also want to live..." Most people looked fiercely.

Opposite Yimeng Gui, to Rosa, they didn't say a word, but there was coldness and disdain in their eyes.

"Yu Feng, is this your voice? Is this the reason why you betrayed my Xinghe Sect?" At this moment, the body that swallowed and shattered the ground seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, and it was suddenly heavy.

Tun Tian's face was extremely unsightly, and his trusted Deputy Sect Master betrayed him so easily.

This person is a genius who carefully selected a lot of resources and cultivated it, but now he has done such a thing.

"Huh? You actually have an immortal body! No wonder young master I entered the Galaxy Sect, the original immortal body really exists!" The color of excitement appeared in the eyes of the deputy lord.

"Yu Feng, believe me now!" Dao Zhen's voice came from outside.

"The young master is really brilliant, but don't forget to promise me!" Yu Feng showed a trace of greed.

"Don't you believe me yet?" Dao Zhen smiled.

"Yu Feng... You turned out to be a spy!" Several people behind Yu Feng's face changed again and again, and they could not help but retreat subconsciously at this time.

"Hey! Whether I am a spy or not, what I said before still counts, now you choose! Is life or death!" Yu Feng's eyes showed a touch of evil light, "Swallow the sky, you are really a good person, if It’s not you, I really can’t break through to Heavenly Realm, so many resources... Gee!"

"I have reminded you a long time ago, but you just don't believe it. Now you believe the intuition of women!"

"Really... I was wrong! I was really wrong!" Swallow replied bitterly.

"It's not too late to wake up, we still haven't reached a dead end!" Yimeng Gui persuaded, "Now let's fight hard!"

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