Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3154: War Immortal Tribulation

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"Brother Zhao, do you want to stay alive!" Dongfangqiao smiled when he saw Zhao Yuande coming with a group of Xinghe Sects.

"Naturally, I want to live!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "This person's cultivation is not bad. If you can capture him alive, you can count on your strength!"

"This is not difficult!" Dongfangqiao smiled slightly, and half of the bridge had already appeared in the other hand.

In the next moment, Dongfangqiao seems to have some help, and it is several times faster than before. The powerful auxiliary function of Tongtianqiao makes him play the most.

"Good! Good!" Zhao Yuande nodded, his face showing admiration.

The two pieces of four-generation chemical immortal treasure, plus the middle-aged man was attacked by Dongfangqiao before, occupying a sharp turn, the middle-aged man was quickly suppressed to death.

"Hey!" Soon the middle-aged man sighed, and simply refused to resist, and smiled bitterly, "I admit defeat, how do you deal with it! I live in the end I am a powerhouse of half-walker, you will not just Kill me directly like this!"

He knew that the threat would not have any effect on Zhao Yuande, so he laid out his value.

"Oh! You are really valuable." Zhao Yuande grinned, "You want to live a simple life, recognize me as the master, become a slave to my Xinghe Sect, and protect my Xinghe Sect!"

"What! Become your slave... Is this... is it too harsh! I say this is also a strong half-walker respecting the peak." The middle-aged man's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Huh! Your level of rubbish, Brother Zhao does not know how much came from beheading. Don't think one person can do great things with me. Brother Zhao wants to kill you is just a thought!" Dongfangqiao sneered With a cry.

"But I am the deacon of Fengyun Pavilion, you are humiliating Fengyun Pavilion, if you let Fengyun Pavilion know about it, you can't be kind!" The middle-aged man said again.

"Fengyun Pavilion is a fart, even if we are Haitian Pavilion, we are not in the eyes, even if you are a member of the Saint Alliance, we will kill you!" Dongfangqiao said these names swallowed the sky, although they did not know, but fell In the middle-aged man's ears but not in the thunderstorm!

"You... you really entered the realm of chemistry!" The middle-aged man's complexion changed, "How did you come back here!"

"I only give you three breaths. If you don't agree after three breaths, I will kill you directly! How many slaves do you want in the chemical world!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"This..." The middle-aged man's face changed and his mouth twitched.

"Hurry up!" The crystal ivory in Dongfangqiao's hands released a terrifying light, and a breath of death immediately enveloped the other party.

"I...I...I promised!" After the middle-aged man said this, his face suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

"Okay, let's hand over your ray of soul!" Zhao Yuande's voice was cold and ruthless.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man's pale face separated a ray of soul from the sea of ​​knowledge.

Zhao Yuande grabbed that ray of soul and pinched it in the void, and then slammed into the sea of ​​knowledge that swallowed by his side.

"Swallow the sky, this slave is under your control, you can let him die in a single thought!" Zhao Yuande said.

"You... don't count! Do you mean your slave?" The middle-aged man's voice was all bitter.

"I just want you to be a slave to Xinghe Sect. You want to be my slave is not qualified!" Zhao Yuande's face was disdainful.

"Okay!" The middle-aged man seemed to be a deflated ball, almost sitting on the ground with his buttocks, "Roach meets his master!"

The middle-aged man is also a master of the wind, otherwise he will not directly admit defeat, and now seeing that the matter is irreversible, he can only admit his status as a minion with a wry smile.

"I heard that you Dao Xuan Palace and Zhen Yi Dao Palace are joining forces to siege the Immortal Palace? Tell me, what's going on?" Zhao Yuande looked at this middle-aged man named Roach and asked lightly.

"That's the case..." Roach was already at the mercy of the fish on the sticky board, and could only say the matter.

To rule the world, Fengyun Pavilion found Daotian and borrowed the power of Daotian Xuan Palace to act in the lower realm. A Dao Venerable of Fengyun Pavilion was sitting in Daotian Xuan Palace.

Many great forces, including Zhen Yi Dao Gong, can only bow their heads under the power of this Dao Zun.

The Four Elephant City is easily broken because of the disappearance of the universe, and the immortal warrior does not drop at all, so he can only attack hard!

Both Zhenyi and Daotian are besieging themselves in front of Zhanxian Palace at this moment.

"Dao Tian! You are so evil, first of all, for the sake of your own self, to choose the battle between the Chaos Giant and the Heavens and the Realms, so that my souls in the Heavens and the Realms, and then because of the bloodline of the Chaos Giants, destroy the previous Galaxy Sect! I did not find you The trouble, but you came to take the initiative to find my trouble, want to destroy my sect, want to kill my master, it seems that this account should be a good deal today!" Zhao Yuande's mouth showed a cold smile. Looked at Roach, "Come with me to go to the Immortal Palace!"

"Yes!" Roach knew that this time Daotian was probably bad luck, but he couldn't care about so much. Although they are hundreds of millions of brothers and sisters, how can those so-called teacher friendships be able to reach it? It is important to live your own life!

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande waved his hands and shrouded everyone in his divine space. At the next moment, everyone in the entire Galaxy Sect disappeared.

Outside the Xianxian Palace, at this time, Zhanxian was bathing in blood, and he was holding the broken arrow and fighting with Zhen.

Although he is strong, he is still seriously injured under the joint of the two.

At this time, the War Immortal Palace behind him was already a sea of ​​fire, and the screams of countless War Immortal Palace disciples poured into his ears, causing him to look at the hardships for a while!

"Does the inheritance of my hundreds of millions of years in the War Immortal Palace come to an end?" The War Immortal roared to the sky with blood and tears in his eyes.

"Zhanxian, give up! As long as you give up resistance, I promise you that Zhanxian Palace will still survive! We say that we are friends for millions of years, and you should believe me," Daotian smiled lightly on his face, voice It is full of hypocrisy.

"Oh! Friends for millions of years, you are so embarrassed to say it, it's really ridiculous!" Show your turn, your eyes are full of disdain, "You are not worthy to be my friend, it is not worthy!"

"Hey! Zhanxian...why do you have it!" Zhen Yi's voice was somewhat bitter, "We are all for our disciples, for the development of our sect, I advise you..."

"True one! You shut up, don't tell me so much nonsense, you and me are different, not at all!" Zhan Xian interrupted the other party fiercely, his voice full of sarcasm and disdain.

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