Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3155: Goodbye Zhanxian

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"Okay!" Zhen Yi closed her mouth, and there was a little helplessness in her voice.

"Since that is the case, then go to die!" Daotian's voice was filled with cold and merciless, "True one, don't keep your hand, I know you have a third-grade fairy treasure, take it out!"

"This...OK!" Really helpless, "Sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Don't pretend, come on! I want to see if you two can retreat in full force after my desperation!" Zhanxian grinned, although the blood was constantly flowing in his mouth, but his momentum was stronger.

"Let's die! Kill me!" Daotian's business voice was cold and ruthless, and people couldn't help but feel terrified. "Fight the attack with all strength and let Zhanxian Palace become the past!"

"Kill!" War Immortal roared, his long hair like a lion, and rushed towards the two strong men on the opposite side.

However, no matter how powerful War Immortal is, he can't resist the cooperation of Dao Tian and Zhen Yi or two. His injuries are getting worse...

"Life is burning, sacrifice to the soldiers!" The voice of the war immortal was full of utter despair.

A blazing blood flame burst into him, covering the broken arrow in his hand.

"Zheng!" The broken arrow whispered softly.


A thunder illuminates the whole heaven and earth, a huge wild world appears in the void, countless ancient human races wearing animal skins are worshiping under an altar, on which is a long bow and a long arrow!

The war fairy's hand broke the arrow and gave a soft whine, as if it was excited, and it seemed to be crying.

The long arrow in the wild world trembles slightly, releasing a bleak **** light.

The **** rays penetrated the endless void and penetrated the river of time.

The next moment, the Xianxian hand interrupted the arrow even flashed the same **** light!


The war fairy roared, and his voice was full of momentum.

"Kill him, he is already the end of a strong crossbow!" Daotian's voice was obviously trembling, and there was a trace of panic in his pupils.

"Kill!" Zhen Yi gritted his teeth, and the three-handed chemical treasure in his hand shone brilliantly.

The one-handed third-generation chemical Xianbao collided with the **** light in Zhenyi's hand, and even made a crisp click!

"No... how could this be possible!" There was a shock in his eyes.

"Haha! Let me die to death!" Zhanxian laughed wildly, and the blood in his mouth surged out.


The **** light rushed directly into Zhenyi's body.

A violent explosion occurred in the Zhenyi, the entire chest was shattered, only one head flew high, and there was still a trace of incredible in his eyes.

"Die!" Daotian saw this happening, and couldn't help but reveal a evil smile in his mouth. He had already appeared behind Zhanxian at this time, and punched him in the head with a punch.

"Is this all done?" Zhanxian felt a breath of death envelope him.

He no longer has a little energy, the body's blood is almost burned out just now, and now he can stand in the void is already strong will support!

He turned his head hard and looked at Zhanxian Palace, the land where he raised him and let him grow. At this time, the flames soared there, countless buildings collapsed, and countless disciples died...

"It's all over... Master, I'm sorry, I disappointed you!" Zhan Xian closed her eyes slightly, tears slipped in the corners of her eyes.

But his eyes closed for a long time, but he didn't feel the origin of death. Instead, a voice rang in his ear.


"This is... how is this possible! You... Yuande, why are you here?" Zhan Xian opened his eyes, only to find a young man standing in front of him, he was showing a gentle smile to himself.

This turned out to be his disciple Zhao Yuande, the disciple who had only seen a few sides!

"Master, I'm back! Everything is over, Zhanxian Palace is saved!" Zhao Yuan sighed slightly in German air.

At the beginning, the master was high and the power was terrifying, but now standing in front of him, it was like an old man.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Zhanxian's eyes showed excitement and said three good words.

But at the next moment his eyes were dull.

Because he found that everyone in this void, except himself, was still. Even in that sky, it was a greasy expression on his face, standing there like a clay sculpture.

"This... what a supernatural power!" Zhanxian only felt that his throat was dry, and the strength of this disciple in front of him was simply unimaginable!

This is only a few years!

At the beginning, this was just a childish little guy. After joining the War Immortal Palace, he didn't even find time to teach him, but this blink of an eye seemed like a weak old man in front of him!

"Master, this is the end of the Void Sky that I have realized in the Void Star Realm at the end of the road to heaven. I have condensed the Void Crystal Core." Zhao Yuande replied.

"Okay!" Zhanxian nodded, her face showing relief, and she said with emotion, "At first, the little guy has grown into a towering tree that can shield me from the wind and rain!"

"Master, we solved Daotian first, and then narrate it well!" Zhao Yuande said to put an immortal force into the body of Zhanxian.

Zhanxian only felt an incredible terror of life energy, and at once he replenishes all the consumed life and blood in his body.

At the same time, he also has a feeling of a small puddle facing the ocean and the sea. Zhao Yuande's life force is boundless, but he is just a small puddle.

However, there was no trace of jealousy in his heart at this time, and some were just comfort and excitement.

"Brother Dongfang, you take all the disciples of Luo Qi and Xinghe Zong to the rescue of Zhanxian Palace. Dao and Naive calculate the ledger." Zhao Yuande waved his hands, and tens of thousands of disciples of Xing He Zong appeared along with Roche who just subdued him. .

"Brother Zhao rests assured, everything is left to me!" Dongfangqiao nodded, and turned a group of disciples of Xinghe Zong into the Zhanxian palace.

At this time, Zhao Yuande turned his eyes to Dao Tian and Zhen Yi on the opposite side.

"What... what happened just now!" Daotian suddenly opened his eyes wide, because he found out that there was an extraordinary young man before him.

And beside this young man, War Immortal seemed to be full of energy. The war just now seemed to be a dream.

A strong and terrifying breath came from the young man's body. He felt his heart beating wildly, as if the other party only needed one finger to squeeze himself.

It's not much different from the breath of the Taoist Realm of Fengyun Pavilion!

And the appearance of this young man seems to be somewhat familiar, where have I seen...

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