Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3165: Thirteenth floor

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"Brother Dongfang, come out!"

He took one move and moved Dongfangqiao out of the inner world.

"Here... is it really hell?" Dongfangqiao felt the breath here and couldn't help but startle.

"If I guess right, this is either the twelfth floor or the thirteenth floor. The demon here is equivalent to our level of hundreds of millions of realms." Zhao Yuande said.

"There are a total of 18 layers of **** in legend. What does the 18th layer look like? Can it be compared with the chemical industry?" Dongfangqiao curiously said.

"Eighteenth floor of hell..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It is true, and there are human races in the eighteenth floor of hell, but they are slaves!"

Zhao Yuande said that he couldn't help thinking of the two rescued geniuses in the chemical world in his own inner world.

It is to wait until you have cultivated to reach the Taoist Realm, and enter the chemical and chemical world to release them! Or find the strong in the upper realm among hundreds of millions of realms to bring them back?

"The eighteenth floor of hell, did Brother Zhao go?" Dongfangqiao wondered.

"It's true that it has been cruel than any other place. If you want to go, I will show you next time." Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Don't...Don't, I'm still low, I might be eaten by the Demon Clan when I go!" Dongfangqiao's head shook like a rattle.

"That's good..." Zhao Yuande wanted to say something. Suddenly his face changed, and he took the Dongfang Bridge directly into the void.

Just after they escaped into the void, a black cloud drifted through the sky.

A large **** ship whistled in the black clouds.

A terrible atmosphere of terrible evil emanated from the big ship, and all the monsters in the jungle mountains that had not yet reached all around made a horrified whine.

They buried their heads in the ground, and their bodies seemed to swing.


A series of blasts came, and it turned out that some weak monsters were shattered by this terrifying breath.

At this time, even Zhao Yuande felt that his breathing would be stagnant, and a heart almost stopped beating.

Fortunately, the big **** ship did not stop here, but passed by.

"This is not normal, absolutely not normal, how can there be such a powerful Demon Race here!" Zhao Yuande could not help looking at the **** big ship away, but his face changed slightly.

"Mother! I was almost scared to death!" Dong Fangqiao covered his heart. His heart seemed to be drumming at this time, and he almost jumped out. "Then... what the terrible existence is, I just almost It's going to fall to the ground!"

" least is the powerful existence of the God Realm." Zhao Yuande once felt the breath of Divine Martial Arts in the power trial tower of the Sky God Realm, although it was only a trace, but he was deeply shocked by it.

The existence of this **** ship is not weaker than Shenwu!

"Sacred Vener...Okay!" Dongfangqiao shrank his neck. "Don't you say that this is equivalent to hundreds of millions of realms? Why is there such a horrible existence?"

"I don't know, but we can ask." Zhao Yuande said, "I can pretend to be a cultivator of the Black Fire clan and enter the demon gathering place here."

"I'm not involved in this matter. You should send me back! I will go back to practice for a while." Dongfangqiao hurriedly waved his hand.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

After being sent back to the Oriental Bridge, Zhao Yuande thought for a while, and quickly returned to the 18th floor of **** through the void channel, where he closed himself.

"Xiaoqing, your breath..." At this time, Xiaoqing's breath became much stronger, and even he had a palpitation in the face of Xiaoqing.

"Father! You are finally back. Xiaoqing has been promoted to Tier 7, and now he has watched Bi Dao Zun, and he can finally help his father!" Xiao Qing jumped excitedly to Zhao Yuande's head and turned into a black flame.

"Have you finally reached the seventh order?" Zhao Yuande was also very happy to hear that, "I will take you out to breathe."

He crossed the void again and returned to the **** just now.

With the help of Xiao Qing, he summoned Mo Qilin again, and soon a young genius of the Black Fire clan appeared.

The young genius of the Black Fire clan, Hei Linfeng!

Now that Zhao Yuande's cultivation has been improved, Xiaoqing's level has also been upgraded to level 7. Now, even if he meets the Holy Master, he will not show his feet, and even if the Divine Lord is not particularly concerned, there will be no problem.

"Master, here we are, how can I feel a familiar and strange atmosphere." Mo Qilin's big eyes glanced around.

"Hell, but we don't know how many floors, let's check it out." Zhao Yuande said.

"No wonder it's so familiar." Mo Qilin didn't have any taboos, and started running happily.

It didn't take long for an old city to appear in his sight.

This city is similar to the black wind city of the eighteenth floor of hell. A variety of strange buildings are distributed among them. At first glance, it is a multi-ethnic mixed settlement.

Zhao Yuande unabashedly released his powerful breath, sitting on Mo Qilin's back, his face showing arrogance.

As soon as Zhao Yuande stepped into the city, he immediately caused chaos.

Mo Qilin and his powerful breath were released, and people within thousands of feet of the circle turned their horses upside down, and countless demons were trembling.

At this moment, a bull-headed demon rushed out angrily from a tall building in the distance, but when he felt Zhao Yuande's breath, he almost scared his urine.

"This predecessor...what do you have to do to come to the small city." The Bullhead Clan said in a very humble, very pious tone.

There was deep fear in his eyes.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded with satisfaction. "I am the young master of the eighteen-level Hellfire Clan, Hei Linfeng, because he traced a traitor from the clan to come through the void. How many layers are you here? Who is the strongest? ?"

"The eighteenth floor... The Black Fire Clan... Young Master..." The Bull-head Demon heard Zhao Yuande's words, and this time he really wanted to pee his pants.

The eighteenth layer of **** is in the eyes of these lower **** demons, that is the sky above.

The name of the Black Fire clan is even more terrible, but it is one of the ten demon clan in the eighteenth layer of hell.

The young master of the Black Fire clan, this identity is simply unimaginable.

"Huh?" Zhao Yuande's voice added a little chill.

"Ah... we are the thirteenth floor of hell, controlled by Lord Candle Demon, Lord Lord Demon is a holy sage, and is now retreating in the Devil's Abyss. If you want to summon Lord Candle Demon, I can Message it."

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