Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

The Niu Tau Mo Clan spoke in a hurry, and wished to tell Zhao Yuande everything he knew.

"Forget it, this young master is only following the traitors this time." Zhao Yuande waved his hand, a trace of impatientness on his face, "If anyone of you has seen this human race, tell this young master immediately, this young master will There is a big prize, if anyone can take me to find him, I will give you unexpected benefits!"

"This is a human race!" The Minotaur looked at Zhou's image and couldn't help asking carefully.

"This is the person of my Black Fire clan, but he is good at illusion and turned into a human race!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand impatiently. "Have you seen it?"

All the demons present shook their heads.

"Seniors, rest assured, as long as he appears in the territory of my Black Bull City in hundreds of millions of miles, my Black Bull can find it. I don't know if you are going to live or die?" The Bullhead Demon Clan assured him.

"He is a member of my Black Fire clan. Although he is a traitor, it is not something that you untouchables can get your fingers on!" Zhao Yuande repeated, "I will give you unexpected benefits if you find him!"

"Seniors rest assured..." The Niutou Mozu nodded hurriedly, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

In fact, it was terrifying in his heart. He just sent away a superpower, and now there is another one. Is **** so unsafe?

Lord Candle Magic admonishes us not to anger these high-level beings, otherwise he will never control our lives.

"I will live under your weight for a while, and give me time to work, otherwise...hey!" Zhao Yuande licked his lips, a vicious expression on his face.

"Yes! Yes!" The Minotaur were extremely bitter in their hearts, but they dared not say half a word.

"Small men, look out for me immediately, and explore this human race in all directions... The news of the Black Fire clan traitor who does not turn into a human race, if there is any income, this senior will definitely not be stingy and rewarding!" Countless demons cried.

A large number of demons in the city rushed out of the city and flew in all directions.

None of these guys are fools. Surviving in this terrible and harsh environment, they would rather go out to deal with some monsters than to stay in a city with this terrifying existence.

After just a few breaths, the entire city was almost empty.

Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stunned a bit, these guys seemed to hide themselves from the **** of plague.

"The genus went down to look for it!" Seeing this situation, the Niu Tau Mo Clan certainly would not stay here alone, and was planning to take the opportunity to escape.

"Slow down!" Zhao Yuande sneered. "You don't have to go. Stay by my side and wait for life. I still have many questions to ask you!"

"Yes!" The Niu Tau Mo Clan suddenly seemed to have lost its vitality, and became languishing.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid that I ate you? I don't have such a good appetite. I won't let you down if I live well." Zhao Yuande fangs his teeth, showing his white teeth.

"Then... that dare, I will try my best to serve my senior!" The Niu Tau Mo Clan was almost scared to death. "The senior still drove my city's main palace. It's too messy and doesn't match your noble identity!"


Zhao Yuande sits high on the throne in the main palace of the city, and the Minotaur and his hundreds of wives and concubines stand respectfully below.

They all had a look of uncertainty on their faces, wondering if the strong man from the eighteenth **** had any bad habits.

"Tell me about the strange things that have happened in your Black Bull City these days? Such as the appearance of Vortex Vortex, Space-Time Wormhole, Space Crack and the like?" Zhao Yuande holding a beast horn wine glass, slowly shaking the scarlet liquid in it.

"Seniors also ask this kind of question. Do you and the previous one..." The Bullhead Clan said that it seemed to remember something at once, and hurriedly closed his mouth.

"Go on, the one in front of me who is riding on a big **** ship?" Zhao Yuande asked casually.

"Yes, this is the strong man!" The bull-head demons mentioned this person with more fear on his face. "This powerful and incredible, I can still stand still in the face of the predecessor, but when the one appeared, I stood still. There is no courage, only to kneel and tremble."

"This strong man is a deity, you naturally can't resist, this one also raised the same questions as me?" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! It is true. The problem of this predecessor is exactly the same as yours." said Niu Tau Mo Clan.

"Then how did you answer?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other, looking at his flashing eyes. "If you lie, your wives and concubines, the heirs who wrap you underground will become the rations of my mount. !"


Mo Qilin burst into a terrible roar in due course.

The roar is mixed with the horror power of the six-character mantra of Fumen, which has a huge impact on these demons in an instant.

"Wow wow!"

The Ngau Tau Mozu and its hundreds of wives and concubines all open their mouths and vomit blood. Their faces are extremely pale, and the sight of Mo Qilin is full of infinite fear.

The roar just now made them feel a horrible suppression from the origin, making them seem to feel the coming of the end.

"Seniors spare their lives, seniors spare their lives!" The Bullhead Clan and the hundreds of wives and concubines behind him all fell to their knees and begged for mercy.

"Speak!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand lightly.

"There are indeed frequent space cracks in the 30 million miles southwest of our Black Bull City, but our qualifications are dull, and no one is proficient in the sky of the sky, so I just explored a few eyes and did not dare to be too close... "The bull-head demon hurriedly poured beans into the bamboo tube, and told all the things that he knew, Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande nodded again and again. The 30 million miles in the West was where he had appeared before.

"How many times has the space crack there recently?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Three times, there have been three times in the last ten years." The Bullhead Clan replied. "The last time was seven days ago, the second time was three months ago, and the earliest time was five years ago."

"Okay, let's go down! If there is news of our traitors, come over immediately, if there is no news... be careful of your children and grandchildren!" Zhao Yuande sneered coldly.

"Yes! Yes!" Niu Tau Mozu body shivering, turned and retreated.

"You gangs of useless ladies, immediately go out to find me. If you find them, you'll just die. If you can't find them, you'll die!" Walking out of the hall, the Ngau Tau Mozu pointed at his usual spoils of many wives and concubines. .

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