Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3181: God Moon Palace

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Only by achieving Dao Zun, she felt that she was qualified to stand with Zhao Yuande, and there was hope between them!

"Brother Dongfang, have you forgotten Mengfan Fairy?" Zhao Yuande smiled, "You said to me, you must practice to Dao Zun Realm, then Mengfan Fairy..."

"Yes! For the sake of Mengfan Fairy, I'm out!" Dongfangqiao heard the name Mengfan Fairy, and suddenly his eyes lighted up, and his eyes sparkled.

"That's right! Everyone has their own goals and everyone has their own things to do." Zhao Yuande nodded, "Come on! I teach you a life-saving method, but you have to remember, this This kind of exercise can’t be passed on without my permission, otherwise it will bring death to yourself, even to your family. The name of this kind of exercise is called the undead...

Zhao Yuande taught the two to be immortal, but also after careful consideration, otherwise how could he be relieved to leave them to do his own thing.

Of course, Zhao Yuande didn't pay for each other, and summoned Mo Qilin, and passed on the skills of the undead.

The two men and one beast get the undead physical exercises, and they are all very excited.

They dug a temporary cave house among the mountains, and practiced in it for more than ten days.

Two people and one beast finally cultivated the undead body to the state of rebirth.

This is also due to the huge effect of the life **** fluid absorbed under the deep pool last time.

With an immortal body, they can also be considered to have self-protected capital and hole cards, as long as they are careful, there should be no major problems.

The rest will depend on their luck!

However, according to Zhao Yuande, these two can meet themselves and become their friends, which is already a great luck.

The farewell two, Zhao Yuande sent Mo Qilin into the inner world to practice again, but he was heading towards the depths of the Tai Cangjie.

The Tai Cang Realm is infinitely vast and vast.

Zhao Yuande's current cultivation is that he can't fly in the Tai Cang Realm for a long time, and even if he can fly, he needs to take care of the crises in the void, such as the powerful **** bird, the terrible void storm, and the broken void crack...

According to the guidance of that tyrannical idea, that kind of powerful summoning power, he overturned a huge mountain, passed through a dangerous area, and did not know how many powerful monsters, and finally appeared. Before a vast ocean.

"I feel that the power of summoning is in the depths of the ocean, but it is really too dangerous here!" Zhao Yuande Soul just explored the tens of thousands of miles of water, and saw several powerful sea monsters in the ups and downs .

Each of these monsters in the sea is equivalent to a powerful existence of the peak of Dao Zun, and the breath is not weaker than the earth dragon and Jinpeng he has encountered before.


An angry roar came from his knowledge.

The shaking mind buzzed and almost spouted a sip of blood.

Because at this time his soul explored a vast sea continent, this sea continent turned out to be a huge whale!

The whale seemed to feel provoked by his dignity and gave an angry roar.

The strength of this **** whale has exceeded Dao Zun Realm and reached the Realm of Sacred Venerable, not even weaker than the old guys of the two Saints Alliance before.

He hurried backwards and withdrew tens of thousands of miles in a row, and the terrible breath gradually disappeared.

He was a little shocked, if the **** whale just wanted to kill himself just now, he probably would die here.

These are only peripheral monsters, what will you encounter in the deep sea!

Zhao Yuande didn’t dare to think about it. He felt that he had a long way to go. It was impossible to go deep into the deep sea!

"What should I do? Do we have to go back to practice slowly and wait for the realm to rise again?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help thinking.

When he was somewhat at a loss, a shadow came from a distance and landed on a mountain not far from him.

Zhao Yuande could feel the strong breath of the coming person and couldn't help but see his eyes through.

A total of three people came, one was a gray-haired old man, one was a curvy young girl, and one was a handsome young man.

The girl seemed to be in a good position. The handsome young man said various pleasing words from time to time, showing admiration and love for the girl in his eyes.

The gray-haired old man stood behind the girl like a wooden pile, and there was no trace of his breath.

However, as soon as Zhao Yuande's eyes fell on the other person's body, he immediately felt a sense of danger passing along his own eyes, and he couldn't help but shake his heart.

The strength of this old man is at least the Holy Master!

"Zuiyue cousin, this is Zhenyuehai of Tai Cangjie. Legend has it that the strongest treasure Zhenyue monument in Taicangjie was nurtured in this ocean!" Feeling like spring breeze.

The girl's face seemed a bit sad. Although she heard a brief introduction from the young man, she smiled politely, but she still couldn't hide the deep worry in her eyes.

"Cousin, I'm sorry, I really have no interest in hanging out. Let's go back!" said the girl.

"Okay! Cousin Aoyue is missing, and we are very anxious. You are not a way to go on like this." The young man shook his head helplessly and sighed. "You God Moon Palace and our Alliance of Saints have joined forces to put pressure on hell. I believe it is very News will come back soon."

"I... I don't want to, but my sister has lived with me since she was a child. How can I be happy when she is missing." The girl said helplessly, "I also know that my cousin has good intentions, but..."

Their conversation was not deliberately disguised, and Zhao Yuande naturally listened clearly.

God Moon Palace! Aoyue!

Zhao Yuande heard these two names and couldn't help moving.

There are still two people who were rescued from the eighteenth layer of **** in his own world. Among them, the woman Gu Aoyue was born in Shenyue Palace.

He also secretly inquired about the name of Shenyue Palace, and learned that this is the super power of Zhongzhou, another continent of the chemical industry, and it is not weaker than the strength of the Saint Alliance.

However, Zhongzhou is known as the center of the chemical industry, and the cultivation resources there are extremely rich, so all the powerful forces have chosen to develop in Zhongzhou.

In Zhongzhou, there are not ten or eight such forces of the Saint Alliance, and there are even more powerful forces than the winner alliance.

He was almost certain that the Aoyue they said was Gu Aoyue, but he did not dare to directly release Gu Aoyue from the world in his body.

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