Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3182: Cave house

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If it is released, if the other party asks how he can come and go freely in **** and the outside world, he cannot explain this.

"Please also ask Miss, but a disciple of Shenyue Palace?" Zhao Yuande came forward and asked with a fist.

The old man with white hair looked a little alert in Zhao Yuande's gaze, but he didn't care too much.

Zhao Yuande's cultivation practice is only half-track respecting the realm, and the girl and the young man are all Taoist realm.

Although they can't make their debut debut here, the elders don't think the other party poses any threats to their own girls.

"Who are you?" The young man couldn't help frowning at this moment, showing his realm on his face, "What do you want to do?"

"Cousin, I don't think this person is malicious, so don't be so nervous." The girl waved her hand and grinned at Zhao Yuande. "This uncle, don't know what's wrong with you?"

Obviously, the old man and the young man slacked off when they heard the girl's words, and they had no doubt about the girl's words.

Being able to realize that he was not malicious, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but also secretly startled.

Does the other party have some kind of powerful innate magical power like Oriental Bridge?

"Uh..." Zhao Yuande was silent for a moment before speaking. "Can we talk a little bit?"

The old man glanced at Zhao Yuande, but did not say anything, apparently full of confidence in himself.

"Cousin..." The young man whispered, "Be careful and cheat."

"Cousin, don't you believe my magical power?" The girl looked at Zhao Yuande strangely, and there was a hint of expectation in her face, "Uncle, let's go over there."

"Good!" Zhao Yuande looked at the girl with a smile on his face.

This girl feels very strange, with a delicate and clear, pure water-like feeling.

"Uncle, what do you want to say?" The girl sent a voice to Zhao Yuande, "They will never overhear our voice, you can rest assured!"

"Actually... I have seen Gu Aoyue!" Zhao Yuande preached.

"I knew it! I knew it!" The girl heard Zhao Yuande say this, and she couldn't help expressing the expression on her face. "I was on a whim today and felt that there would be nobles here, so I asked Uncle Dong to bring me over, I didn’t expect you to be Uncle!"

"I'm on a whim? Feeling that I will be here?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

"Uncle is definitely not a person of my Zhongzhou. I must have never heard of my name before." The girl's face showed a trace of self-confidence and arrogance. "Uncle, you remember my name is Gu Shenyue! Waiting for you one day When you arrive in Zhongzhou, you will know what I mean today!"

At this moment, Zhao Yuande felt that the other party was like a little **** stick, fooling himself constantly.

"Going to Zhongzhou?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

"Good! I feel that Uncle should meet me in Zhongzhou in the near future!" A smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Okay! I remember the name Gu Shenyue!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "As for whether I will go to Zhongzhou in the future, I don't know, but you don't want to know your sister's news?"

"Think! Uncle tell me quickly!" The girl Gu Shenyue heard the word of her sister, and the kind of arrogance and self-confidence disappeared. Instead, a girl worried about her sister's anxiety.

"You have to swear not to pass this time out, otherwise your sister's life may not be guaranteed." Zhao Yuande said severely.

At this time in his heart, he couldn't help but have a bold idea. If he could get the sanctuary of the God Moon Palace, even if the threat of the Saint Alliance could not be lifted, he could also use the power of the God Moon Palace to go to Zhongzhou without being threatened by the Saint Alliance .

"I swear..." Gu Shenyue took the oath without hesitation.

"I know a friend called Xinghe. He once entered eighteen layers of hell. He rescued your sister by coincidence, but because she was wanted by the Saint Alliance, she couldn't show up." Zhao Yuande said.

"Do you want me to help lift the Saints Union's wanted?" Gu Shenyue's eyes blinked, a meaningful expression on his face.

"Yes, he doesn't dare to appear in Tai Cang Realm or show up. You need to do this if you want to save your sister." Zhao Yuande shrugged helplessly.

"I... I can try it, but I don't necessarily succeed!" Gu Shenyue nodded a moment and agreed, "If I succeed, where will we meet?"

"You come here! I will practice around here." Zhao Yuande said.

"Thank you uncle, wait for my good news!" Gu Shenyue Zheng nodded intently and said slightly, "I hope that Uncle can let the galaxy at that time and bring my sister here."

"One word!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Zhao Yuande, in fact, also has a match, no one, it is better to be able to lift the wanted.

It doesn't matter if it can't be relieved, he will still hand Gu Aoyue to the other party, and it is not bad to get the friendship of Shenyue Palace.

The girl returned to the old man and the young man, did not talk much, but just said a word.

The young man turned his head to look at Zhao Yuande suspiciously, and a cold color appeared in his eyes.

Zhao Yuande looked at the young man's eyes and could not help frowning slightly, but he did not care, but quietly escaped into the void and disappeared in place.

Then he quietly dived into the sea, fighting with monsters and beasts on the bottom of the sea, constantly tempering his cultivation and improving his strength.

The sea is rich in resources, and monsters and beasts are countless.

Zhao Yuande soon discovered that there were other practitioners in the sea.

These people seem to be exploring in one direction, very purposeful.

Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm space enveloped the Quartet, and he quickly got the information he wanted from the conversations of several people.

"I heard that a mysterious cave house was found in this sea a few days ago?"

"Yes, this mysterious cave mansion should be left by a powerful deity. The monster that is guarded outside is a powerful presence in the realm of the deity."

"Holy beast of the Holy Realm! So powerful, do we have a chance?"

"Several saints of the League of Saints are on their way. As long as they can kill the Sacred Realm monster, we will rush into the chaos."

"Not bad..."

Dongfu where the **** left?

Zhao Yuande's eyes showed some interest.

The reason why my own power is too slow is because of insufficient resources. If there are sufficient resources, I can quickly promote myself to Dao Zun Realm.

As long as he is promoted to Dao Zun Realm, he will be able to contend with the strongest person at the peak of Dao Zun Realm.

His scruples will also be much less, and it is considered to have a self-protection force.

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