Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3191: Fang Yemei

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"If you don't believe it!" Zhao Yuande is not entangled. "But since we are all people in the chemical industry, why should you leave us the inheritance? Isn't it a capital enemy?"

"You are wrong. There is no boundary in the way of cultivation. As long as my inheritance can continue, it doesn't matter where. My hometown is the Tai Cang Realm, which has been destroyed by the chemical world, and there is no possibility of rebuilding! Although there is invincible hatred among them, the supernatural cultivation is my life's hard work and it needs to be inherited." There was also a helplessness and a contradiction in the tone of the voice.

"Okay! It doesn't matter, if I get your heritage, I will definitely pass it on." Zhao Yuande nodded.

He was somewhat able to understand the contradiction in the other party's heart, and he also agreed with his approach.

Time passed a little bit.

Three days later, a figure appeared not far from Zhao Yuande.

This is a petite and delicate woman, with a black veil on her face, only a pair of bright eyes.

"Who are you?" The woman noticed the presence of Zhao Yuande for the first time, and her eyes looked up and down on him.

"I am Zhao Yuande, I don't know who the girl is?" Zhao Yuande did not conceal his identity and said his real name.

Of course, no one really knows his real name. Both the billions of realms and the chemical world know the name of the galaxy.

"My name is Ye Mei!" the woman said her name.

"Oh! It turned out to be the night girl, congratulations on passing the test!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"You... haven't heard of my name? You are not a cultivator of Dongsheng Continent... but a cultivator of other continents!" The woman named Ye Mei was shocked when she saw Zhao Yuande's indifference.

"I am not a cultivator in the chemical industry, but from the lower realm!" Zhao Yuande said with a smile.

"Netherworld! How could you be a genius like you." The woman named Ye Mei looked at Zhao Yuande again, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes, "You... are you a galaxy?"

"Hehe! You guessed it." Zhao Yuande chuckled.

"Xinghe! You are so brave, how dare you enter here, aren't you afraid that the Saint Alliance will capture you?" Ye Mei looked at Zhao Yuande strangely.

"I'm afraid I won't come!" Zhao Yuande smiled and shook his head. "Besides, only the strongest people in the Daozun realm can enter. What am I afraid of with my strength."

"So confident, aren't you afraid that Shen Yutian and I will join forces... to know that your value is very high." Ye Mei's voice was somewhat harsh.

"You can try it if you are not afraid of dying." Zhao Yuande spread his hands and looked at himself.

"Okay!" Ye Mei's voice disappeared sharply, and there was a look of interest in her eyes. "I didn't have that interest, but the guy Shen Yutian would not let you go for a while."

"I won't let him go." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

Listening to the other party's tone, Zhao Yuande knew that Ye Mei's reputation seemed to be great, and he couldn't help but curious souls swept across the other party.

"Fang Yemei, someone from the Fang family in Taicang Mountain?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stunned when he saw the other's message.

I didn't expect to see the real Fang family here.

He still remembers that at the time of the Huangquan River, the supreme strongman entrusted himself with an Excalibur, and brought himself to a woman named Fang Yuetian in the Fang Family of Taicang Mountain.

The Excalibur is still in his body quietly, completely sinking into silence as if it were just a dead object.

"Are you Fang's family?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but asked.

"You know Fang's?" Fang Ye's eyes revealed the difference in his eyes.

"I just guessed." Zhao Yuande smiled, "Although I am a lower-level cultivator, but it is not a completely closed person, I still heard the name Fang Yemei slightly."

"You're lying!" Fang Yemei's eyes were fierce, and a murderous body poured out to lock Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a ferocious viper, and he would be bitten if he was not careful.

"What do I lie, is it necessary to lie?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning when he saw the other party's reaction. He knew that there must be a hidden feeling he didn't know.

"I'm walking in the chemical industry. I have never talked about my Fang family, nor have I used the name Fang Yemei. Others just know that I am called Yemei!" Fang Yemei's voice was cold, and a pair of eyes fixed on Zhao Yuande. "Say, how did you know my name?"

"Don't be so nervous." Zhao Yuande was helpless in the face of the other party's threat, but then he waved his hand, "I not only know you, but also Fang Yuetian."

"Aunt... How can you know your aunt's name, you are not Xinghe... who the **** are you!" Fang Yemei heard Fang Yuetian's name, and she couldn't help but look horrified.

Since that incident, my aunt has been hidden in the family since then. I don’t know how many thousands of years now. In addition to the number of people such as the father, even the family has gradually forgotten the name.

The other party mentioned the name now, which made Fang Yemei feel unusual for a while. How could the other party know her aunt's name?

Could it be that person is back?

"Uh...this..." Zhao Yuande hesitated, should he tell the other person the existence of that person, but the senior had originally sent the sword to Fang's house, Fang Yuetian himself.

"You have to tell me something today, otherwise... I will capture you by hand!" Fang Yemei's voice was cold.

"Night girl, how can I work with you to take this person down?" At this moment, the sky shook, and Shen Yutian appeared with a sense of anger, not far away from the two. A pair of eyes fell on Zhao Yuande's body.

"Shen Yutian, it's none of your business, leave me!" Fang Yemei's voice was extremely cold and murderous.

"Oh...Okay!" Shen Yutian's complexion changed, but she finally showed a smile on her face and slowly backed away. "As long as the night girl needs it, just shout, I will not look back."

"Speak!" Fang Yemei looked at Zhao Yuande, seeming to have an insatiable persistence.

"There is no need to be so nervous! It's just a name." Zhao Yuande was helpless, he was thinking about whether to tell the other party.

"Say..." Fang Yemei's voice was cold, and people had gradually approached him.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande felt that the opponent was very powerful, much stronger than Shen Yutian.

He didn't want to have conflicts with him, and knew that the other party was really Fang's family, and he had a close relationship with Fang Yuetian, telling her that there should be no big deal.

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