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"All right! All right! I tell you, don't be so close!" Zhao Yuande said, "Actually I was entrusted by a senior..."

He just said this, and he didn't go on.

"A senior!" Fang Yemei's eyes lit up at once, and she did not continue to ask, but nodded silently, solemnly said, "If this matter is true, I will help you solve your problem, If it is false, I will kill you myself!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

He can hear the kind of self-confidence in the other party's mouth, can this Fang family also affect the winner's alliance?

"Night girl, this person has a big enmity with me!" Shen Yutian heard something not quite right, and could not help saying.

"There's nothing about you here, go away!" Fang Yemei sneered coldly, "No one can move him until some things are not cleared!"

"Night girl, don't think that you are a few nouns higher than me on the Dongsheng continent genius list. I am Shen Yutian not the same as Shen Yutian before!" Shen Yutian is so proud that when he hears the other party does not give himself face, Even more blaming himself, he finally couldn't help it.

Shen Yutian had just gained huge benefits in his trial scene just now, and mastered a powerful magical power. According to his estimation, his strength has increased at least three to five times.

If you play against yourself before, you can win with a sword.

Although the legend of this night is very mysterious and powerful, he is really not afraid now.

"Go away!" Ye Mei's voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were terrified with a terrible murder.

"Don't be impulsive at night girl, this person has a grudge against me, let me solve him personally!" Zhao Yuande came out with a smile at this time.

He is not used to being protected by a woman behind him, which feels bad.

"Oh! Is that so? That's okay!" Fang Yemei glanced at Zhao Yuande and couldn't help but nodded slightly, his body backed away.

Fang Yemei was also very curious about Zhao Yuande's strength at this time.

"Boy, you are finally here! Give me death!"

Shen Yutian was scolded by Fang Yemei at this time, and the anger in his heart could not be restrained. Seeing Zhao Yuande take the initiative to come out, he immediately revealed his murderous opportunity.

The cold sword light has broken through. The temperature of the whole hall has suddenly dropped by a few times. The surrounding walls are covered with thick ice flowers at this moment.

"I have already learned your means, and this time you should also try my means!" Zhao Yuande turned a blind eye to the cold sword, but moved towards Shen Yutian with a fist.

"Hey! You are dead, you underestimated my sword, you are dead!" Shen Yutian saw that the other party couldn't avoid it, letting his sword fall down, he couldn't help but utter a surly laugh. .

His sword alone is the fifth-generation chemical treasure, and its power is equivalent to the attack of the Holy Supreme Power. It can kill a Dao Zun late strong with one sword, and even the peak of Dao Zun must be very careful.

And the other party is now apparently only half-walker Zun Pinnacle, how is it possible to withstand this blow!

Fang Yemei not far away couldn't help but frown at this time, she also felt that Zhao Yuande was too big.

However, she knew that Zhao Yuande was not waiting for so long as she was wanted by the Saints Union for so long, and she was still nourished.

"You are too happy to be too early!" Zhao Yuande's corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the world's power of 36 million real spirits in the body had already gathered into one, turning into an invisible giant palm. Squeezed the sword light cut down.

"This... what the **** is this?" Shen Yutian could not see the power of the world, only felt that his sword seemed to be chopped on a mass of cotton, and a strong force came from it, which seemed to be abrupt. Robbed his sword.

This shock was not trivial, he urged his strength to fight against it, and his forehead instantly sweated.

Because he found that he was dragged forward to meet the opponent's fist by this force.

A terrible crisis came suddenly, and he couldn't help shivering.

He knew that if he continued, he might be killed by the opponent's boxing!

Shen Yutian was not an ordinary person. When he took the opportunity, he immediately released the sword in his mouth, and his body quickly retreated.

Zhao Yuande glanced at Shen Yutian slightly unexpectedly, but the other party was really decisive.

But the next sharp sword had fallen into his hands.

The divine sword was radiant and generous, and bright white light was continuously emitted.

The true spirits have recovered spontaneously and attacked Zhao Yuande!

"Well! Good things make fairy treasures! But struggling is useless, obey me!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, and the powerful world power completely covered it.


The Excalibur made a buzzing sound, which seemed to be struggling against the world power of Zhao Yuande.

It is a pity that Zhao Yuande has already opened 36 million real spirit worlds at this time, of which the power of the world is immense, and now they are gathered together into an invisible big hand, enough to be a strong in the early stage Those who regret it, is it a weapon that can be countered?

In an instant, the Excalibur was imprisoned by Zhao Yuande and thrown into the inner world at will.

"This..." At this time, even Fang Yemei looked a little dumbfounded.

What the **** is this? If a piece of five-product chemistry fairy, if it recovers autonomously, it is at least equivalent to a strong man in the later stage of Dao Zunjing, so he is easily imprisoned by the other party!

How strong is the opponent's strength?

She suddenly felt a little ridiculous at this moment, and she was threatening the other side just now, and even wanted to protect the other side!

She couldn't help but redden at the thought of this.

"You... how could you be so powerful!" Shen Yutian looked at Zhao Yuande in consternation at this moment, and she already had regrets in her heart.

"Don't think that you can kill me if you increase your strength. I don't know that when you increase your strength, I am also improving, and more than you are! You are the one who died this time!" Zhao Yuande sneered and strode toward Shen Yutian, eyes Blink killing.

"Although you are strong, you can't kill me!" Although Shen Yutian was shocked, she didn't panic.

He is a powerful genius of the Saint Alliance, and has a mysterious background. There are definitely many life-saving cards on his body. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to kill himself.

"Then I will let you get out!" Zhao Yuande's face was cold and flickered up.

The always huge fist has appeared in front of Shen Yutian, and at the same time comes the endless power of terror suppression.

This force is everywhere and permeable.

Shen Yutian only felt like she was being suppressed by an invisible force, and even felt some pain in her breath.

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