Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3204: Never give up

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"Juhong Divine Venerable, Shen Yu is naively dead? Who killed it! That thunderstruck, we are almost unable to withstand it!" Like ink, the forehead has a horn, not a pure human.

However, his breath is extremely powerful, several times stronger than that of Ju Hong

"Oh God Divine Venerable, that junior killed Shen Yutian!" Ju Hong God Venerate pointed to Zhao Yuande on the steps, "He is also the galaxy wanted by our Saint Alliance!"

"He is Xinghe? Why didn't he catch him, and let him get away with it!" Wu Tianshen Zun's eyes were cold, looking at Zhao Yuande.

"Tian Tianshen Zun, don't you find this mountain is familiar?" Ju Hong Shen Zun pointed to Shenshan, a little helpless.

"This mountain..."Zhe Tianshen Zun looked at this sea-mountain mountain and could not help frowning slightly, "This is... the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps of Donglin Shenshan! I rely on... how can I be here Appeared, is this ruin turned out to be the site of Donglin Shenshan!"

Su Tianshen Zun's eyes first doubted, then shocked, and finally became a deep greed.

"Good! The ruins of Donglin Shenshan, but you need someone to climb to the top of Shenshan to climb into the mountains. There are 9,999 steps... Not everyone can go up!" Juhong Shenzun looked The greed in the other person's eyes couldn't help but a bitter smile.

"Didn't Shen Yutian reach the summit?" God Celestial Master couldn't help but ask, "He's the first genius of my Saint Alliance."

"Will we stand here if he climbs to the top? Will he be beheaded by the galaxy?" Juhong Divine Venerable said.

"Oh... I forgot!" Wu Tianshen Zun grinned, "So what shall we do now?"

"Waiting for the arrival of the God Moon Palace!" Ju Hong Shen Zun shrugged helplessly.

"The man in the Shenyue Palace..." When Tian Tianzun heard the Shenyue Palace, his face suddenly changed.

It was also at this time that Zhao Yuande set foot on the 9000th order, and at this time a piece of a message from his inner world suddenly passed the voice of a woman.

"You are Xinghe, did you kill your cousin? Why did you kill him!" The woman's voice was the girl named Gu Shenyue.

There was obviously a bit of anger in her voice, with a hint of questioning tone.

"Miss Gu Shenyue, it's not that I wanted to kill him, but that he was forcing me to kill him. I gave him many opportunities and he didn't cherish it, and threatened me with family and friends. I dare not let this kind of person Living in the world." Although Zhao Yuande didn't expect that the other party would question him by passing the jade symbol, he didn't even care, and his voice was not very polite.

"Cousin...shouldn't be such a person!" Gu Shenyue heard Zhao Yuande's reply and seemed to be silent for a while, with a trace of uncertainty in his tone.

"Miss, I said earlier that he is such a person!" The old man's voice came from Yufu.

"Well! Although there is something wrong with your cousin, you should not kill him. How do you tell me to tell my uncle!" Gu Shenyue's tone was obviously helpless.

"Miss, your uncle and cousin are all the same, and they will only become more powerful. This kind of person does not need to be bothered!" The old man said, "And if the eldest lady can get it back, this person's life and death will not matter at all! "

"But Cousin...he..." Gu Shenyue's voice was low at this time.

"Miss, this person blames himself, even if the palace owner knows that it will not appease, the matter of the elder lady is the key!" said the old man.

"I had no choice but to do this!" Gu Shenyue seemed a little helpless. "Since something happened, then... save it. I hope you really have news of my sister."

"Forget's that simple!" Zhao Yuande didn't expect that the old man at Shenyue Palace would intercede for him like this. He couldn't help but make a decision, "Since that's the case, then I don't talk too much nonsense, wait for me This time coming out of the sea, I will take you to see your sister!"

"Really?" Gu Shenyue's voice was obviously a little excited.

"I Zhao Yuande never said a word!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

After this matter was resolved, Zhao Yuande seemed to put down a big stone in his heart.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the God Moon Palace, the Saint Alliance will love this place!

Originally, he wanted to reward him and became a dead enemy. What else could he want?

Doesn't the other party want him if he doesn't kill Shen Yutian? Don't they covet the oval boulder on their body?

Things about the world soul, how can they let go!

His footsteps on the steps were more firm!

Time passed quickly, and when Zhao Yuande set foot on the nine hundred and ninety floors, many people's breathing was tense and rapid.

"What's the matter? Why haven't the people of Shenyue Palace yet arrived? Are they indifferent to Shen Yutian's death?" Juhong Shenzun couldn't help being anxious at this time.

"What should we do? Do we have to wait? Can't we climb the mountain with our strength?" Wu Tianshen Zun was also anxious at this time and wanted to try it!

"No need to try, I have tried it, and I was suppressed after I went up, just like ordinary practitioners!" Juhong Shenzun waved his hand.

"So against the sky?" Ao Tianshen didn't believe it, and stepped on the steps.

But at the next moment, his face was very unsightly, and he stepped back.

"I have already sent a letter to the Lord. It takes a while for his old man to come across the border. Let's continue to wait!" Juhong Divine Lord was helpless and could only make his final choice.

Zhao Yuande has now reached the last step.

Here, as Xu said, he really has a powerful magical power.

It was a majestic mountain that stood in the void, and the endless power of terror rumbled on the mountain.

"The last time I missed this supernatural power because I wanted to perfect the Holy Communion, but I didn't expect it to be met again this time! If I give up again, I'm a fool!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a touch of joy. , Began to appreciate the horror magic power carried in that majestic mountain.

Time passed in a hurry, and three days passed in an instant.

The Void concussed, a strong man whose male body was shrouded in golden light stepped out of the Void.

"See Venerable Lord!" Juhong Venerable and Wu Tianvenu saw the strong man, and they all couldn't help but walked forward to salute respectfully.

"What the **** happened? Why did Yutian die here?" Although the voice of the Lord was calm and quiet, there was a kind of heart-pounding power in it.

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