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In just one sentence, Ju Hong Shen Zun and Wu Tian Shen Zun turned pale, and the whole body was shaking!

"Sovereign Lord... This is the case!" Juhong Divine Sect hurriedly circulated the matter, and said it carefully, without even daring to hide it.

"Oh! This galaxy is so against the sky!" A pair of eyes twinkled by the Lord shrouded in golden light.

"Xinghe has reached the ninety-ninth order, and has been sitting on it for three days and three nights!" Juhong Shenzun said.

"It has reached the last stage!" The voice of the Lord shrouded in the golden light was a little shocked. "Is he enlightening that kind of magical power! If so, this child is really a **** against the sky, If you can join my Alliance of Saints..."

His words stopped here, and then there was a look of helplessness on his face.

"Unfortunately, he killed Yutian, but he has the background of the God Moon Palace. If it is not handled properly, our Saint Alliance may be implicated." The Lord enveloped in the golden light sighed, "Yes, Didn’t you send the letter to the goddess of the God Moon Palace? She should have come too!”

"I've passed the news long ago, but I haven't responded, and the goddess hasn't come yet." Juhong Shenzun replied.

"It seems a bit unconventional!" The Lord enveloped in the golden light frowned, "I personally contact this goddess!"

After a while, the Lord's face was very unsightly.

"Damn! Shenyue Palace is so arrogant!" The Venerable Master could not help but swear.

"Sovereign Lord, don't you..." Juhong Shenzun couldn't help but curiously asked.

"The old thing said that Shen Yutian was a disciple of our Alliance of Saints. They didn't even care about it, and they still questioned us!" The prince angrily dissipated the golden light, exposing a long-bearded old man, at this time the old-bearded old man's beard Shaking all the time, "That old thing still warns me that we must hand over the murderer, otherwise we will return to the upper level of the God Moon Palace!"

"..." Juhong Shenzun stopped talking.

He saw that the Lord was really angry, and he might be angry at him if he didn't speak well.

"Boom!" Above the Shenshan Mountain, there was a tremendous loud noise.

Everyone looked up.

They only saw a gigantic mountain shining in the void.

The surrounding sea water was emptied by this giant mountain in an instant, and huge waves were already set off on the sea surface at this time. I don’t know how many monsters in the sea were squeezed into powder at this moment.

"That kind of power! It's terrible!" Many practitioners couldn't help but show a deep fear in their eyes.

Zhao Yuande held the palm of his hand at this time, and it was he who released the **** mountain.

After three days, he finally gradually introduced this magical power.

The power of this trick made him all satisfied.

"Although the power of this move is not as good as the reincarnation of the heavens, it is above the Shura hell, and there have been many changes since then. For the deterrence of the soul, the suppression of the flesh, the imprisonment of space... Combined with many Heavenly Paths under my control, it releases various effects.” Zhao Yuande was a little excited in his voice. “The cost of this move is not that huge. It’s a pity that I missed it before! Lucky! Yes, it made me encounter it again."

"He actually realized the magical power of Kunwu Shenshan! And it was still in just three days!" The Lord Lord could not help but grow his mouth in shock!

"Is this kind of magical power very powerful?" Juhong Divine Venerable asked.

"Not only is it so powerful, this kind of magical power is endless. Whether it is offensive, defensive, imprisonment, or repression, it is like a fish. Even the Juntianzhang in our Alliance of Saints is not as good as it was! Named!" The Lord's face was twitching constantly, and his beard was trembling. "Be sure to capture this and let him surrender the cultivation method. My Alliance of Saints may use this magical power to take it to the next level. !"

"What! It's so against the sky!" Wu Tianshen respected one's elite and grew his mouth. "But... but we can't get up, how do we catch it?"

"Try every means! Hold him! As long as anyone can hold him, I will promise him any condition!" The Lord's face showed greed.

A kind of powerful magical power that allows Donglin Shenshan to stand in the endless years of the Tai Cang Realm. If you get it by yourself, your own cultivation might break through the final shackles, so there is a trace of hope for promotion to dominate!

As long as you can be promoted to dominate, the status of the Saint Alliance will be greatly improved, and you may not look at the faces of several superpowers in Zhongzhou in the future!

Of course, all of this is after getting that kind of supernatural power, so at this moment he even has a urge to rush to capture Zhao Yuande on the mountain.

However, he knew that even if it is dominated here, they may not be able to capture the opponent across the distance of this **** mountain, but also be suppressed by this **** mountain!

Because this **** mountain is the legendary Zhenyue Shenbei of the Tai Cang Realm. It is connected with the Tai Cang Realm. If the Tai Cang Realm is not destroyed, the Shen Mountain will not be destroyed, and it will exert its powerful power.

Therefore, even the battle between the chemical industry and the Tai Cang World did not break the Shenshan Mountain, and many powerful people who coveted the Shenshan Mountain were killed by the Shenshan Mountain instead.

The key is the spirit of the realm of the world!

If you can get the soul of the Tai Cang Realm, you can not only get control of the Tai Cang Realm, but also get this God Mountain and control this God Mountain!

Zhao Yuande urged the power of Shenshan at will and felt very satisfied.

He felt the strong breath that sent him under the Shenshan Mountain, which made him feel heart palpitations. He knew that it was the top of the Saint Alliance.

He has no retreat now and can only move on.

He didn't know what he would find in front of him, but he wouldn't look back no matter what the danger.

He strode to the last step.

"You... here!" A somewhat familiar voice came into Zhao Yuande's ears, making him slightly stunned.

"You are Jue Lin! Are you dead? Why did you appear here!" Zhao Yuande looked at the gradually solidified figure in front of her eyes and couldn't help but widen her mouth.

"I...dead! I am indeed dead. What you see is just a remnant of my mind, which will guide you to the soul of the realm of the Tai Cang Realm!" The next moment her voice was a little bit more confused, "Why do I feel you are familiar? Have we ever seen it somewhere?"

"We did see it! But it's not in this time and space, but in another time and space of the virtual seal!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other and couldn't help but open his mouth, and he was a little heavy in his voice.

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