Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3217: Take the initiative

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Of course, this thing is more valuable than gold, and basically no one is so stupid as to use it as currency.

The fire dragon Mingsha that Zhao Yuande took out was worth tens of billions of dollars, and the two of them dug out the body to make up for this number.

Zhao Yuande naturally has no opinion on the practices of these two guys. What he needs now is a large number of magic crystals, the purpose is to buy the Void Shenshuo, and the rest is not important.

As a result, several consecutive battles, Xuan Wuba did not let Zhao Yuande disappointed, Zhao Yuande's tens of billion magic crystal has doubled, and now has reached 20 billion magic crystal.

It may be that the Magic Crown Gladiator feels something is wrong, so hastily announced that this month's game has reached the prescribed limit.

Zhao Yuande doesn't care about this anymore. Now the funds have doubled. Ten billion magic crystals are just as simple as the account. He is very happy.

"Where are we going next?" Zhao Yuande looked at Mo Huo.

Following his own, Mo Huo's two brothers were also earning a lot of money, and at this time they were already laughing together.

"Hey! The pre-heating of the auction has already begun. Let's go to the auction!" Mo Huo said. "At this time, some good gadgets often appear to attract attention."

"Okay! Anyway, sooner or later to participate in the auction, we will take a look!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

They hadn't walked out of the arena, but a group of black armor demon soldiers came in front of them. This group of demon soldiers were full of enthusiasm, one with nostrils facing each other, and noble.

Behind this group of black armor demon soldiers is a chariot pulled by a strange animal.

There was a roaring voice from time to time in the car. Obviously, something inconspicuous was happening in the car, which made many Mozus around him could not help but thump in their hearts.

The three-headed body is several feet long, with blue-faced fangs, and the horse-shaped beast with a strong breath comparable to Mozun screams.

In front of the chariot sat two human slaves. They drove into the arena in a chariot.

"This is Princess Devil's car, we quickly let go." Mo Huo saw this chariot, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly took Zhao Yuande to hide.

They didn't learn a few lord slaves from the Master of the Magic Cloud Palace soon, but if they were discovered by them now, I'm afraid they would have a big trouble.

The corner of Zhao Yuande's mouth was slightly tilted, and he shook his head slightly.

"It's too late, that tyrant has found us!" Zhao Yuande pointed to the two tyrants sitting in front of the car, and they were glancing at Zhao Yuande with a bitter gaze.

"Princess! It's this thief. He humiliated the princess on the street and told us a few wounds!" One of the lords screamed at Zhao Yuande.

"Oh! What a coincidence." A lazy voice came from the car, "Take them down! Dispose of them as you please."

"Thank you, princess!" The two lords grumbled down on the chariot with a loud grin on their faces.

"I have heard the princess's order, take the guy who humiliated the princess, and we are going to live!" One of the giant slaves flew at the front group of black armored demon soldiers.

The captain of the Black Armor Demon, who glanced at the two lords, showed deep disdain in his eyes.

But since the princess ordered it, they also had to obey it.

"Boy, be honest, catch your hand! Or you will suffer more pain!" The captain of the black armor Demon looked at Zhao Yuande and reminded.

"You are so bold, do you know who this is?" Mo Huo jumped out at this time, pointing at the group of Black Demon soldiers and screaming.

"Whoever in our magic crown giant city must honestly obey the princess's arrangement!" the lord said with a sneer. "Don't you dare to resist!"

"Okay! There is no need to talk about things that are not as good as this dog." Zhao Yuande waved his hand, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes fell on the two tyrants. "I just gave you a way to live, but I didn't I think you dare to come to the door, if so, then you will die!"

No one thought that Zhao Yuande had taken the initiative at this time.

He just pointed in the void, and the tyrant who had just spoken exploded.

Another giant slave once saw Zhao Yuande's horror, and just wanted to escape, but felt that his body could no longer move.

The next moment his body flew up, and an irresistible force of squeezing rolled over him from all directions, squeezing his body together a little bit.

"Princess help! Princess help!" the lord screamed like crazy, and the blood in his body began to swell out with his facial features.

"Stop it!" The lazy voice in the car finally had a trace of anger, "You dare to kill me in front of me, you have committed a huge crime, and you have violated my magic crown city. It's a rule, you servants, don't hurry me to arrest him! I will make him personally."

"Boy, let go!" The captain of the Black Armor didn't have a chance to shoot just now, but he didn't deliberately. He was also very dissatisfied with the two giant slaves. How can the arrogant Demon Race not feel resentful.

"Go away if you don't want to die." Zhao Yuande's eyes swept away, and a terrifying world power instantly enveloped the entire space.

These black armor soldiers, who wrapped this black armor captain, are only powerful players in the Demon Realm. Under this force, the body could not help but fall back.

"Don't take it for me!" The voice inside Cha Huan finally started to anger, "Do I still need to do it myself?"


A dry corpse of red fruits was thrown out of the chariot, and it crashed to the ground with a bang. It was not difficult to recognize that this was the corpse of a human man.

"Yes!" the black armor demon captain, shaking his body, "not coming quickly, take him down!"

However, are these Black Armor Demon Soldiers opponents of Zhao Yuande? Zhao Yuande waved his hands. These Black Armor Demon Soldiers seemed to be bombarded by an invisible force and flew out.

"Bold! How dare you attack the palace guard's guard!" At this time, a figure rushed out of the arena and slaps towards Zhao Yuande.

This figure has a strong breath and is flying in mid-air, obviously a saint strong.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a powerful force rolling towards himself in this palm shoot, his world power and the power of the void collapsed and collapsed under this power, he even felt a powerful death Breath enveloped himself.

"Lei Yuan!"

Zhao Yuande knew at this time that he could no longer hesitate and Lei Yuan flew out of his body.

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