Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3218: Don't mistake yourself

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Cut across the sky, the endless red thunder formed a huge thunder sword, and directly slashed towards the powerful Sacred Demon.

"What... Wupin Huaxian Xianbao! Who are you!" The powerful Sacred Realm felt the horror power carried in the source of thunder, and he could even hurt himself. Collide with it directly.

He felt that this thunder-level fifth-generation chemical fairy was far beyond the ordinary chemical fairy, and even had a trace of power in the sixth-generation chemical fairy.

This feeling is not trivial, and the identity of the person who can possess this kind of treasure is definitely promising.

"Take me to take him, my father mainly sucked him up and let him know that the provocation of Princess Ben!" The voice of Princess Magic in the car was even colder. "No matter what his identity is!"

"His Royal Highness, at this time we still have to think long, this person's identity is extraordinary..." The strong man who flew out of the arena lowered his voice.

"What identity can be more honorable than me? In this magic crown giant city, I am heaven, and no one can go against my will!" Princess Magic's chariot was slowly pushed away, and came out of a hot figure, only A demon woman dressed in a thin layer of gauze.

His pair of phoenixes was full of grief, but when it fell on Zhao Yuande, there was a trace of greed.

"Take it for me and send it to my chariot!" The corner of Princess Mojo's mouth curled up, so she turned back into the chariot and said while walking, "I didn't expect this time I haven't been lucky enough to reach Ba. It’s really unbearable to meet such a strong man..."

The gauze fluttered, and a large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, causing countless demons around to swallow a spit.


Zhao Yuande had already understood what this demon princess meant at this moment, and suddenly a cold color appeared on his face.

It seems that Xuan Wuba will help you solve a big problem today, and you will have to thank me again when you return to the chemical industry!

Zhao Yuande's determination was set, and his eyes suddenly became very cold.

"Young man, I advise you to..." The strong man of Sacred Demon looked at Zhao Yuande and smiled helplessly in the corner of his mouth.


Lei Yuan in Zhao Yuande's hands waved and attacked the chariot without hesitation.

The endless power of thunder, the shocking void, and the terrible power almost split the whole space in half!

"What! You... stop it!" The powerful Sacred Devil never dreamed that Zhao Yuande was so bold and arrogant that he would directly attack Princess Mo's chariot.

To know that Princess Magic is the heart of the ancestors, if the other party killed Princess Magic, I am afraid that these people will also be buried for them.

But this time the terrible Thundermang has split the entire car directly into two halves, revealing the space inside.

Several red-skinned human slaves were now looking at the thundering **** with a horrified face.

"You...bold!" Princess Magic screamed, "escort... hurry up!"

Although the demon princess is also a deity, when facing this thunder god, she feels like she is an ant under Tianwei, and she can't bear any resistance at all.


A whisper.

A light blue ray burst from the top of Princess Demon's head, forming a large light blue hand, which blocked the thunder god.


However, although it blocked the Thundermans, it did not block the terrorist power carried by the Thundermans.

The group of red-skinned human slaves were all burned into a puff of ashes by the power of thunder.

Even some of the power of Thunder spattered on the body of the devil princess, burning his white and flawless body into large black holes.

"Ah..." Princess Magic screamed again and again.


At this time, the slap of the powerful saint had fallen on Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande flew out like a kite with a broken thread.

However, his body was extremely powerful, and the infinite power of the world was spread around his body. Although this palm struck him and shattered his internal organs, but the power of the undead turned, these injuries disappeared completely.

"What..." The powerful Sacred Man opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably.

"Kill me, kill him! Kill him at all costs! He is not dead, I will kill you!" Princess Demon screamed wildly at this time.

"In this case, then you die!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment often appeared behind the demon princess. The black flames were burning, and the whole space was instantly ignited.

"Stop it!" Just at this time, a roar came from the inner sea of ​​the demon princess's body, and an old man's phantom rushed out of it, blocking the terrifying black flames that struck the sky.

The black flames did not burn through the phantom of the old man, but Zhao Yuande felt a horrifying threat from this phantom, and his body hurried back.

The holy demon who wanted to stop Zhao Yuande, when he saw the ghost image of the old man, could not help showing a frightened face.

"Father! Kill me, kill him! He ruined my furnace, he ruined the chariot you gave me, and he will kill your most beloved daughter..." Screaming, a pair of eyes stared at Zhao Yuande with a very bitter grin, but his face was grim and proud.

"The Black Fire Clan... Even the Black Fire Clan can't be savaged in my magic crown giant city. Today I will take you down and personally..." The old man's face was grim and angry.

"Misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding! This is the master of the city, this is the young master of the Black Fire clan, Hei Linfeng, and his status is very respectable. You must not hurt the peace..."The Mohuo Moluo brothers behind this saw When he appeared, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed up and stood around Zhao Yuande.

"Hei Huo clan Hei Lin Feng!" The old man's ghostly face was shocked, "Hei Lin Feng... you call him Hei Lin Feng!"

"Yes! It's the young master Hei Linfeng! Don't misunderstand the master!" Mo Huo looked at the other person's expression, and he immediately felt confident.

"It turned out to be... Hei Lin's disciple!" The old man looked very dignified.

If he is only a disciple of the Black Fire Clan, he still has some confidence, but the Black Forest Clan among the Black Fire Clan makes him careful. Hei Lin is extremely powerful, even his father does not dare to move the people of the Black Forest easily. , And listen to the tone, this is the young master of Hei Lin.

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