Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3219: misunderstanding

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"Father, your most beloved daughter was almost killed. I want him to die no matter what the black forest and black fire! I will die if he doesn't die!" Princess Magic sees that the situation seems to be bad, and the other party has a good future. In a hurry, spread the brush again.

"Father... don't do it! All this is a misunderstanding! Everything is a misunderstanding!" Just when the old man hesitated, a tall demon figure with a feathered coat behind him flew from a distance.

This Demon Race was the strong man named Black Stone Bow that Zhao Yuande had seen in the Magic Crown Chamber of Commerce.

This black stone bow is the nineteenth son of the lord of the magic crown giant city, assisting the sixth brother black stone air management of the magic crown chamber of commerce.

He happened to be coming to the arena too, but he didn't expect to encounter this scene. He was so scared that he turned pale and hurried to stop.

"Gong'er!" The old man's phantom saw the black stone bow appear, and he couldn't help but feel the seriousness of the matter.

"Father, this is the young master of Heilin, the son of Heilin Qiong!" Heishi Bow didn't be wordy, and directly pointed out the identity of Zhao Yuande.

"Black Forest Dome!" The old man's forehead seemed to be stuck at once!

The name sounded like thunder roaring in his ears, which was synonymous with terror.

No one in **** dare to despise this name, this name is the sea of ​​corpses, endless heads rolling.

The leader of the Blackfire clan is the pinnacle of the 18th hell.

The more highly weighted people know the horror of the name.

Heilin Qiong's parent and child, the young master of the Black Fire clan, he had a murderous intention just now.

The phantom body of the old man shook violently, and he almost destroyed the foundation of the magic crown giant city for hundreds of millions of years!

"Father...he..." Princess Demon still had to figure out the situation and was going crazy.


The old man phantom slaps the demon princess, flying her body apart.

"Father have ruined my body, I will go to your grandfather to sue you! I want my grandfather to punish you!" The spirit of Princess Demon floats out, standing in the void and accusing.

"I'm imprisoned, wait for it to fall!" The old man gritted his teeth, if it weren't for his ray of avatar, everyone might hear his teeth rattle.

"Yes!" Black Stone Bow hurried forward, imprisoning the spirit of Princess Demon, fearing that she would make another moth.

"Hehe! Young Master Hei Lin, this is a misunderstanding, all misunderstandings." The old man rubbed his hands in the void, "I was also seen as the heroic posture of Senior Black Forest Dome, and I admired Senior Black Forest Dome very much. I can see Black today. Master Lin is really an honor for me, if Master Hei Lin is okay..."

"Forget it! If it's a misunderstanding, forget it!" Zhao Yuande directly interrupted the other party's invitation, waved his hand, and turned away. "I was shocked today. I'm embarrassed. Let's talk about it another day!"

"..." The scene was cold.

Many onlookers around this time quietly turned around and left. This is not a fun thing. The face of the city master is all blown away. According to the temper of the master, is it necessary to get angry, they may be out of luck. .

But to their disappointment, the ghost image of the Lord of the City did not even look at them, and the direct figure flickered and disappeared.

"Master Bow... I... I just attacked the Master Black Forest, no... no..." The strong man of the demon who rushed out of the gladiator field looked at Black Rock tremblingly at this time. The bow and mouth are a bit unfavorable.

"Okay, I think the young master Hei Lin is not a chicken belly. I will arrange an errand for you. During the auction, you will be by his side and perform well. I believe he will forgive you. !" Blackstone bow patted the saint's shoulder.

"Thank you, Master Bow!" The holy demon wiped the cold sweat above his head, and was very grateful to the black stone bow.

"Okay, I have left beforehand. You will wait for me at the auction venue later!" Black Stone Bow waved his hand, and his body disappeared into the void.

In the main palace of the magic crown giant city, the black master of the city sits on the throne with a gloomy face.

The phantom of the old man was just one of his avatars. He was originally to pamper his daughter and wanted to protect her, but he almost destroyed the magic crown city just now!

Just now if he shot and killed the young master of the Black Forest, I am afraid that even if the father who has been unable to retreat to the higher realm has come out, he will not stop the fate of the destruction of the magic crown giant city.

Only one person is needed to crush the entire magic crown giant city, and the father who is the powerful master of the devil may not be able to resist the opponent's trick!

"Master Father!" At this moment, Black Stone Bow hurried from outside the hall.

"Is that Hei Linfeng's identity reliable?" Heishi Qing's face dignified.

"It's true, I sent someone to check it out. Hei Lin Qiong did have a parent-child called Hei Lin Feng." Heishi Gong condensed his head, "And this son just controlled the inheritance of the Black Fire clan to Bao Lei Yuan, This makes me affirm his identity even more!"

"Inheritance treasure!" Heishi Qing's face showed a greedy look, "Can we..."

"Don't do it!" Black Stone Bow said with a frightened face, "Lei Yuan has just appeared in front of everyone. The news of this young master Black Forest may have been delivered, and no one can guarantee the Black Forest Dome. I won't get this news. More importantly, I have heard that this once treasure has been damaged in the war that year, and now it is only equivalent to a fifth-generation chemical treasure, it really makes no sense!"

"Well! I just said it." Blackstone Qing waved his hand, and the greed on his face disappeared.

"This young master of the Black Forest is a maverick. I sent a few treasures to me to bid on the final Void Shenshuo. It seems that I don't want to use the power of the family, but want myself. Work hard! With this character, there should be no hatred for what happened just now, we just need to do a good job of the next thing, maybe we can turn it into a jade silk!" Black Stone Bow Road.

"Good! Good! Gong'er, your growth during this period of time made me look at it. The next time your grandpa opens the forum to preach, you should also listen to it!" Heishi Shi looked at the son with satisfaction and affirmed him .

"Thank you father!" Heishi Shigong heard this, his face suddenly showing ecstasy.

"Well! It's up to you to do everything. Make things big and small. Don't let the people of the Black Forest clan hate us!" Black Stone Qing waved his hand.


"Master Hei Lin, are we still going to the auction venue?" Mo Huo asked at this time.

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