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"Go! Why not!" Zhao Yuande smiled a little on his face. "I think they will definitely use this auction to eliminate misunderstandings between us. How can I miss such a good thing."

"Master Hei Lin is really wise!" Brother Mo Huo's eyes also brightened, and they quickly thought of this.

Magic Crown Chamber of Commerce auction.

They just walked into the auction house, they met a familiar face.

"Master Hei Lin, this time from the small to serve you!" This is the holy demon who shot Zhao Yuande just now.

He was tall and taller than Zhao Yuande by two heads, but now he bowed and kneeled, giving Zhao Yuande a sense of looking down on him.

Zhao Yuande naturally knew that the other party was deliberately arranged in front of himself and let himself out, wanting to reduce his hatred in this way.

However, Zhao Yuande really didn't take this shot against him seriously, the other party just obeyed his orders, and did he really hurt himself.

However, since the other party was sent, it is not necessary to find Yuande.

"Huh! Let's lead the way ahead!" Zhao Yuande nodded lightly, and his face was joyless and sad, so that people could not see what he was thinking.

"Yes!" The holy demon hurriedly nodded and led the way ahead.

Soon Zhao Yuande was introduced into a very luxurious box.

There are already a few bodies of red fruit in the private room, only covered with a thin layer of pink gauze. The enchanting witch hidden in the important parts of the body is waiting quietly. Even seeing these witches, even Zhao Yuande could not bear it. A nameless flame rose in my heart.

"Let them leave!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand!

"This..." Mo Huo Moro swallowed hard. "Yes... Let them leave. Our young master is here to participate in the auction. What do we do with these things, when our young master lacks a woman?"

"Yes!" The saint saw the displeasure of Zhao Yuande's face and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and a horse fart slapped on the horse's lap.

Several Mozu women left, and Moro sat in them, looking at the auction below, all of which were boring.

However, Zhao Yuande was somewhat interested at this time. These things auctioned by the Mozu are all materials he has never seen before.

Under the appraisal, there are all kinds of magical effects.

However, he did not buy all of them, just selected a few more cherished materials and auctioned them.

The time was in a hurry, and soon the day passed.

The previous test shoot was finally over, a large number of Mozu strongmen began to enter slowly, and Zhao Yuande felt that the other boxes were also full of powerful Mozu.

There were a few powerful deterrents in several boxes, and the strongest among them were at least the powerful existence of God Realm.

Although he was shocked in his heart, he could not show it. He is now the young master of the Black Fire clan, his identity is superb and noble, and some gods are not in the eye at all.

The auction was held by a demon woman with a hot figure, a small pointed angle on her forehead, and a long black tail.

This woman naturally has a charming temperament, and people can't help but stop on her body.

Even Zhao Yuande, who is as strong as steel, couldn't help but glance at this Mozu woman.

"This is Heishi Bow's daughter, Heishi Jin, who is naturally charming, what does the young master think?" the holy demon asked pleasingly.

"General!" Zhao Yuande raised his eyelids, said lightly.

In my heart, I can't help but slander. You guys please please, please don't lead women, OK, I'm not interested in Mozu women.

The first auction item was quickly lifted up by a huge metal cage.

The cage was filled with a silver and white demon wolf, and the red cloth above the cage was ripped open, and a wild breath suddenly filled the audience.

Everyone couldn't help but look at this silver demon wolf.

"This is a roar of the Silver Moon God, and it is the cultivation of God's Venerable Realm after adulthood. As for how horrible it is, I'm afraid everyone knows better than me. I won't say more about other things. The base price is 100 million magic crystal!" Heishijin Although she looks fascinating to all beings, there is a bit of indifference in her voice. It can be seen that she seems unwilling to appear here to host the auction.

The price of 100 million is really not high. A powerful monster that can grow into a divine realm is definitely more than this price.

Even Zhao Yuande was a little bit tempted, but then he thought that he hadn't experienced raising such a monster before he gave up export bidding.

It is enough for him to have Mo Wu now. This guy is in the same state as himself, and he has mastered the six-character mantra he taught to him, which shows that his qualifications are absolutely extraordinary.

It's perfect to be both a fight and a mount.

Moreover, the creature such as Mo Qilin has unlimited possibilities, as long as the qualifications are good enough and the resources are sufficient, it can completely grow into the realm of the devil.

The fact that Zhao Yuande does not need does not mean that other demon races do not need it, the value of this Silver Moon God Roar has risen continuously, and soon increased from 100 million to 1 billion!

In the end, it was taken away by a mysterious Mozu woman at a price of 1.5 billion.

"The second auction item is a fourth-grade chemical treasure!" Soon Heishi Jin held a big axe in his hand and showed it to everyone. "This synthetic fairy treasure is my demon warrior. In the battlefield of the battle between the fortune and the chemical industry, a strong man of the Tianshi giant clan was obtained. Its quality is the pinnacle of the immortal treasure. In our hell, there is a lack of forging masters. The value of this treasure is known to everyone. The starting price is one billion magic crystals, please feel free to increase the price!"

As Hei Shijin said, although there are countless powerful warriors in Hell, there are very few such skilled craftsmen, and even the strongest who can refine high-quality chemical treasures are rare.

As soon as this treasure appeared, it immediately aroused many people's scramble, and the price rose all the way, and the final price stayed at 5 billion.

"Good stuff, good stuff!" Brother Mohuo and the holy demon all showed their hopes in their eyes. Obviously they also coveted this treasure.

However, Zhao Yuande didn't care about it, and a faint smile appeared on his face, which seemed unpredictable.

He was thinking about intelligence about the Black Fire clan at the moment.

This guy is famous for forging chemical fairy treasures, and slowly rises with strong financial resources. If he lacks magic crystals, can he be made and sold here.

According to his current physical strength, it is now possible to refine Sanpin Pinnacle's chemical treasure, which is worth hundreds of millions.

As long as the materials are sufficient, it does not take too long to make a thousand or eight hundred pieces.

But now it seems that this is temporarily unnecessary.

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