Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3236: Ghost Seal

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The weak one turned into a yellow pus just in the blink of an eye, but the strong one was struggling to support, screamed repeatedly by the river water.

At this time, the Devil Serpent woman's face was extremely ugly. She was not an opponent of this snake body, and her body had been cut by the snake's wind blade, revealing a huge scar.

And the wound after being cut by the wind blade seems to have a strong corrosive force, which cannot be repaired automatically at all.

Her body was **** at this time, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker.

" me!" The snake demon woman looked at the black bear demon in front of her and asked for help.

But when the black bear demon heard her call for help, she didn't mean to stop the rescue, but walked faster under her feet.

"It's terrible!" Snake San's face was very unsightly.

He just stayed there just now. If it was not because of the low cultivation, he would not keep up.

Just a little bit!

Zhao Yuande was horrified in his heart. Why did the snake come alive again, is it not dead at all?

After a dozen breaths, the fighting sounds in the rear disappeared.

Countless demonic corpses were floating on the river, and the body of the snake appeared to fall into a deep sleep again, slowly drifting downstream.

"Damn it! I knew it!" The black bear demon made a particularly lingering voice.

At this time, all the demons looked at the black bear demon, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"My grandpa once experienced this kind of thing. If it wasn't for his old man's incomparable strength, he is now dying in the Huangquan River!" The black bear said, "So, no matter what is floating in the river, don't move, Even if it is a piece of Jiu Pin Xianbao Xianbao, let's not be tempted, otherwise we may be greeted by death!"

"Nine Pins of Chemical Immortal Treasure..." Many demons were almost scared and stupid.

"Look... what's that!" Just at this moment, a Mozu cried out.

Many demons saw a big tripod floating in the river.

Half of Dading was submerged by the river, and the Ding exposed on the water had a size of dozens of acres.

A strange fragrance came from Dading, and the fragrance wafted over. After the demons suddenly felt themselves inhaled into the body, it seemed that the whole body would float.

Zhao Yuande took a sip and felt that these cultivation practices were advancing by leaps and bounds, as if to break through the middle of Daozun in the next moment!

"This... what is the scent of immortality!" The eyes of countless demons suddenly light up.

"This... this is at least the Sixth-grade Synthetic Saint Pill. I once smelled this pill in a master!" The black bear demon could not help but breathe quickly.

His current state has reached the initial peak of the Demon Lord, and there is no great chance to stay in this life forever.

However, if he can get a six-level mortal elixir, he has 90% certainty that he can be promoted!

"Huhhhhhh!" Xiong Huang gasped, almost glaring a pair of fist-sized eyes.

He just said that even if there is a Jiu Pin Xianbao Xianbao, don't be tempted, but the next big Ding appears!

Zhao Yuande felt a little wrong at this time.

He couldn't tell what was wrong there, but he felt that way.

"Mother, I'm out!" Xiong Huang finally couldn't hold back this temptation and turned to chase down the big tripod.

At the same time, a large empty hand protruded out and took a direct shot towards Dading.

Zhao Yuande turned and walked, and continued to walk upstream along the Huangquan River.

Snake III, who was with Zhao Yuande, looked at Zhao Yuande, who was gone, and then looked at the group of almost mad companions. After clenching his teeth, he also walked behind Zhao Yuande.


Behind him came a burst of roar from Xionghuang, and powerful fighting fluctuations were passed over at this time.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help turning his head and glanced, his frightened soul flew away.

The great Ding was suspended above the Huangquan River at this time, and two dire black dragons flew out of Ding. This dire dragon was actually the two ears of Dading.

These two greasy dragons, with a strong breath, are simply not ridiculous. Zhao Yuande feels that the other party also has at least the terror power of the devil's peak.

The group of cultivators who were mad because of the aroma of Dading Nei Medicine was burnt to ashes by two black dragons breathing at random.

Only Xionghuang and the two strong men who cultivated to the Demon Realm were still struggling at this time.

"I knew it was wrong!" Zhao Yuande shivered, a little faster.

"Mah!" Snake III behind Zhao Yuande almost cried at this time, even crawling behind Zhao Yuande.

After a few breaths, the voice behind him gradually disappeared.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but looked back again, and saw that the corpses of the demons were floating on the river, but the great tripod had disappeared.

Thousands of demons have just arrived here but only him and Snake are left.

The majestic battle of revenge was wiped out all at once, and it was still so strange.

Only he and Snake three survived, and they don’t know whether it’s lucky or unfortunate, or what will happen next!

At this time, Zhao Yuande suddenly had an urge to leave here. The powerful existence of the Demon Realm fell one by one in front of him. Will he die next time?

But this time he was just thinking about it, all because he suddenly felt a strange breath locked him.

It was like having a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness, giving him a feeling of wanting to rush out of the darkness quickly.

"Zhao Yuande, what terrible existence did you provoke, how can I feel like being stared at." At this time, Lei Yuan in Zhao Yuande's body screamed as if a cat had stepped on its tail.

"I... I came to the Huangquan River, I don't know what was staring at!" Zhao Yuande felt his voice tremble a little at this moment.

"Huangquan River... There shouldn't be any danger!" Lei Yuan's voice said solemnly. "But this kind of breath is really terrifying. Has anything unusual happened before?"

"Before... It seems that a strong human came across the border, smoothed out more than a dozen demonic cities, and shattered a seal of the ghost race by the way!" Zhao Yuande said.

"The ghost seal was broken!" Lei Yuan's voice suddenly went up to an octave. "Why didn't you say it earlier, you shouldn't come, even if you come, you have to wait a few years... Now you are really stared at It is estimated to be a powerful ghost. If you are careful, you may be able to pass through safely."

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