Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Can I leave here through the void channel." Zhao Yuande asked.

"Don't...don't do it!" Lei Yuan's voice increased again, "The body of the ghost race was originally between illusion and reality, invisible and invisible, or half-empty and half-real. If you use the void channel, they will follow. You enter the Void Channel, and then the Void Channel and even the Void Gourd will change hands!"

"This is terrible..." Zhao Yuande was speechless at this moment.

"What happened just now?" Lei Yuan asked.

"Just now..." Zhao Yuande said the whole thing just now.

"It's finished! It's finished! We're probably about to fall here. You may have encountered a powerful wish ghost!" Lei Yuan heard Zhao Yuande's description and immediately issued a frightened cry, "Do not have any wishes in your heart." , Otherwise you will die ugly!"

"I..." Zhao Yuande suddenly saw that the branch of the Huangquan River in front of him had reached the end, and there was a huge yellow river that was wide and unknown.

This yellow giant river seems to be a fierce dragon extending infinitely into the deep underground world.

Each branch is like a little dragon just hatched, revealing its untidy body.

"What are you... Is your wish just to hurry to the real Huangquan River!" Lei Yuan already appeared on his wrist at this time, and exclaimed.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande answered hardly.

"Okay! You were defeated." Lei Yuan was helpless and his voice was solemnly said, "Don't believe everything you see in front of you, don't believe it no matter what, and your gods and souls don't believe in returning to the sea of ​​knowledge immediately, I Come and show you the way!"

"Good!" What Zhao Yuande can say.

At this time, even if he himself was a little vague, he even suspected that Lei Yuan's voice was also auditory, which was the so-called wish ghost operating behind the scenes.

"What is the terrible existence of the wish ghost?" Zhao Yuande could not help asking this time.

"Wish ghost... It should be an alternative ghost in hell. It is not like other ghosts. It either devours hundreds of millions of flesh and blood, or devours souls dedicated to souls. It has only one hobby, that is to satisfy all kinds of you. All kinds of wishes, as long as you have wishes, it will satisfy you!" Lei Yuan said slowly.

"Shiny turtle... satisfying all kinds of wishes... isn't this good? Why is it so terrible?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help it.

"Hey! That's terrible! You don't know human races. Devil races are often very greedy. After satisfying a desire, they will continue to have more desires, as long as there is a second in your mind. Each wish, the ghost of desire will become a ghost of desire, constantly engulfing your desires, constantly cannibalizing your soul to satisfy your individual desires, allowing you to reincarnate in endless desires, and eventually die." Lei Yuan's voice is a little weird.

"This...I didn't make any wishes!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but say innocently.

"He doesn't need you to mention it, it can sense what you think in your heart. When you met the scorpion of the **** beast just now, you must have a desire to wrap a lot of demons in your heart, to reach the Huangquan River safely. , It will satisfy your desire. When that Xionghuang said Jiu Pin Zaohua Xian Bao, there was obviously a desire in his heart... all the demon clan also had a desire... If you can get rid of this desire, You can get rid of the influence of the wish ghost!"

"It's terrible... How is this more terrifying thing sealed? Can any strong person seal it?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but tremble.

"Although it is very strong, it can pierce the hearts of all cultivators, but Xiu Wei is no longer a cultivator after reaching the dominance. They have surpassed the category of humans and become the master of all things in the world. There is nothing to hide in front of him, and there is no qualification that can threaten them!" Lei Yuan said yearningly.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded helplessly, turned his head and glanced closely behind his three snakes, "You said that there is a wish ghost, the demon behind me does not have a wish, why can he follow me all the time? ?"

"He...may know his weakness, he just wants to live a life!" Lei Yuan guessed.

"It may be true!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

At this time, Zhao Yuande kept walking, running directly along the Huangquan River.

In his eyes, the main vein of the Huangquan River has already reached the front, and Taotao's river is running endlessly.

"Don't stop, move on, what appears in front of you is not the main vein of Huangquan River, this is just a ghost of desire!" Lei Yuan warned.

"This..." Zhao Yuande looked at the Tao Tao River in front, feeling the strange and terrifying power brought by the river. He knew that if this was true, if he stuck a drop of this terrible river, he would be corroded Become a pool of pus!

"Continue!" There was a warning in Lei Yuan's voice, "Otherwise you will make eternal life a plaything of the Desire Ghost. Do you see the demons thinking that they are all dead? No... Although their bodies are dead, but Their spirits were all taken away by the Desire Ghost and become its playthings!"

"Go!" Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth and strode towards the yellow river!

But when he stepped on Germany, the surrounding scenes suddenly changed, and he found himself reappearing next to the branch.

Behind Zhao Yuande, Snake's eyes were bloodshot and still followed him.

"This demon is not simple, has a strong will, is a good material!" Lei Yuan couldn't help but praise.

"Is that so?" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Snake III.

"If you want to cultivate your own power in **** and put him under his command, you will definitely not be wrong!" Lei Yuan affirmed.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande thought this guy was lucky, and soon he asked again, "Did I escape the control of the Desire Ghost now?"

"It hasn't completely got rid of it. Although you broke free of its control, but it still pays attention to you, as long as there is a chance, it will still shoot you without hesitation." Lei Yuan said.

"What should I do now?" Zhao Yuande asked, "Can't I have a little thought, a little wish?"

"Yes! Continue to move forward." Lei Yuan said, "empty the mind like cultivation."

Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth and emptied his mind, just like cultivation, leaving only a little spirit to guide his every move.

He walked step by step along the branch of the Huangquan River, walking firm.

But behind the snake, the Trinity did not speak, the whole person seemed to have lost his sanity, and followed him step by step.

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