Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3265: Yun Qingluo's sorrow

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Chapter 3265 The Sorrow of Yun Qingluo

"Okay! It's good for Princess Yun to be on the cliff in time!" Zhao Yuande smiled. "Let's go and see the heroic siege of Fengshen jade by the group of monsters!"

"Brother Zhao, you are so bad!" Yun Qingluo couldn't help but chuckled and felt a long-lost relaxed feeling with Zhao Yuande.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande felt the other party's mood relaxed, and it was a little relieved.

In a stone cave, Fengshen Jade was besieged by seven or eight powerful Daozun Peak Demon Beasts. Although he had already brought out all his strength at this time, he gradually fell into the downwind and gradually began to have more body. A few scars, his heart could not help but anxious and manic.

He also had a slight regret in his heart. He just shouldn't have done that kind of thing. Now he alone can't exert many of the magical powers of the Blue Palace, reducing his strength by at least 30%.

Now if Yun Qingluo is still there, these seven or eight-headed monsters are no threat to them.

But thinking about the two aliens, Fengshenyu suddenly felt a burst of nausea.

Fengshen jade fell into their hands and must be defiled.

Although it is only the body of the soul, there is still a disgust in my heart. After leaving this time, you must stay away from the unclean woman!

At this moment, he suddenly felt the breath of two strong men approaching, and one of them was very familiar.

He couldn't help turning his head in that direction, and suddenly saw Zhao Yuande and Yun Qingluo striding into the stone cave.

"Brother Feng, long time no see!" Zhao Yuande waved to Fengshen jade.

"..." Yun Qingluo was not ridiculed at this time. She felt nauseous as soon as she saw Fengshenyu, so she didn't speak at all, even turned her head to not look at him.

" are not dead!" Fengshenyu's eyes widened, and she looked at the two incredulously.

"How can I die, just a few small black-winged birds." Zhao Yuande smiled, "Brother Feng is afraid to die now!"

"Sister sister! Just now I was wrong. I was confused for a while, please help me!" Fengshenyu looked at Yun Qingluo at this time, and his voice was full of pleading, "Sister sister you know me, I can't lose this This time he was promoted to the identity of a true disciple, and this time it was only the body of the soul, and he couldn’t die at all..."

"Shut up! I don't want to talk to you!" Yun Qingluo's original anger has subsided, but Fengshen Yu even said this, and suddenly the anger in his heart spewed out again, "I am not your sister, Dare to talk nonsense, I will besiege you with this group of monsters!"

"Sister Sister...If you are so cruel, don't blame your brother!" Feng Shenyu heard Yun Qingluo's face, and she couldn't help showing a daunted face, "You Yunfeng Empire hehe..."

"Shameless! Fengshenyu, you are shameless!" Yun Qingluo's face suddenly turned pale after hearing Fengshenyu's words.

"Humph!" Fengshenyu snorted coldly, "Come and help me right away, or your Yunfeng Empire will suffer!"

"You..." Yun Qingluo's complexion changed.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yuande secretly transmitted a voice to Yun Qingluo.

"Their Feng Family is a first-rate big family, and we, our Yunfeng Empire, are only second-rate forces. If they want to do something with us..." Yun Qingluo gritted his teeth, "He is the young master of the Feng Family, only one sentence we need The Yunfeng Empire may be destroyed."

"First-class big family?" Zhao Yuande's mouth turned up, "Compared to the God Moon Palace, Xuan Family, and Lin Family?"

"Shenyue Palace... Xuan Family... Lin Family!" Yun Qingluo couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard Zhao Yuande talking about these three names.

"Good! I have some friendship with the three people." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"We Yunfeng Empire and Fengjia belong to the sphere of influence of Shenyue Palace." Yun Qingluo's face slightly showed a look of excitement.

"After you go back, you can go to Shenyue Palace to find Gu Aoyue or Gu Shenyue. They are my friends of Zhao Yuande, and they will definitely help you!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Shenyue Saint...she... she is your friend!" Yun Qingluo's face showed an incredible look, you also became you, and the voice was full of trembling.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande said with a smile on his lips, "Go! Let's leave here, let your brother die here and die!"

"Yun Qingluo, you bitch, come back to me! Your Yunfeng Empire is over... completely over!" Watching Zhao Yuande and Yun Qingluo striding away, Fengshen Yu screamed hysterically.

Yun Qingluo bowed his head and walked away without saying a word, but his face was all crystal tears.

Is this the man who always wanted to marry?

It's so sad!


Zhao Yuande snorted.

A powerful force of the world suppressed, as if the sky dome collapsed directly, and the crushed Fengshen jade body almost stumbled to the ground,

The Void vibrated, and the invisible blades cut towards Fengshen Jade.

"You guys and dogs, I must kill you!" Feng Shenyu's voice has not fallen, and the invisible void blade has taken away one of his arms.

The demon beasts of Dao Realm saw the cheap and excitedly rushed up.


Fengshen jade was instantly torn into pieces.

"Hey!" Yun Qingluo sighed softly.

"Don't sigh for this kind of person, it's not worth it!" Zhao Yuande comforted, "He's just a small stone in your way, just kick away!"

"Brother Zhao, thank you!" Yun Qingluo looked at Zhao Yuande and said sincerely, "Without you... I'm afraid..."

"Okay! Then you can help me a little more! I don't know anything about it." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"I will definitely!" Yun Qingluo nodded gently.

The next monster lair is not difficult for Zhao Yuande. Although he has just entered the middle stage of Dao Zun, but his real combat power is ridiculously powerful, and he can fight against the strong men in the middle of the holy sage.

The monster in this cave is just a monster with the initial fighting power of the Lord, which was easily killed by Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao, you're really a real person. If Fengshenyu knows that your fighting power is so powerful, I'm afraid it won't give birth to that kind of thought." Yun Qingluo could not help but reveal an incredible expression on his face after seeing Zhao Yuande's power.

At this time in her mind, she was somewhat relieved, and only this kind of genius would be eligible to be a friend of the Holy Lady of the God Moon Palace, and only to speak that kind of words.

The exaggerated and cute expression made Zhao Yuande feel a little buoyant in his heart.

Such a kind and clean princess, if she can...

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