Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3266: Life and death

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Chapter 3266: Life and Death

Zhao Yuande quickly suppressed this kind of thinking. He refused countless women along the way and really didn't want to have too much affection.

Even if his group of wives don't say anything, they certainly won't be without waves in their hearts.

He didn't want or want to let them get a little wronged again.

"To be honest, I started to feel that Fengshenyu is a good person, gentle and respectful of you, but I think you were a little arrogant at the time, and the impression was not very good. But I did not expect that I was blinded, you are pure. Ruyu's one!" Zhao Yuande was not afraid of the other party's anger, and said bluntly, "I'm still too young. I haven't got a thorough understanding of this sentence!"

"Brother Zhao is complimenting me or is hurting me." Yun Qingluo heard Zhao Yuande say this, his face was a little red, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Nature is boasting you!" Zhao Yuande said seriously.

"Thank you Brother Zhao for compliments!" Yun Qingluo grinned happily, a happy smile appeared on his face.

The perfect combination of the princess's temperament and the girl's naughty smile made Zhao Yuande's heart beat faster.

"Cough...okay! Let's be serious, what will be after the screening?" Zhao Yuande coughed lightly.

"Wait, I have one last question. Brother Zhao said he was too young. I don't know how old Brother Zhao is now?" Yun Qingluo's face showed curiosity and expectation.

"What do you ask about this?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"I want to see how much gap there is between me and the genius." Yun Qingluo lowered his head and couldn't help revealing a hint of blush.

In fact, what she wants to say is, I want to see if your character does not meet the conditions of the other half of my heart. If you are an old man over 500 years old, I will die.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande didn't doubt that he was there, and thought about it for a moment, "I'm forty-five years old now! I should be relatively young!"

"Four... forty-five years old!" Yun Qingluo stayed where he was at this age. "Zhao... Brother Zhao... You're not kidding, don't say a little less!"

"Do you think I'm that old?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing. "Of course this is my true age."

"You... didn't lie to me!" Yun Qingluo confirmed again.

"Absolutely not!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"You... you're a pervert!" Yun Qingluo couldn't help but open his mouth.

"... Princess Yun, the word metamorphosis is inappropriate for me!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"It's too appropriate. I can't find a more appropriate word than this!" Yun Qingluo laughed. "Even the genius I heard, no one is more perverted than you. We were in our forty-five years old. It is already a genius in the Cloud Wind Empire that can be promoted to half-walker statue, even in the blue palace! Daozun within 100 years old can already be directly promoted to a true disciple in the blue palace! You... …You are only forty-five years old. If you are in our blue palace, even the old ancestor will be alarmed by you and want to jump out and accept you as a disciple.”

"How old are you, and what kind of genius are you in the Biluo Palace?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I... I'm 193... years old!" Yun Qingluo was a little embarrassed. "No... but the cultivator Shou Yuan is long, and a hundred years old is just like a child, so..."

"Oh! I see, I can understand!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Yun Qingluo nodded his head slightly, and his face could not help being somewhat decadent.

Only then did she know the gap between herself and the peerless genius, and it was inevitable that she felt uncomfortable.

"Princess Yun, you don't have to care about age. Age doesn't mean anything. Peerless geniuses don't necessarily become masters in the end. The mediocre talents don't have to accumulate. It depends on the luck of personal efforts!" Zhao Yuande smiled and enlightened, " It's like you, when I met my luck, I remembered it, recognized the scum boy, and got a friend like me, and I will definitely have a promising future."

"Giggle!" Yun Qingluo couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhao Yuande say this, and his mood became much better.

At first glance, it seemed that Zhao Yuande had some boastful feelings, but when I thought about it carefully, it really was.

"Seriously, what kind of dangers will be waiting for us after the screening." Zhao Yuande asked.

"The next step is life and death, and countless days have been brought together, all people's looks and temperament will be covered, all enemies! In the end, the remaining ten thousand people are considered to pass the level!" Yun Qingluo said.

"Is there any way to identify other people." Zhao Yuande asked.

"Yes, that's their own unique moves! Of course everyone will be randomly transferred, and the battlefield is very large, tens of thousands of people want to meet is not easy." Yun Qingluo said.

"At that time, you will try your best to show your silver tricks! I will help you when I see it." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Good!" Yun Qingluo agreed.

They just walked out of the cave of this monster.

As soon as they walked out of the cave, they felt a flash of white light and they would take them out of the world.

At the next moment, Zhao Yuande felt that he was covered in a mysterious veil, his breath and even his body were all covered.

He appeared on a tall mountain, which looked down on the mountain. The endless mountains and jungles, black shadows were constantly passed in, some fell in the mountains, some fell between the jungles, Fell not far from him.

"Congratulations to your 78,344 people, who have successfully passed the first screening. Now life and death begins, you can fight as much as you can, until the last ten thousand people are left!" Ringed in Zhao Yuande's ear.


Just after the voice fell, a figure had already appeared behind Zhao Yuande, and a black ray of light directly pierced Zhao Yuande's brain, intending to eliminate it directly.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Zhao Yuande sneered and smashed the black light with a slap in his backhand. His figure appeared in front of the black shadow, and he slapped his backhand on the other person's head.

The figure responded very quickly, and he would avoid Zhao Yuande's palm as soon as his figure flashed, but at this time, he found that his surroundings were blocked by an invisible barrier, and he could not escape at all.


This black shadow was smashed by Zhao Yuande and turned into a cloud of gray mist and disappeared.

There were still many shadows around, seeing Zhao Yuande so cruel, he beheaded his opponent with one move, and all of them rushed down the mountain.

Zhao Yuande was too lazy to manage these people, and spread his divine space to radiate in all directions.

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