Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4330: Long Tianfang

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After a few breaths, the golden light disappeared, and the pale color on Song Qian's face had disappeared, revealing a peach-like color.

"Young Master... You are really a man of God!" Song Feng's eyes lit up at once.

"Okay! Don't worry, I just let her body return to normal. The most troublesome thing is the soul." Zhao Yuande waved his hand and indicated that the other party should not speak.

A little of his soul followed Song Qian's sea of ​​knowledge along his fingertips, looking for the only little soul left in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Zhao Yuande soon discovered that little soul in the depths of the sea, although it still maintained the appearance of Song Qian, but it was faint and almost transparent.

If it is not hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, covered by the power of the soul, there is a danger of extinction at any time.

Zhao Yuande felt that the power of these gods and souls in the knowledge of the sea was not lost to Song Qian, but belonged to her father Song Feng.

It was Song Feng who entered the power of your own soul in the sea in order to protect her daughter's soul.

Otherwise, the soul of Song Qian can't survive now.

However, it is precisely because the power of these gods and spirits does not belong to Song Qian, so there is no point of recovery for Song Qian’s soul.

"Senior, I already know the situation." Zhao Yuande withdrew his own spirit.

"Son, as long as you can save Qianer, you are willing to be a cow or a horse!" Song Feng paid a visit to the ceremony, and the voice was full of excitement.

Obviously Zhao Yuande let him see hope, and at this moment he had made a decision in his heart.

"I do have a method, but it takes time. If the seniors believe me, give me ten days to prepare, it should be able to heal it!" Zhao Yuande was confident.

He controlled the resurrection of Yuanshen. This method of cultivating the soul of the **** is to bring it back to life after its annihilation.

As long as he imparts Yuan Qian's resurrection technique to Song Qian, the other party can live from death.

Of course, to impart to the other party, you need to use the undead power to repair the other's soul. The other party will inevitably guess from the undead power that you have mastered the magical power of the undead body.

For the insurance period, he can only extend the time, using the power of food as a cover.

Let the other party think that they have recovered the soul with drugs, so that they can ensure that their secrets will not be revealed.

This requires a buffer of time, just ten days.

"Ten days! Ten days is enough!" Song Feng almost fell to his knees when he heard Zhao Yuande's wet eyes.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "But this time I came out to rent a shop. There are many friends waiting for me. I still have to deal with some other things first."

"Master! Whether you can save Qianer or not, I have rented this treasure house to Master!" Song Feng seemed to have made a huge decision at this time, sincerely speaking to Zhao Yuande.

"Don't seniors fear that I'm a liar?" Zhao Yuande's face showed a hint of surprise.

"No... the old people have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they can still tell the difference between true and false." Song Fengdao said, "When other people came, their words flashed. I saw their disbelief, but there was no way, a trace. I can’t give up my hopes, and the son is so confident that the old age will never be mistaken."

"Oh! Well, I will let them come here directly." Zhao Yuande nodded and sent a message to Quan Juyou.

"I don't know what materials the son needs to prepare, I can help the son to collect together." Song Fengdao.

"Materials I need..." Before Zhao Yuande's voice fell, he heard a loud noise from outside.


A large group of people rushed in and kicked the door of Baolou.

The first person is a young man wearing golden fish scales, and the two horns of his forehead represent his identity.

Behind the youth were followed two sullen, sullen old men.

The two old men had a cold breath, and the eyes of them contained the light of death, which seemed to be horrifying.

Behind the two elders is a group of strong unicorns with black armor in their entire body. The unicorn above their heads should be a kind of dragon.

"Old stuff, I'm here again! Your treasure house must be transferred to me today! Otherwise...hehe!" The youth laughed eeriely, and the attitude was arrogant.

"You... Long Tianfang! This is my treasure house, I will sell it to anyone I want to sell it! Don't forget that this is Xuan Ling City, this is a place with rules!" Song Feng saw this young man, Suddenly his face was extremely ugly, his fists clenched tightly, and he wanted to rush to kill him.

However, he knew that this was the young master of the Dragon family, which was not something he could cause.

"Rules! Haha! My Dragon family is the rules. Today, even if I demolished your treasure house, no one will come out. Believe it or not!" Long Tianfang laughed proudly. "My elder brother is now patrolling this area, but he is Captain Jin Jiawei, you know what this means!"

"You... Your Dragon family is too deceiving, and I fight with you!" Song Feng heard the other person say this, and immediately gnashing his teeth, he would rush up and fight desperately with the other party.

"Don't worry! I still have something to say!" Long Tianfang just waved his hand at this time. "As long as you sell me the Baolou, I promise to save Qianer's life, but after saving, she will be mine." Concubine, and you...repairing is not bad, barely being able to be a guard next to me!"

"I will never believe your gibberish again, I will fight with you today!" Song Feng roared.

"Wait!" Zhao Yuande grabbed him at this moment.

He also knew about the situation and thought it was time to stand up.

"Who are you? Get me off!" Long Tianfang had already seen Zhao Yuande, but he didn't put it in his eyes.

Only a cultivator in the midst of chaos dominates.

Not to mention that he himself is the middle of the **** of chaos, the two old men behind him are both late strong.

"Long Tianfang, this treasure building has been rented by me and belongs to me. You can get away now, otherwise you will know what regret is!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Haha! You threaten me!" Long Tianfang grinned, the laughter was full of madness, did not take Zhao Yuande in his eyes, he laughed coldly after he laughed, "Smash me this treasure building, kill This bitch!"

"Since that's the case, you can come over to me!" Zhao Yuande just worried that the battle would spread to the treasure building. Now that the other party is like this, he can just go ahead and count.

His palm protruded out of the shuttle void and suddenly appeared in front of Long Tianfang, directly pinching his neck.

This can no longer be described quickly. Zhao Yuande's Soul Realm has opened up to cover this void.

The entire void is under his control. He can even control the time backwards, and it is as easy as catching a dragon in the area.

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