Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

" me go!" Long Tianfang had never dreamed that the other party had taken hold of him at once.

He didn't even see the opponent's shot, he didn't see the opponent's palm appear, he had already become a captive.

"Release the young master, otherwise you will all die!" The two old men also had their eyes widened, and even they felt incredible.

They are the powerhouses in the late chaotic domination, how can this happen.

"Is it?" Zhao Yuande's mouth slightly curled up, "This time it wasn't me who provoked you, but you wanted to destroy my treasure house! I remember the rules of Xuan Ling City could kill you all!"

"You... do you know who we are? Do you know who you are grabbing?" One of the old men gritted his teeth.

He knew that this time he might not be able to do good anymore, even if the young master was rescued back to both of them, he could not escape the punishment of the Dragon family.

"Long Family Long Tianfang!" Zhao Yuande's mouth slightly tilted, "Dragon family can't scare me, get out now, otherwise I will kill him directly!"

At this time his hand had grabbed a dragon horn of Long Tianfang, and a cold color appeared in his eyes.

"You are so brave..." What did the old man want to say.


Long Tianfang made a ghostly cry like a wolf.

Zhao Yuande cut off a dragon horn of Long Tianfang directly, and made the blood on his head like a pillar.

"Young Master..." Song Feng looked at the trembling shock and couldn't help but think of the consequences of doing so and couldn't help but want to say something.

"Seniors don't have to be like that, they are just native chickens and dogs!" Zhao Yuande interrupted Song Feng's words with a wave of his hand.

Seeing the calm and calm expression of Zhao Yuande and seeing his confident style, Song Feng couldn't help but start guessing his identity.

Could it be... this is...

Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind. He happened to hear what happened between the mouse whale and Zhao Yuande the other day, and also vaguely heard that the matter might be related to Saint Pauline.

With such a thought, his mind suddenly became active.

If you can really save Qianer, you might still live in the shadow of the Dragon family in the future.

And if it is...

"Get out!" Zhao Yuande carrying Long Tianfang, who was crying and howling, looked coldly at the two old men and the group of black armoured strongmen.

"Okay! Don't hurt the young master anymore, let's go out!" The old man gave a wink to the others and carefully exited the treasure building.

At this time, outside the Baolou, it was already full of people watching.

Most of these people are people in the treasure house around the shop, and have long known the situation of this treasure house.

Their faces were all angry, pointing at the broken gate of Baolou.

"Did you see that, the animals of the Dragon family came to harm Old Song again!"

"Hey! Old Man Song is really pitiful, his daughter was killed, and she has to suffer such bullying. Xuan Ling City is really disappointing!"

"It's not the same there... The so-called rules in this world are all in the hands of the strong."

"Old Man Song only has this bare treasure house, I am afraid this time..."

"No one came out to manage..."


But when everyone was indignant, the two olds of the Dragon family withdrew a group of black armoured strongmen.

To everyone's shock, Zhao Yuande lifted Long Tianfang out of the treasure building.

But at this time Long Tianfang ghost crying wolf howling, the top of the head was blood like a pillar.

"This this……"

"What's wrong with this? What happened? Am I blinded?"

"Oh! It hurts... It's not that the dazzle is real, it was Long Tianfang who was captured."

"That man... that man is familiar, as if he's seen there."

"Who is he? What identity? How could it be so bold?"

"let me see……"


"Let the young master, otherwise the Dragon family will not let you go!" The old man out of the Baolou stared at Zhao Yuande.

If they were just injured, their group would be punished at most.

If Long Tianfang lost his life, they would have to be buried with him.

"Now take all the things you robbed Senior Song!" Zhao Yuande ignored the old man, but said so coldly.

"You... dream! You just wait to wailing in the jail!" Long Tianfang was screaming wildly at this moment, as if hysterically.

The dragon family has the blood of the true dragon family, the most important thing is the true dragon essence blood in the blood sea, followed by the horror talent magic power contained in the dragon horn.

He was able to become one of the young masters of the Dragon family because of the ingenious power of his dragon horn and the pure blood.

But now one of the dragon horns was cut off, and even if he survived, he would be driven from the position of the young master.

He no longer wanted to live at this time, and wanted to take Zhao Yuande to die together.

"Oh, do you want to die? Then I will fulfill you. I have a friend who is very interested in your pure true dragon blood. He will definitely be happy when he sees you." Zhao Yuande smiled and sent him directly into Into the main world.

"Leave the young master!" The two old men heard Zhao Yuande's words and saw how he imprisoned Long Tianfang, and suddenly roared.

They joined forces to rush towards Zhao Yuande and wanted to kill him.

"Senior, one of them is for you!" Zhao Yuande sent a voice to Song Feng.

His strength can indeed crush this existence, but it is still a bit troublesome if the two join forces.

Now Song Feng is by his side, and we must make reasonable use of it.

"Good!" Song Feng knew that there was no turning back, and directly greeted an old man.

And Zhao Yuande's voice was erratic and unbelievably fast.

Suddenly, one of the old men, together with all the black armor strongmen, was drawn into a chaotic sea of ​​thunder.

I only heard the screams in succession. After only a few breaths, all the black armor were swallowed by the horror thunder.

Only the old man in black armor was blown away by Zhao Yuande, and his body exploded in the air into a blood mist.

"You... will regret it!" The old man's soul screamed for the last time and was annihilated by a thunder arc.

At this time, Song Fengzheng was inseparable in fighting the old man.

"Ah..." The old man saw a terrified yell at this scene and turned to escape.


Zhao Yuande followed the old man like a shadow and appeared behind him. He punched it into a blood mist with one punch, and he didn't even escape from the soul.


There was a neat sound of air sucking around.

The eyes of all the onlookers are straight.

They were not ready at the moment, and Zhao Yuande had already killed a strong man from the Long family.

"Young Master..." Song Feng's voice was extremely dry, and his breathing was a little quick.

"Why, we take care of this matter, according to the rules of Xuan Ling City, no one can help us!" Zhao Yuande waved his hands, but his eyes looked at the void not far away.

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