Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4338: Three options

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Chapter Four Three hundred and thirty-eight three plans

He protruded out of the palm of his hand, and the fragile master of decay was suddenly reorganized, and a force of terror was poured into his body.


Just after the reorganization of the master of the body and the body reorganization, I felt the vastness like the power of the ocean, while I was running in my body, suddenly there was a thunderous sound of thunder in the void.

A piece of silvery thunder sea came rumbling and instantly enveloped the entire chemical world.

"I... I... actually broke through the realm! I... want to be promoted to Chaos Domination Realm!" The Master of Chemical Creation almost glared out, and his voice was full of excitement like a child.

"Okay! Let's disperse!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the silver Leihai with his palm.

Suddenly, the silver thunder sea seemed to be attracted, and flew towards Zhao Yuande's palm, and it became smaller and smaller. Finally, when it reached Zhao Yuande's palm, it had become a drop of water.


The Master of Chemistry felt dry mouth.

Zhao Yuande's exposed breath shattered his flesh just now, and he didn't feel so scary.

He felt like a dream, as if he had seen myths and legends.

"Okay! This drop of thunder liquid is the essence of the whole Thunder Tribulation. If you refine it, you will get all the benefits of this Thunder Tribulation!" Zhao Yuande throws the water droplet size of Lei Hai to the Master of Chemistry.

No... now it is dominated by chaos creation.

"Thank you, son!" The chief chemical engineer took it cautiously, and saluted Zhao Yuande with respect.

At this time the gratitude in his heart could not be described by words.

"Okay! Tell me if anything happened recently." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Since the son left, nothing major has happened, the spirit race has never appeared, and the remnants of the alien race have been wiped out by us." The master of chemical engineering replied respectfully.

"You will accompany me to the Chaos Realm now!" Zhao Yuande nodded, and his heart was put down.

With his current strength, the chemical world to the chaotic world is only in the blink of an eye.

The Chaos Master saw Zhao Yuande, and like the Chemical Master, he almost glared out his eyes.

He still remembers in his heart that young man of genius at that time, full of enthusiasm, looked at the world.

He also guessed that the other party would fly into the sky, and one day he would reach his own level.

But I did not expect that in just ten years, the other party not only surpassed himself, but let himself only look up.

"Cultivate you... You have also been promoted!" The Chaos Master soon discovered the Master of Chemistry.

"All of this is the credit of the son!" The master of chemical engineering is still not used to his own identity transformation at this time. He did not expect that he can already sit on par with the other party, so the answer is very respectful.

As soon as the words of the master of chemical industry came out, everyone at the scene looked at Zhao Yuande with extremely eager eyes.

Zhao Yuande glanced at the crowd, but did not shoot.

Everyone felt the loss, but they dared not say anything, just sighed in their hearts.

"Okay! There are two things when I come back this time!" Zhao Yuande was seeing this group of people at this time. He already had a sense of standing high and looking down on the sentient beings, so his tone also became a little calm. "This first The thing is to look for all the blood of the Kirin in the 99th World Alliance, all of you are the heads of the 99th World Alliance, this matter is for you!"

"Master, please rest assured!" Master Chaos nodded quickly. "I don't know what the son wants to find the Qilin bloodline, whether to take their bloodline or..."

"I want you to gather all the blood of Qilin together. I want to take them away!" Zhao Yuande was obviously displeased when he heard the Chaos Lord.

"Yes!" Master Chaos nodded hurriedly, "I told the following to do it."

"Within ten days, send me all the blood of Qilin to the world of creation." There is an undoubted majesty in Zhao Yuande's words.

"Yes!" Chaos nodded.

"Okay! The second thing is about the relocation of our entire dimension." Zhao Yuande looked around. "You are all powerful in this dimension. You should also know that the big destruction is coming! I mentioned this last time. Things, you should think about it now!"

"This...we...have been discussed many times." Master Chaos said a little embarrassedly. "Many people don't want to leave this home. Many people don't believe in the great destruction. Only half of them agree to leave."

"Okay! Now I have three options for relocation. The first is to move one world directly into the dimension world of Inverse Hu. The second world does not need to move, people enter the world of Inverse Hu. The third I People will be moved to the origin." Zhao Yuande finished these three plans and looked at everyone present.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's return has been passed on, and the strong members of the entire dimension have basically reached the chaotic world.

Several chaotic masters who had never appeared before, such as the Holy Lotus, Ancient Buddha, Childlike Heart, Xuanyuan, Taishi, all appeared here at this time.

They heard Zhao Yuande's words, their respective eyes flickered, and they seemed to be thinking about how to choose in the end.

"Let me talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these three plans." Zhao Yuande saw that everyone seemed to have a hard time choosing and began to explain, "The first plan is actually the most laborious, even if I now want to move the entire world away, There is a price to be paid. And now all the practitioners in the ninety-nine realms have already practiced indefinite years, and the resources among them should be exhausted soon! I think that if this first plan is not chosen, it is best not to choose!"

"The second plan, in fact, the easiest person to enter the world of anti-Tianhu. The anti-Tianhu has now evolved into an infinite world, and they are all in the beginning of chaos. The initial state of heaven and earth. Among them, the myriad resources are the most suitable for cultivators. It is definitely more suitable for cultivation than the current Ninety-nine Realm!"

"Of course, as long as the anti-sky hoop world belongs to me, the cultivation of the people who enter into it must be restricted by me. That is, no matter how amazing the genius, it can only be lower than my realm."

"The third option is actually not suitable for ordinary people! The master of the realm of dominance in the origin is the lowest level. There is no self-protection in the early and mid-terms of chaos. Only after reaching the later stage can you barely gain a foothold in it. ."

"It's just a remote small city, where there are powerful existence of several half-step breaking roads. As for the God Territory, the breaking roads are everywhere."

Next, Zhao Yuande showed the pictures to everyone.

Although it is only an image, everyone can still feel how terrifying the powerful ones are.

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