Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4339: Five days

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Chapter 433 of five days

They are really weak like ants.

"This..." began to be full of confidence, and the people who wanted to choose the third plan were stunned all at once.

They simply can't imagine what kind of world it is!

"Actually, I also hope that some of you can choose the third plan. Only in that kind of environment can you make rapid progress and advance to a higher level!" Zhao Yuande said.

"We..." Master Chaos only felt his lips dry.

They were originally in this dimension with a smile and a world of control.

But in the end, he sent out that he was just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, and the outside world was vast.

"Okay! You do the first thing first. You can carefully consider these three options in just ten days." Zhao Yuande's hand-waving form has disappeared.

Everyone look at me, I see a daze in your eyes.

"Let's go! Everyone will act separately. See you in the chemical industry ten days later." Chaos ruler first set off.

The rest of the people also left, but they all had an unspeakable frustration on their faces.

At this time, Zhao Yuande appeared alone in a barren sea of ​​stars.

This Xinghai is the place where he cut off Hu Jiumei.

At this time, a huge crack appeared in this star sea, and countless horror breathed out from the crack, shattering the starry stars all around.

"The cracks are several times more than the last time, and it seems that the big destruction is getting closer and closer!" Zhao Yuande has a sad look in his eyes. "The last time it seemed that Zhu Xiepu said that these cracks could be sealed."

Zhao Yuande summoned the Zhuxie spectrum from the main world.

"Are we back in this dimension again?" Zhuxiepu did not know what he was busy with during this time, and came out at a loss at this time.

"Yes, the senior said last time that it was possible to seal these cracks, but now it looks like this..." Zhao Yuande looked at the Zhuxie spectrum, and did not have much hope.

"Hey! It's okay to seal one or two, but all the seals are basically impossible!" Zhu Xie said.

"That senior can see which crack can lead to the dimension of light?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"There is no one that leads to the dimension of light. The dimension of light is very far away from your dimension. Among them are many super-large dimensions. I am afraid that it will take many shuttles to get here...but they have sent the spirits before. You carefully feel the spirit of the spirit family left in that crack." Zhu Xie said.

Zhao Yuande's current soul is extremely powerful, especially with the existence of the spirit world, it is even more powerful.

He carefully explored each crack, and finally checked all the cracks after three days, of which two had the spirit of the spirit family.

"It's these two!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Two seals are not laborious. After the seal, the Dimension of Light wants to come here again. I am afraid that it will take a strong person in the Dao Realm to break the dimensional barriers to come here." Zhu Xie said.

"It's good! It's good!" Zhao Yuande heard the other person say this, only a smile appeared on his face.

"However, according to my observation, the time of the great destruction will be between fifteen and twenty years, and you have to prepare in advance!" Zhu Xie said.

"Thank you, Senior, now we start sealing! I have a tight time to return." Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! Start..."

Zhao Yuande has collected a lot of materials before Zhu Xiepu and Zhao Yuande said.

And more importantly, Zhao Yuande's current strength is infinitely close to the peak of chaotic domination. The power is stronger than before. I don't know how many billions of times. It is also a powerful backup of the main world.

Five days later, Zhao Yuande finally sealed the two cracks with the help of Zhuxiepu.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's body strength was almost drained, and for the first time he felt so weak.

It took a full day for him to recover his cultivation base to the peak.

"It's time to go back to the lower realm and take a look! East Emperor Realm and Immortal Realm, you can't choose! I will move you all into the main world." Zhao Yuande also showed a helpless face.

The place where he came from, the Eastern Emperor Realm, and the Immortal Realm, now he may blow it in one breath, they will be directly annihilated.

He now seems to be a heavenly giant, while the Eastern Emperor Realm and the Immortal Realm are only equivalent to a small soap bubble.

He can only carefully take it into the main world.

Ten days later, he completed everything in this dimension and returned to the chemical world.

At this time, plus the master of fortune, a total of seven chaotic masters of the realm are waiting here quietly.

The Kirin bloodline found by them is now hundreds of millions, most of them are human races, and a few are Kirin beasts.

Zhao Yuande didn't care about this anymore, he collected all the hundreds of millions of Kirin blood into the main world, and for the time being divided a star to let them live.

At this time, Zhao Yuande also saw his friends and...women behind the seven chaotic masters.

For these people, he has his own arrangements, secretly uttering a few words to them, and also sending them into the main world.

"Have you made your own choices for these ten days?" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone.

"I want to enter the world of Inverse Heavenly Husband! I'm afraid I can't catch the pace of my son in this life, and enter the world of Inverse Heavenly Hug. It's the best choice." Chaos Lord first said, but he meant It also represents the vast majority of people.

"That's what I mean!" The ancient Buddha is a middle-aged monk, with a golden gleam flashing across his body.

"Me and Shenglian are also the same choice!" Tong Xin looks like a child, but his eyes are full of vicissitudes.

Sheng Lian is a beautiful woman, but he is not a lotus, but the name.

The remaining Taishi and Xuanyuan, as well as the master of chemical industry, did not join in.

"Okay! You can enter the world of anti-sky hoof. If you are not satisfied, you can make another choice!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly and sent the four masters into the main world.

Every time, the four people were moved out with excitement.

"It's great! The bottleneck of entering my cultivation will soon be broken, and I will enter a new height!" Chaos Master's face exuded with ecstasy.

"Not bad! I have this feeling too!" The ancient Buddha always smiled, but at this time he was blushing.

"Since this... then I... also choose to enter it!" Xuanyuan thought for a moment and also made such a decision.

"That's good! Give you five days to gather the practitioners who belong to their respective worlds. I will leave in five days!" Zhao Yuande waved to the five chaotic masters.

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