Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4345: Bloodline of Light

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At the same time, a large hand reached out and took a picture towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande only felt a strong breath sweeping in and almost fixed his body in the void.

"Zhenlong Pagoda, it's your turn now! You can't help me at all!" Zhao Yuande knew that the other party had already killed himself, and if he was independent, it was really dangerous.

"I have given you a part of control, and you can control it yourself!" The voice of Yuhua Yu made him into his ears.

At the same time, a wave of information poured into his sea of ​​knowledge, which is exactly what happened in the Zhenlong Pagoda.

"What... is so mysterious!" After receiving this information, even Zhao Yuande felt shocked.

There are nine major formations in the Zhenlong Pagoda, as well as nine different methods of attack.

These nine major formations formed nine huge portals, which opened layer by layer and opened the game one after another.

There are two things he can control now, the first heavy sword door, this door opens Wan Jian Qifa, the more powerful he is, the greater the power he can exert.

The second dark door, opening this door, the world is dark, the sun and the moon are dying, the earth is dead, the universe is sinking, a complete set, the end of the destruction scene.

This second gate does not consume the power of the exhibitor, but consumes the power of the Zhenlong pagoda. Each time you breathe, you must restore the Zhenlong pagoda to one day, and the effect increases daily.

With thirty-six breaths in a row, the Zhenlong Pagoda will be unusable for a year.

"Jianmen opens for me!" Zhao Yuande sipped, and the Zhenlong pagoda in his hand suddenly turned into a huge portal, standing between heaven and earth.

The portal slowly opened at this time, in which the golden divine light was shining, and the infinite light illuminated the whole void at once.

"What... this is..." Guang Wanli suddenly felt a strong breath coming from the other side, and an inexplicable feeling flooded his heart.

He knew that his palms would continue to be grasped at this time, and he was afraid of a terrible counterattack.

At this time, the opponent's strength did not actually increase, but there was a dangerous breath.

Guang Wanli seemed like a fierce tiger at this time, and Zhao Yuande in front of him was a porcupine. Although he was capable of slashing the other party, it would also be covered with thorns.

His palm stopped in the air all at once, and he didn't try to attack.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had just controlled the Zhenlong Pagoda and opened the sword gate. How could he give up this opportunity.

There seemed to be all the magic swords in this world in the sword gate, and the infinite divine light rushed out towards the attacking big hand.


Swords were blaring, and the horror was killing.

The sharp breath cut back and forth in the void, shaking the behead that had not yet been recovered.

"What is this! What a powerful force!" Guang Wanli frowned at this moment.

He felt that the depth of that gate seemed to contain a desperate murder. If it was really released, he would probably die.

But he is not a fool. Although he felt the danger, he knew that Zhao Yuande would definitely not be released, otherwise he would not be chased down by himself for so long.

"If you are acquainted, leave now! You can't hurt me if there is this sword gate!" Zhao Yuande saw the other's hesitation and couldn't help saying.

"Humph! You're just relying on foreign objects! I'm afraid you can't persevere with such a powerful method. I'm not in a hurry now. I'll kill you when you're done!" Guang Wanli sneered and stepped back. , Looked away from Zhao Yuande thousands of miles away.

He is a very cautious person, even if there is even a trace of danger, he should be counted. Now that he has control of the initiative, he is not afraid of Zhao Yuande's escape.

"It's really an old fox!" Zhao Yuande knew the other person's thoughts, put away the sword gate and turned to escape.

However, the direction of his escape at this time deviated somewhat from the established position, because the time agreed with the ink color unicorn has not yet arrived, and it is useless to rush there in advance, and maybe Guang Wanli will find the clues, then it is not good at that time. Too.

So he had to take the opponent around and wait for time.

Soon Guang Wanli also saw it. Zhao Yuande took him around here at this time, and it was very regular. It seemed that he had never left this area.

What is there? Does he meet people here?

Guang Wanli was suspicious in his heart and couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

If you really meet someone, maybe that person is even stronger than yourself, and if you do appear, I am afraid you will suffer a big loss.

No way! To make a quick decision, even if it is dangerous, take this kid first.

"Don't run away, I have no patience!" Guang Wanli took the initiative to attack again at this time.

At this time his body released a terrifying god, just standing in the void, as if it was a burning sun.

With him as the center, the void lighted up at once, and a blazing temperature gradually melted the voids around.

A huge black hole appeared around him, and the center of the black hole was that he was releasing infinite divine light.

This scene is unusually weird, with an inexplicable sense of disobedience, but there is also an unimaginable horror crisis.

Zhao Yuande only felt at this moment that the other party was the center of the void, the origin of the universe.

Everything around me flew towards the black hole, especially the huge sun-like star was also strongly attracted by the black hole, flying towards the black hole at an incredible speed.

And everything drawn by the black hole, covering the huge star, is constantly melting.

"My God! What the **** is this!" Even Zhao Yuande was shocked.

His body couldn't help flying towards the black hole at this time, and he could not stop himself even if he used various magical methods.

"This is a terrible magical power from the ancient times. I didn't expect to see it here!" At this time, Yuhua Yu made a sound, but there was no shock in it. It seemed that there was only a little memory.

"If I don't escape anymore, I'm afraid it will melt!" Zhao Yuande felt the terrible heat, even if his body was as strong as himself, it would be unbearable.

"I'm afraid there is a powerful blood vein flowing inside this guy's body! The blood vein of light!" The chemical jade diecaster ignored Zhao Yuande's exclamation, but continued to say so.

"The blood vein of light? Is it related to the dimension of light?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but think of the dimension of light, he felt a strong taste of conspiracy.

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