Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4346: Life or death matters

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"Yes! Only the core power of the Light Dimension has the blood of light. This person is probably the spy of the Light Dimension hidden in the Xuanhuang Realm! Even the entire Guangyao family is the spy of the Light Dimension!" There was gradually a bit of coldness in the voice.

"You said so much, but I'm dying!" Zhao Yuande felt himself getting faster and faster at this time, and his clothes began to disintegrate.

"If you want to deal with the blood of light, you need either a powerful force to crush it, or you need the blood of darkness to restrain it!" The voice of Yuhua Yu is still in a hurry, but there is a powerful killing intention in the words.

"What should I do?" Zhao Yuande was really anxious, and he was really going to die before continuing.

Of course he could not die, just to escape into the main world.

However, the other party may guess that they are hiding in a certain space, and this void may be suppressed by the other party.

When another chaos ruler of the Guangyao family comes to the top, the two strongmen join forces, and even the main world may not be able to hide.

At that time, it was really slain.

"Did you forget what I said to you just now? Open the second door, the dark door!" The voice of the chemical jade die was full of blandness, as if it were a bamboo in the chest. "The dark door but the old master killed a dark man. In the second dimension, the power of the Dao Dao Realm has refined its body into the dark door. Although it is only a corpse, it is enough to restrain the other side!"

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande heard the other person say this, and suddenly his eyes light up.

The Zhenlong pagoda held in his palm was enlarged again at this time, and suddenly turned into a dark portal in the void.

This portal is very tall, standing in the void as if to break up the entire void.

"It's useless, this is the supreme supernatural power of my family! Even people who are taller than my realm will be melted. You don't have any chance to wait for death!" Guang Wanli's voice came from the center of the black hole and thundered violently. Infinite majesty.

At this time, he seemed to be the Lord of All Realms and the King of God Realm.

"Really? You will know when I open this door!" Zhao Yuande stood in front of this huge portal at this time, and immediately stopped castration.

Standing in front of the portal, he felt as if he had left the void just now and appeared in another void, and the powerful swallowing power of the black hole was not transmitted to him at all.

He was ecstatic and silent in his heart.

However, he felt that the huge portal in front of him seemed to be impossible to shake at all. The opening method passed to him by Zhu Yu just now had no effect at all.

"Why can't this portal be opened?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but worry.

When this thing is summoned, every breath will consume huge energy, and after thirty-six breaths, the entire Zhenlong Pagoda will be silent for a year.

I don't want to turn it into waste just after I get such a treasure.

"This...may be the owner of the card! You stepped forward to open it and use your power to open him." Yuhua Yuzai couldn't help but wonder, at this time he didn't know what happened.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande had no choice but to urge all his strength to push the gate.


Under the push of him, the door swayed slightly, but even the slightest gap did not open.

"It's heavy!" He couldn't help showing a solemn look on his face.

Just a moment ago, he had used 70% to 80% of the power, but he didn't turn it on at all.

In desperation, he can only urge full strength.


There was a loud horror in the void.

The door finally opened a small gap.

A black light emerged from the gap, and the area irradiated by the black light suddenly became extremely black.

As if it were before the sky and the sky, the chaos is not open, the sky and the sky are vast.

Without any light, without any sound, everything fell into endless darkness.

"That's...what!" Guang Wanli seemed to feel something wrong at the depth of the black hole. His eyes fell on the huge portal at once, and saw the black light emitted from it.

A strong sense of disgust rose from his heart, as if that black light was his natural enemy, a natural nemesis.

"Guang Wanli, right! I already know your identity. You are finished!" Zhao Yuande saw Guang Wanli's face at the moment, and could not help but sneer.

"What is the dimension of light! What nonsense you have!" But I did not expect that Guang Wanli heard Zhao Yuande's words, but he was dazed, and he didn't seem to know about it at all.

"Huh! He doesn't look like disguise, as if he really didn't know about it!" But the chemical jade made a whisper, seeming to be a little surprised by the other party's performance.

"Maybe he doesn't know, maybe this is just a nail buried in the Xuanhuang Realm! When the time is ripe, the light dimension will come to harvest the fruit he wants." Zhao Yuande speculated.

"Well! Maybe it's really good! And in the Guangyao family there is a chaotic master who is at the top of the peak, but the old guy is about to reach a half-step breaking path, maybe he only knows this thing!" Yuhua Yudao said.


Zhao Yuande urged again at this time, and the door was pushed open again.

A faint ray of light emerged from it, as if attracted by something and flying towards the direction of light.


Guang Wanli saw the dim light and his body shivered.

He felt that gloomy light, as if turned into a large invisible hand, he would pinch himself in the palm of his hand.

"Thousands of incarnations!"

He no longer kept it at this time, his body exploded with a roar.

A ray of flame blasted into the sky, and these ray of flame turned into a flame beast.

There are three-legged golden black, phoenix, fire luan, fire unicorn, fire dragon...

Different shapes, but they are equally powerful.

At this time, the entire void was shrouded by these terrible flame beasts, and the endless pressure came to Zhao Yuande to feel a powerful crisis.

It was at this time that the black hole expanded infinitely, and the powerful suction power from it caused the door to start to shake slightly.

"This guy has amazingly burned the source. If you can't open the door anymore, I'm afraid you are going to die here!" The voice of Yuhua Yu made a dignity.

"Really unreliable! You were killed!" Zhao Yuande knew that the next moment was a matter of life and death.

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