Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4348: The strong come

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Chapter four hundred and forty-eight chapter strong come

In the face of absolute interest, only the binding chaotic oath is the most secure.

But soon he discovered that Zhao Yuande in front seemed to be in a circle around an area.

Before, the opponent was in a circle, but the circle is relatively large, but now the range is much smaller, and every horizontal movement can't leave an area.

What exactly is in that area?

At this time, Guang Wanli had already covered the area, but found nothing.

"What the **** is he doing?" Guang Wanli couldn't help but feel at a loss.

After dozens of breaths, Guang Wanli's face suddenly showed a happy look, because he felt his grandfather, the ancestor of the family's ancestor King of Light appeared.

He could not win the opponent himself. If the King of Light joined forces, even if the opponent released the black gate again, they would be able to protect themselves.

"It's not good! Another strong man of the Guangyao family is here!" The voice of Taohua Yudie was full of dignity.

"It is indeed here, and the time we have agreed is still hundreds of interest. It seems that this time it is dangerous!" Zhao Yuande looked a little ugly.

Far away, he felt the strong breath of the strong man, ten times stronger than Guang Wanli.

"I'm afraid to use all the cards this time! Otherwise, life is hard to save!" At this time, even the Void Gourd's voice was a little dignified.

"Can I hold on for hundreds of hours in front of these two people?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but have such doubts.

"That's right! Do you remember the reincarnation Taoist person! This old guy chose you as heir, should not watch you die like this!" Void Hulu suddenly said this time.

"Reincarnation Taoist?" Zhao Yuande frowned.

This name hasn't been mentioned for a long time. According to legend, the reincarnation Taoist and the Heaven Eater Taoist are both strong players in the Taoist realm. The reincarnation Taoist has chosen that he can control reincarnation and gives himself the right to enter the land of reincarnation.

More importantly, the Sansheng Stone and Tongtianqiao are treasures. They used to say they wanted to protect themselves, but they never appeared again.

"It should be that you entered the origin before, and the place of reincarnation did not involve the origin. The barrier of origin is strong. Even the three-born stone and the Tongtianqiao can't shuttle, so you lost the contact. Now you enter the place of reincarnation immediately, maybe you can reconnect. Get on them." Void gourd said.

"Okay! Let me try!" Zhao Yuande's figure didn't stop at this time, and he was still moving.

However, a ray of soul was separated into the land of reincarnation.

"We already know your situation, but we can't help you." As soon as Zhao Yuande entered the land of reincarnation, the voice of Tongtianqiao came.

"Why?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"This is the order of the old master. He will use this opportunity to test you! If you can really escape from these two men, the place of reincarnation will really be given to you. This is the last test." Tongtianqiao Road.

"This... these two men have too much strength over me, I am afraid they will be beheaded by them in a blink, forget it..." Zhao Yuande knew that it was useless, and directly withdrew his disappointment from the place of reincarnation.

"How is it?" Void Gourd couldn't help feeling anxious at this moment.

"They said that this time it was a test for me, let me face it independently!" Zhao Yuande shrugged helplessly, "There is no way, I can only rely on myself, it's a big deal!"

"What a big death, you must not die! Your life and death are related to the lives of countless people, your family and friends, your clan, and even those who believe that you follow you away... They will all disappear after you die! We are dedicated I have tried my best to prepare for such a long time, and the world of Anti-Tianhu is about to evolve. I will never allow you to die! Even if they don’t help you, I’ll help you! Big deal Finally, I burn a part of the origin of Anti-Tianhu World, so Say it can also support the time of a hundred breaths!" Void Hulu's voice at this time is no longer indifferent, but full of a high tone.

"Yes! It's a big deal. I burn the source. With my hole card, I don't believe it will fall here!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists, his face still showing the color, "As for the control of the place of reincarnation, I am not rare! I will control the world with my own strength!"

Speaking of which, there was a strong color on his face, and he actually took out the jade mirror that entered the land of reincarnation, and broke it in half with his fingers.

"What a test! I don't need a test anymore!" Zhao Yuande's voice was clanging, and he directly dropped the two half-jade mirrors into the void.

"Good! Good!" The Void Gourd repeatedly shouted at this time, "It's the real reliance to be able to live and die together at the moment of crisis, and to help each other. What the test of shit, go to his motherfucker!"

"This...this..." At this time in the place of reincarnation, Tongtianqiao was shaking, and there was a bit of annoyance in his voice, "San Shengshi, are you! What a test of shit, this is good, people don't Rare!"

"Hey! I didn't even think of it!" Sansheng Stone sighed in the land of reincarnation. "Although we are strong, it is only equivalent to the strength of the **** of Chaos. If something goes wrong, the whole land of reincarnation will be There is a huge problem, which is unbearable! So I just..."

"Forget it! People have drawn the line with us now, there is no way!" Tongtianqiao sighed.

"This is also helpless. I can't take the whole reincarnation land as a bet. The inheritor can continue to look for it, but if there is a problem with the reincarnation land, how should we explain to the master!" Sansheng Stone Road.

"Okay! This is your idea, and I won't care anymore! You have to decide everything yourself!" Tongtianqiao seemed really angry and completely silent.

"I can only say it later!" The voice of Sansheng Stone also slowly sank, and the whole place of reincarnation calmed down.

Zhao Yuande was ready for everything at this time, but he just waited for the arrival of the powerful family of the glorious family.


In front of Guang Wanli, a strong man shrouded in halo appeared.

The strong man was covered with blond hair and majestic, as if he were an old lion.

This is the ancestor of the Guangyao family, the strongest king of light god.

"Grandpa!" Guang Wanli saw the other party and suddenly lowered his head. There was a bit of anxiety in his voice.

"Good boy! You really attended, even let Grandpa swear the oath of chaos!" The eyes of the old lion-like strong light **** Wang seemed to be two bright suns, staring at Guangwanli for a while, and there was something in the voice anger.

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