Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4349: King of Light

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Chapter 4349 of King Light God

"Grandpa, this matter is not right for grandchildren, but Zhenlong Pagoda was discovered by me, and it was also tracked by me. I have the right to assign!" Guang Wanli gritted his teeth to distinguish.

"Forget it! Anyway, you and I are a family. I agree with the distribution method you put forward. Now the night is long and dreamy, take that kid!" The King of Light God waved his hand.

"Grandpa! The Zhenlong Pagoda is so powerful, I can't take the other party, and I was almost robbed just now!" Guang Wanli shook his head again and again.

"Oh! Let's hear it!" The God of Light is also surprised.

"That Zhenlong Pagoda can be turned into..." Guang Wanli said the battle just now, without giving any details.

"What... the dark portal, the terrible black light, makes you feel a terrifying breath!" King of Light God heard his description, and his face suddenly became very dignified.

"Grandpa! What did you think of?" Guang Wanli asked.

"I suspect that there should be a corpse in the dark portal!" The King of Light God's face sank like water, and there was a look of fear in the depths of his eyes.

"What! A corpse? What kind of corpse can make me thrill... Is it the corpse of a powerhouse of the Dao Realm?" Guang Wanli exclaimed incredulously.

"It is true! And not only the corpse of the powerhouse of the Dao Dao Realm, according to what you describe, it should also be the body of a powerhouse of the dark dimension." The King of Light God nodded, speaking deep in the eyes of the dark dimension Shining bright rays of light.

"The Dark Dimension! I have heard about it, but even then I shouldn't react that way." Guang Wanli said, "As soon as the door opened, I felt a horror all over my body. Will run away."

"There is indeed a hidden hiddenness in the future. I will tell you in the future that now all we have to do is **** the Zhenlong Pagoda! As long as I get the Zhenlong Pagoda, I don’t have any control, I only need the dark dimension in it. The body of the strong man will do!" King of Light God.

"Well, everything is done according to what Grandpa said." Guang Wanli nodded and looked at Zhao Yuande, who was moving sideways. "So what should we do now?"

"Shrink the battle group, trap him within a certain range, and then arrange the enchantment to make it escape!" Then we can catch the turtle in the urn!" There was a sneer in the corner of the king's mouth.


Zhao Yuande was a little anxious at this time. Although the two behind him did not attack him for the time being, a crisis had already flowed into his heart.

"I'm afraid these two guys are communicating. As long as they have finished communicating, I'm afraid they will start working!" Void Hulu said, "What are you going to do now?"

"Simply wait at the predetermined position, try to hold them down and wait for the void to be opened." Zhao Yuande felt that the other party would definitely block the void. If the void was opened for a while, he could not seize the opportunity, I am afraid he would really die.

"Okay! At the critical moment, I will draw the strength of the world against the sky to help you." Void Hulu said.

"How long can it last?" Zhao Yuande asked with some hope.

"Are you talking about facing these two people? I'm afraid you can't even hold ten breaths. The mana of the two of them is far superior to you, and they are both the blood of the dimension of light. If you really join forces, you can't imagine." Void gourd road.

"Ten breathes are already a lot!" Zhao Yuande nodded, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Sure enough, as he expected, he soon felt that Guang Wanli and the King of Light God had begun to separate.

They kept arranging enchantments in the void around them, but after a dozen breaths, the void of hundreds of millions of miles was completely blocked.

It seemed like there was a level of elementary barriers around him. He could not break it in a short time.

"Really blocked! Now the other party's power is flooding the entire void, and my speed is suddenly limited! Now there is danger at any time." Zhao Yuande's face could not help changing.

"The two seniors, why bother? If you want Zhenlong Pagoda to discuss with us, why kill them!" Zhao Yuande knew that he would have no effect at this time, so he could only stop his body and look at it from afar Facing the two.

At this time, he had already opened the God Soul Realm. Although the space of the God Territory was suppressed, it could still play some role under the support of the God Soul Realm.

"Young man, you are very good!" King Guangshen looked at Zhao Yuande, a smile appeared on his face, "Aren't you alright like this?"

"If I make this, I am afraid that the senior will not get the Jinlong Pagoda!" Zhao Yuande blinked at the God of Light, "So senior, you should thank me for being."

"This is not bad!" The King of Light God nodded slightly.

He is not in a hurry, and now the other party has been trapped here, becoming a turtle in the urn.

"Grandpa! Don't listen to his provocation. This kid is very unreasonable, and may be delaying time." Guang Wanli obviously felt the maliciousness in Zhao Yuande's words and hurriedly said.

"Okay! I'm not a fool." The King of Light God waved his hand and continued to look at Zhao Yuande. "Young man, can you tell me why there is the body of the Dark Dimension Powerhouse in the Zhenlong Pagoda?"

"What... know!" Zhao Yuande pretended to be incredible.

The other party is asking questions now, which is exactly what he wants, so he should make good use of the curiosity in the other party's heart and try to delay the time as much as possible.

"Speak!" King of Light God said.

"It is true, there is indeed the body of a dark dimensional strongman in the Zhenlong Pagoda, and it is also a strong Dao Realm!" Zhao Yuande said, "According to the information I got, the owner of the Zhenlong Pagoda was beheaded A Dark Dimensional Powerhouse, sealed his body in the second floor of Zhenlong Pagoda and refined it into the core of the second floor of Zhenlong Pagoda, as long as I opened the power of this corpse on the second floor Will be released!"

"Why don't you open it now?" King of Light God sneered. "Is it too much to use because it is too much?"

"Predecessor said it well! Wanting to open the second door is really expensive. Just now I just opened a small half and absorbed 70% of my strength. I didn't dare to open it again until I had to do it!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Do you mean it can still be turned on? Why don't I believe it?" The God of Light stared at Zhao Yuande's expression. As long as there was something abnormal on it, he could guess Zhao Yuande's inner activity.

"Of course, but it is to consume the source. If I open my realm again, I am afraid that it will stop, so I don't want to do this until the moment of the life and death crisis." Zhao Yuande expressed very helpless.

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