Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4360: Building a home

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He hurriedly urged the body to swallow the vortex to absorb the origin gas in the world, and after a few breaths, he returned to normal.

"Young Master!" The King of Light God came to Zhao Yuande's side at this time and threw the dragon plate in front of him.

The bones of Longpan were all crushed at this time, as if lying on the ground like mud, and there was fear or fear in his eyes.

"You are now my captive. What do you want to say?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other with a sneer.

"Rao Ming! Young Master Rao Ming! As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything! I can be your slave, and I can do a lot of things!" Longpan screamed in horror at this time, his body crawling like a maggot.

"You don't deserve to be my slave!" Zhao Yuande sneered, "I will treat you as dog food!"

He swept the dragon plate into the main world.

"Dasheng, your dog food is here!" Zhao Yuande dropped the meaty dragon plate on the ground.

The human body of the dragon plate disappeared all at once, replaced by a very large dragon body.

However, this dragon was no longer in shape at this time, the scales of his body were all gone, and his body was soft and collapsed like a dead snake.

The **** dog, who was still sleeping, opened his eyes at once, and his eyes were bright and clear.

"Wang Wang! Real Dragon Bloodline, extremely delicious!" Big Black Dog ran around the dragon plate excitedly.

"Enjoy it! This time, I'm waiting for you to promote Chaos to dominate the late stage. I'm waiting for you to kill the Quartet!" Zhao Yuande's voice passed into the ear of Big Black Dog.

"Haha! No problem, with this real dragon, I can definitely be promoted!" The body of the **** dog suddenly swelled and I don't know how many billions of times, and excitedly bit off the dragon's claws.

"Ao... let me go... I can do anything, don't eat me... I'm wrong..." At this point, the dragon's body strength was already imprisoned, and he couldn't even move it at all, only whispered in a low voice.

"You don't need to do anything, just wait for me to eat you!" The **** dog uttered a contented voice, constantly biting the dragon's body.


"Thank you Wang family for coming to rescue, I have written down this love!" Zhao Yuande thanked Wang Wutian and Wang Jue.

"Hey! Even if we don't come, they won't hurt you!" Wang Wutian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's it! Let's go first! This time it provokes the Demon Rat Clan, the Dragon Family, and the City Lord's Mansion. We have to go back and prepare as soon as possible!" Wang Jue looked relaxed, but looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes deeply. Different light flashes.

"Then give them two respectfully! If there is something wrong with the Wang family, Zhao Yuande will definitely appear for the first time!" Zhao Yuande bowed to the two.

"What should we do now?" Although Quan Juyou did not participate in this battle, they were also very excited.

"Since the Demon Rat Clan has formed a deadly feud with us, there is nothing to say! Directly attack the Devil Clan Territory!" Zhao Yuande looked at the basin in the distance, and his voice was full of killing intent. .


There was excitement on the faces of all the people, and they followed behind Zhao Yuande and killed the basin of the demon clan.

The group of cultivators watching in the distance couldn't help but sway their hearts one by one.

"Crazy! Crazy! He's going to attack the Demon Rat Clan's territory!"

"This time I am afraid that the Demon Rat Clan is in danger!"

"Not necessarily! The Demon Rat Clan has a strong man who is cultivated to reach a half-step breaking path."

"The old servant next to Zhao Yuande may have the same level of strength. If the old servant resists the strong man, Zhao Yuande summons the door again, I am afraid that the whole demon clan will be wiped out."

"Good! And there is not the old nest of the Devil Rat Clan, nor will there be such a strong man in town!"

"Go... hurry up and see!"

"Is there anything to brag about..."


See the lively people swarming away, chasing behind Zhao Yuande behind them, one by one eyes shining.

Although there are strong guards in this lair of the Demon Rat Clan, but under the horror of Jianmen and King of Light God, but dozens of breaths were taken.

None of the powerful demon clan escaped, and they were completely killed by the sword gate.

Even a secret lair beneath the Demon Rat Clan was found, and an ancestor who ruled the pinnacle of Chaos sat in it. Before being shot, he was slapped into flesh by the light **** king.

"You guys, start building! This is your homeland in the future!" Zhao Yuande did not verbosely move all the Kirin clan directly from the main world and let them build their homeland here.

"Good! This place is good!" A phantom of Kirin appeared in front of Zhao Yuande.

"Senior, I have found the place for you, but I am not strong enough. You still need to protect yourself here." Zhao Yuande said.

"I already knew what Xiaoyou meant!" Mo Qilin's void nodded and smiled, "Look over there."

Zhao Yuande felt it in his heart and turned his head to look in the direction of Kirin Yuan.

Suddenly saw a dark light flashing above Qilin Yuan, and in the blink of an eye a black shadow came to him.

The black shadow merged with the ray of spirit of the ink-colored unicorn, and an ink-colored unicorn with a length of tens of feet appeared in front of Zhao Yuande.

"Just a doppelganger is so powerful!" The King of God of Light beside Zhao Yuande felt the strong breath of the ink-colored unicorn at this time, and suddenly backed away, his face showing horror.

"Have seen the ancestor!"

At this time, all the Qilin tribes, whether human or animal, bowed down in front of this black unicorn.

They knew about it when they came here. The true blood lineage inheritors of the Qilin tribe are here. They all have a pilgrimage heart in their hearts, and they are all very respectful.

Now that the ancestor was approaching, they immediately felt that the blood that could not be cut off in the body was boiling, and they all bowed in sincerity.

"Get up! Here will be your home in the future, and I will teach you the inheritance of the true Kirin family!" Mo Se Qilin nodded slightly.

"Congratulations to Senior!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"I know what you mean, and you will stay here for the time being!" Mo Se Qilin said.


But at this time in the Xuan Ling City, within the Demon Rat Clan.


The Patriarch of the Demon Rat broke the palace with a slap.

"Summon all the masters immediately, and contact the Dragon Family!" The voice of the Demon Mouse Patriarch stunned in the void, and almost the entire Xuan Ling City could be heard, "No... go and contact the city master again! He asked me to agree, just kill With that kid, I promised him everything!"

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