Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4361: Home trouble

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"The Special Envoy of the Dragon Family Master has arrived!" a strong man of the Devil Rat Clan whispered.

"Please come up now..."

"Mouse! If you really promised me to give me that aurora borealis, I'll personally help you once!" A voice came from the city's mansion, filled with endless majesty, even the voice of the city's lord.

"I promise you!" The Demon of the Demon Rat Clan gritted his teeth.

He knew that the other party was knocking off, but he had to agree.

Others simply don't know what is in that basin. Only he knows that there must not be lost there.

"It's broken! Even the master of the city has to take action. This time I'm afraid it's going to be broken!"

"Juer, what do you say we should do? This time, even if we tried our best, we are not the opponents of these three parties, and if we make a shot, we may be attacked by the three parties. Our Wang family may not be able to resist it!" indefinite.

"Wait, I'll contact my cousin first and ask him for his opinion." Wang Jue waved slightly at this time, even in the family, her status was very high.

Her talent is amazing, she has already been noticed by the host family, and is quite trusted by the first talent of the Wang family, Wang.

Therefore, his position in the family is second only to the owner.

At this time, Wang Jue's face was very wonderful, with shock, panic, and even jealousy...

"How is it?" The owner of the Wang family looked at Wang Jue anxiously.

"The cousin said we should help each other at all costs!" Wang Jue said a little indifferently.

"Why?" Wang Jia asked the owner.

"Because... because the cousin got an important message from the ancestor." Wang Jue said, "The woman named Qin Baoyu has become a true disciple of Chaos Shenglian, the second saint!"

"What..." Wang Jiajia advocated a big mouth, like a fish leaving the water.

"There is also news that the sacred woman of Baolian and the sacred woman of the jade were separated halfway. The sage of the woman of the sacred lotus went to Qingfeng City, and the sage of the sacred woman was to come to our Xuanling City!" Wang Jue continued.

"The whole family will be dispatched immediately!" Wang family head yelled, "The retired ancestors also called out to me together, this time our Wang family will make a big vote!"

"Homeowner is wise!" Wang Jue nodded.

Zhao Yuande they were practicing in that basin at this time, and they could not help smiling as they watched the practitioners of the Kirin clan build the big basin.

"Master! Thank you very much this time!" Mo Wu appeared in front of Zhao Yuande at this time, his voice filled with gratitude.

"What son, we are brothers!" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Wu's head and smiled.

Mo Wu, but before he went into the chemical world with him, also made great contributions.

However, because his cultivation base entered the country too fast, Mo Wu could not keep up with his footsteps, so he stayed with the Kirin family.

Now his bloodline is the most pure, has been valued by the ink-colored unicorn, and has become one of the true inheritors of the ink-colored unicorn.

"Yes! Brother, if I practice successfully, I will continue to help my brother!" Mo Wu nodded again and again.

His current practice is only to reach the middle of the dominance, the gap is really huge.

However, he was not discouraged because he had seen the power of the dark-colored unicorn. Under the teaching of this strong man, his cultivation practice was bound to advance by leaps and bounds.

"I heard that you have named this basin as Kirin Valley, and will build a Kirin Tower here?" Zhao Yuande said.

"It is true, the name is the common opinion of all of us, and the Kirin Tower is the ancestor's order." Mo Wudao.

"We have a lot of materials, if you are missing something, go find Quanjuyou, he will satisfy you!" Zhao Yuande nodded to him.

"Thank you brother!" Mo Wu smiled.

"I'm in trouble!" Zhao Yuande's face suddenly showed a cold color, "Mo Wu, you took all the people into the underground to hide, and those families have already come to the door!"

"Good!" Mo Wu heard Zhao Yuande say this, hurried into the valley and began to lead the tribe into the underground.

Just after a few breaths, a large dark cloud appeared in the sky.

On the clouds stood a large group of powerful Demon Rat clan wearing yellow armor, and they looked in this direction with red eyes.


The drums of war rang together, and the world vibrated.

Behind the dark clouds was a huge cyan battleship, with flags flying above the battleship, and the two giants at the bow were beating the huge dragon skin war drums.

On the deck were standing neatly a group of dragon family strongmen, their blood and blood rushed to the skirmishers one by one, and the terror momentum united together, shaking the sky and the sky.

Behind the back, a team of golden guards broke into the void, killing the world.

Each of these three forces is stronger than one, and one is more terrifying.

In the whole mountain range, Fangyuan did not know how many billions of miles, and all the monsters and beasts were all frightened to escape.

In the Xuan Ling City, a large number of cultivators also appeared at this time, and they all looked excitedly in the direction of Kirin Valley.

They know that a shocking world war is about to begin, and what happens next may shake the whole Xuanling Mountain Range and even spread to other large cities in the Holy Lotus God Realm.

At this time, Quan Juyou also appeared behind Zhao Yuande.

They were all trembling with excitement at this time. They were not afraid, but had a strong expectation.

They looked forward to the kind of horror after the attacking strongman saw the appearance of the ink-colored unicorn, the helplessness, the ghost crying and howling, kneeling and begging for mercy.


At this time in the Xuan Ling City, a breath of terror erupted again. A huge building ship rushed out, and a king was written on the building ship.

Seeing the appearance of the Wang family, the group of strong men who rushed out of the city and watched suddenly revealed the difference.

"It's the Wang family, they came again!"

"Isn't the Wang family afraid of annihilating the genocide? Opposite the dragon family, the joint army of the demon clan and the city's main palace!"

"I don't know how the Wang family planned, but I admire them very much."

"It's true, being able to stand beside Zhao Yuande at this time really makes people respect!"

"Then Zhao Yuande is nothing more than a guest secretary. Is it worth them spending so much time and effort to take such a huge risk?"

"There must be a reason, but only Wang's family knows the reason!"


"Are you looking for death, Wang's family?" The demon patriarch gave a cold anger.

"Huh! You want to deal with the people of our Wang family, how can we just sit back and ignore it!" The Wang family owner stood on the building ship with a cold smile on his face.

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