Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4400: Ghost talk

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Chapter Four Thousand and Four

"And mine!" Situ Xiaomi also got up and handed the jade card in front of him with a smile on his face, "Brother, if there is a soldier suitable for me, please help me take it! If not, lend it to me!" Brother!"

"Okay! Rest assured!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"My..." Sun Kuan is a person who doesn't like words, and he also handed over his jade card.

"Okay! You and the dream girl will keep it first, in case of unexpected needs, these are enough!" Zhao Yuande smiled and smiled.

"Oh! All right!" Sun Kuan nodded.

Zhao Yuande felt the cohesion of this team and the trust the team members had in him, and he was also very warm in his heart.

The next day, after their first battle, the deputy lord of the city secretly passed on to him.

He soon came to the main city of the city, under the leadership of the deputy city master, embarked on a teleportation to Yunhai City.

Yunhai City has changed a lot now!

The last time was the Genius Conference, Zhao Yuande saw the prosperity of Yunhai City.

But now it is a lot quieter. All the people walking on the street are strong breathers who can't suppress the terrorist murderous body.

They should all have just gone through a big battle, and the whole body has returned tiredly.

"Go here!" The deputy city host took him through the city.

Most of the shops in Yunhai City are closed, and only some very large treasure buildings are still open.

However, all these treasures are guarded by strong men at the gates, obviously they are preparing for something.

"Vice-City Lord... Brother Liu, what's the situation?" Zhao Yuande looked at Yunhai City and couldn't help but wonder.

When you arrive at Yunhai City, it might be misunderstood to call the Vice-City Lord, so they said they had changed their name before.

"Hey! I heard that just a few nights ago, a half-strength powerhouse of the dark dimension dived into the city and almost destroyed most of the Yunhai City." Liu Fucheng said in a low voice.

"There is still such a thing, the guys of the dark dimension are too courageous! It can be regarded as a place where the strong people gather, there should be at least hundreds of half-step breaking road strong people, there should be no escape! "Zhao Yuande asked.

"Escaped! And also beheaded two and a half-step power-breakers! Really embarrassing!" Vice-Chancellor Liu looked very ugly.

"Who is this so powerful!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his face.

Surrounded by hundreds of broken mirrors on the half-walk, instead of being left behind, they beheaded and ran away.

This kind of power is scary.

"Hey! It's not what you imagined! There weren't too many people attacking at the time, and everyone couldn't pull off. After waiting for a person to be cut off, they rushed up, but in the end it was still..." Vice President Liu sighed repeatedly .

"Even so, it is super powerful!" Zhao Yuande could not help admiring, "This is probably a super genius of the dark dimension, invincible strong peers!"

"It's true! The guy of the dark dimension left a sentence after he fled, saying... Anyway, it's very unpleasant!" Vice-City Master Liu couldn't say it anymore, and his face was angry.

When Zhao Yuande saw the other party, he knew that there must be no good words left, so he didn't even ask.

"But! Xiaoyou, your talent is amazing. I heard that the Dark Dimension will send some real geniuses to come over time. If the Little Friend can kill one or two Dark Dimensional Genius, it is also regarded as our patriarch. Face!" Liu Fucheng said.

"If there is really a genius of the dark dimension, I will not be spared!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Really bragging!" As the two said while walking, there was an untimely woman's voice around them.

The voice seemed full of disdain, with a high tone of voice.

Zhao Yuande turned his head to look and found that two young men were looking at themselves not far behind.

The two young men, a man and a woman, are handsome and handsome, just standing there and looking at themselves, with a look of interest in their eyes.

And the woman's petite figure and voluptuous appearance, there is undisguised contempt and disdain in her eyes.

"We talk, what are you talking about!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the woman, her voice cold and ruthless.

For this kind of person who speaks badly, no matter he or she, he will not be polite to him.

"Hum! I'm talking about ghosts and killing the genius of the dark dimension. You're not afraid to blow the cowhide! Just blow it at home. You whispering on the street makes people disgusted!" I didn't expect the woman to listen Zhao Yuande's words were sneered, and his words were more polite.

"I will disappear from my eyes immediately, otherwise I don't mind giving you a lesson!" Zhao Yuande was really angry, how could there be such a person.

"Little friend, don't be impulsive! This is Yunhai City. Fighting is not allowed at this time!" Vice-City Master Liu hurriedly took Zhao Yuande, and then secretly said, "And the auction is about to start. Do not waste time here. The province missed the treasure auction."

Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, did not speak, and turned away.

As the other party said, he came for a purpose this time. If this small incident provokes the guards in the city, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out of it for a while. If it misses the auction, wouldn’t it be an in vain.

Only with this woman, if she meets her again after the auction, it will certainly not be lighthearted.

"Coward, come here if you have the ability!" The young woman saw Zhao Yuande turn around and walked away, still provoking when he was afraid.

Her identity is not ordinary. Few people in this cloud city dare to provoke, if the other party really dare to start, she will make the other party regret for life.

"Well, Yingmei! I'm afraid that someone doesn't want to see you in general!" The young man smiled lightly.

Obviously this guy also knows the woman's temper, which is adding fuel and vinegar.

"He doesn't know me like me! I want to see what he really is..." When the woman heard the man's words, the anger that had just calmed down suddenly reignited.

She speeded up and chased towards Zhao Yuande.

"Fun and funny! After so long boring, there was finally a good show!" The young man clapped his hands gently, his eyes glowing with excitement, and followed the woman without hurrying.

However, they were not far from the auction at this time. When she saw Zhao Yuande again, Zhao Yuande was entering the auction.

"Huh! It turns out that you are going to the auction too! You must not buy anything, otherwise..." The woman's mouth curled up, a sneer appeared.

"British girl, this time we were ordered, but don't mess up the La family's plan!" the young man reminded beside.

"Humph! It's what you say! Let's go in!"

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