Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4401: Small sword

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Chapter 4401 Little Sword

The woman dissatisfiedly glanced at the man next to her, and then strode into the auction.

"Ha ha……"

The auction venue is large, as if it were a small world.

On the auction stand below, a voluptuous woman stood in the center, as if she was preparing.

The stand is divided into three levels, the lowest level is ordinary practitioners, but the lowest level is also the later stage of chaotic domination.

These cultivators are as dense as ants, and they don't know how many.

Of course, ninety-nine percent of them are not from the city of Yunhai, and they are the geniuses of the other great cities in the eastern region of the Holy Lotus.

The second floor, which is where Zhao Yuande and they are located, has slightly fewer seats, and the seats are more comfortable and spaced apart, which is somewhat atmospheric.

But even if there are fewer people than the first floor, it seems that there are tens of thousands of people.

Most of these are important figures in major cities in the Eastern Region.

Zhao Yuande saw several strong men in the Cape City next to them, all masters of the major families, all of which were the cultivation practices of Chaos Dominating the Peak.

As for the third floor, it is a private room.

You can clearly feel the strong breath passing between the rooms.

According to Vice President Liu, these private rooms are basically half-step breakaways, or those with high status.

For example, the young masters of the real big family, such as the ice son, Yan son, blood son.

The glamorous woman on the auction stand soon began the auction.

The woman's voice was so sweet and irritating that it made people feel a little itchy.

So under her guidance, many of the treasures and materials at the beginning all soared in price.

Of course, this woman's posture can only make the practitioners on the first floor lose their square, and the third and second floors are just watching her performance with a cold eye.

"The next thirty-six treasure is a small sword!" The woman had a silver sword in her hand at this time.

Seeing this little sword, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Because this little sword is exactly the same as the silver one he got before.

And this small sword also has many defects of rice grain size.

It was at this time that the silver sword in Zhao Yuande's body was trembling slightly.

There must be some connection between the two swords. Zhao Yuande has decided in his mind this time that he must win this sword.

At this time, the fascinating woman is constantly introducing the characteristics of Xiaojian.

The small swords were all shot down, and now they are barely at the level of the ninth order Chaos Divine Soldier.

The price stated by the fascinating woman is not very high, just 50,000 points.

The value of a truly flawless ninth-order chaos soldier is about 100,000 points, and this silver sword is incomplete, so the starting price is slightly lower.

And the voluptuous woman did not have much hope, her psychological price is 80,000 points.

"60,000 points!" Someone suddenly started to bargain.

Although this silver sword is incomplete, the incomplete one is not terrible, and it is still in the rank of Order 9 Chaos Divine Soldier.

It may not be possible to meet Chaos Divine Soldier of the same level, but it will definitely crush when encountering the eighth order.

So many people think that if they can start with 70,000 or 80,000 points, it is still very appropriate.

"Sixty-one thousand points!"

"63,000 points!"


"78,000 points!"

In the end, after discussing the auction, the price reached 78,000 points.

This has basically reached the limit of the value of this small sword, if it is higher, it is better to add a little direct ninth order Chaos Divine Soldier.

"This little brother is bidding 78,000 points. I don't know if anyone has a higher price than this?" The fascinating woman looked around the first floor, her eyes sparkling.

In fact, she was already satisfied at this time, although it was two thousandths away from the psychological price, but it was already pretty good.

"I have 80,000 points!" Just then a voice came from the second floor.

This is naturally Zhao Yuande, and he is right in the end.

"Eighty thousand points! Is there a higher price?" The flamboyant woman's eyes lit up and looked in the direction of Zhao Yuande. It seemed to discharge in her eyes.

The young man who had scored 78,000 points before could not help but sigh when he saw Zhao Yuande sitting on the second floor!

Seventy-eight thousand points is already his limit, and the identity of the other party is clearly above himself. It seems that there is no shortage of points, and he can't compete for the other party at all.

So he didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly.

"Since no one bids anymore, this little sword is the son's!"

"Slow! I have 81,000 points!" At this time, a woman's voice also came from the second floor.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help crying when he heard the voice, and he looked around to see the woman on the street.

"Look, don't speak without points!" The woman gave Zhao Yuande a contemptuous look, her voice full of disdain.

"Huh!" Zhao Yuandeqiang resisted his anger and exhaled.

"Xiaoyou, there is nothing strange about this sword, what are you going to do! Why not?" Liu Chengcheng, the host, persuaded, "Don't make a big mistake because of anger."

"Brother Liu, what I said is the most! I like this sword, but if the price is too high, I won't fight!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

"80,000 points!" But Zhao Yuande still bid.

Vice President Liu shook his head slightly, but did not continue to persuade him.

The young man in front of him is not a soft-hearted person. I am afraid that he has already made enmity with this woman this time. I am afraid that a killing will be inevitable afterwards.

However, Deputy Liu Chengcheng was not too worried. Zhao Yuande's combat effectiveness was not so simple on the surface.

And the identity of the other party... Vice-City Master Liu thought of this, and he relaxed.

"Ninety thousand points!" The woman smiled provocatively.

"Ninety-one thousand points!" Zhao Yuande has gradually calmed down.

"Ninety-nine thousand points!" The woman continued.

Obviously she wants to push Zhao Yuande to the height of 100,000 points.

"One hundred thousand points!" Zhao Yuande became more and more calm, he looked at the woman coldly, "If the girl bids again, this sword is yours!"

"..." The woman looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes and couldn't help but bid.

"Fine! Yingmei, don't make trouble! One hundred thousand points is not a small number. If the other party really gives up, it will delay the business for a while, I am afraid..." The man held the woman at this time and stopped her from continuing to call Impulse.

One hundred thousand points were finally exchanged for this silver sword.

When Zhao Yuande took the silver sword, he clearly felt the joy from the silver sword in his body!

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