Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4417: something wrong

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"Don't talk about this first, talk about your experience!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Hey! I still take it for granted." Remy Martin sighed, and said with grief in his face, "I dived into the deep sea and wanted to find my old friend. As a result, my friend found it and broke through the conspiracy of the interracial, if not me Abandoned a doppelganger, this time it was dead! Pity my friend..."

"What alien conspiracy?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. If something really happened in the deep sea, these cities might be instantly captured.

"A team of aliens have infiltrated the sea dragon's family land, and they are sneaky. I don't know what to do, but it is definitely not a good thing!" Rentou said.

"Hailong's clan?" Huang Daxian said at this time, "The Hailong clan is one of the two royal families on the sea floor. They are also very disgusted with the aliens. Do the groups of aliens want to assassinate the Hailong king?"

"Assassination of the head, the group of guys can't even kill me. How can I assassinate the King of the Sea Dragon. I guess... it's broken!" The remy horse suddenly jumped up, his eyes clenched in anxiety, "We're going to leave now , Go to the Hailong tribe!"

"What's wrong? What happened to you?" Zhao Yuande felt something was wrong.

"I heard that friend said that the Ninth Prince of the Hailong tribe is an adult, and that group of guys will not pay attention to the Nine Prince!" The face of the Centaur showed a look of terror, and his body shivered at this time. "Nine Prince Won the favor of the Sea Dragon King, if they kidnapped the Nine Prince at this time, I am afraid that the Sea Dragon King would really be coerced, that kind of result..."

"That's not a hurry yet!" Huang Daxian also showed horror on his face.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande also gritted his teeth, "We must not let the aliens succeed, and we will even kill the Ninth Prince at the critical moment!"

"Yes, I would rather kill the Ninth Prince than let it be a bargaining chip for aliens!" Remy Martin said.

"It's a pity to kill, just give Ben Sheng the food!" Big Black Dog grinned.

"You know to eat!" Zhao Yuande slapped it on the head.

But when they left the cave, three figures appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

It was Song Li and the two old guys around him.

"Zhao Yuande, do you know the result of leaving the battle?" Song Li looked at Zhao Yuande with a sneer, his mouth showing a smug look.

"Run away from your mother!" Rentou has been unhappy with this guy for a long time, and he scolded, "I have important things to do. This is related to the safety of several big cities. Get out immediately, otherwise I will eat you immediately!"

"Humph! It's reasonable to leave the battlefield, and the two veterans will win them!" Song Li waved sneered.

"I advise you to still do it by hand, otherwise the old man can't guarantee you can live alive!" The old man said coldly.

"Wang! Give Ben Sheng, get rid of these two old guys!" The **** dog yelled and rushed straight up.


From the moment of the war, the **** dog, the remy horse, the yellow old fairy, and the black mouse joined together and even stiffly resisted the two old guys, and it did not fall.

"What the **** happened?" The battle here immediately attracted the attention of many people, and the Deputy City Lord appeared at this time.

"You are the Deputy City Lord. This man escaped and was discovered by us. Now I order you to take it down immediately!" Song Liyi urged.

"Xiaoyou, what are you?" The deputy city owner looked at Zhao Yuande.

How could he believe that Zhao Yuande was about to escape, so he secretly asked.

"I just received news that a team of aliens has infiltrated the Hailong tribe, and the intention is wrong! We are going to stop it." Zhao Yuande said.

In this case, he could not speak in front of everyone.

In case there is an interracial spy, the wind is revealed, and this time it may strike the snake.

"What!" The deputy lord almost screamed.

"We are going to stop it now, and we also ask Brother Liu to stop them!" Zhao Yuande said, "And this matter can't be spread, I'm afraid there will be interracial eyeliners or spies here."

"Okay!" The deputy city owner had unconditionally trusted Zhao Yuande, so he did it without hesitation!

"Come here, take these three to me!" The deputy lord of the city pointed at Song Li and the three.

Everyone was too lazy to believe Song Li's gossip. When Zhao Yuande beheaded an infinite alien, this guy didn't know where.

For more than a year, they did not know how many people were rescued by Zhao Yuande. They had long been dissatisfied with Song Li and others.

So as soon as the deputy city lord made this remark, hundreds of people suddenly gathered around.

These are not mortals, most of them are the late chaotic dominance, or even the strongest at the peak.

Hundreds of them joined forces, and Song Li couldn't resist even a genius.

But in a flash, Song Li was captured.

Some people were furious and kicked at him, but in the blink of an eye this guy was beaten into a pig's head.

"Bold! Bold! You dare to attack the young master!" The two old guys had already given up the **** dog at this time and rushed towards hundreds of people.

But they were quickly captured.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had disappeared in place.

"Vice-City Lord, did Brother Zhao go there?" Some people couldn't help asking when they couldn't see Zhao Yuande.

"You have too much control!" The deputy lord turned his head and glanced at the questioner. He couldn't help but look a bit cold in his eyes.

"I... I just care about Brother Zhao, just ask!" The man's complexion changed slightly, he justified.

"Come here! Grab this guy too." The deputy city lord waved his hand.

Suddenly this person was captured.

"What do you do with me, do I do anything!" the guy yelled.

"Send it to the lord, search for its soul!" The deputy lord did not bother to ignore his yelling.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's whereabouts were inquired, and it was not natural when asked, obviously there was a problem.

At such a critical moment, it would be better to kill one thousand by mistake than one.

However, the deputy city lord also considered other reasons, so he sent it to the city lord.

The city master is in a broken state, and even the soul search will not cause too much impact on the other party.

"Sure enough, this person has a problem!" The city master shattered the man's head, and there was a dignified color on his face. "Unexpectedly, the aliens have infiltrated in, thanks to timely discovery, otherwise the future will be endless."

"City Lord, Zhao Yuande, they will not have any problem infiltrating the Hailong tribe territory!" Vice-City Lord's face was worried.

"He is a man with good luck, and it should be fine." The city master shook his head slightly. "But we still have to take this matter... Forget it. I personally went to Yunhai City to see the Holy Girl."

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