Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4418: Enemy attack

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"City Lord, you go in person, what about Song Li? They are messengers of Qinglian Divine Monarch, if we have been imprisoned..."

"It's really troublesome. At this time, these unnecessary disputes are still coming. The descendants of Qinglian Shenjun are really..." The city owner also frowned.

If these three people are released at this time, I am afraid that they will make troubles and even alarm Qinglian Shenjun.

Qinglian Divine Sovereign is a guy who protects the calves very much. No matter what mistakes her people make, she will protect them.

Especially at this critical moment, if the Qinglian Divine Monarch goes mad, the resulting image is simply unimaginable.

But if they continue to be locked, I am afraid it will be even crazier to retaliate after they come out.

"Let them! But restrict them from leaving the Cape City!" The main road said, "No, I want to let the boy lead them away. If you can let these three guys die in the hands of aliens, that's the perfect one! "

"City Lord Na Song Li is a close disciple of Qinglian Divine Monarch... doing this... I am afraid that it will cause the anger of Qinglian Divine Monarch!"

"Can't control so much, they are the best to die in the hands of aliens, even if she blames us in the future, she doesn't dare to go too far." The city master said, "She is not the master of the Holy Lotus God Realm, and Chaos Holy. The existence of lotus!"

"Then listen to the master's instructions!" The deputy master nodded.

"I will contact the kid and tell the virgin about the matter, I believe that the virgin should be on our side!" said the city master.

"Okay!" the deputy lord agreed.

Zhao Yuande, with four **** dogs, has sneaked into the sea.

But at this time a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Stop!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"What happened?" Remy Martin said, "It seems that no aliens have appeared."

"It was the city owner who contacted me and said that he would use our hands to kill Song Li and kill them in the hands of aliens." Zhao Yuande said.

"Hey! I didn't expect that they would still be able to escape the fate of going around in circles!" Remy Martin grinned.

"Be careful, this guy has an extraordinary history, must not die in our hands, otherwise... we may end miserable." Huang Daxian said.

"Remy Martin, do you know the strongholds of aliens in the sea? We need to go round and lead them." Zhao Yuande said.

"Know... Leave it to me!" Remy Martin said.

Zhao Yuande they stopped at the same place for just a dozen breaths, and they felt abnormal fluctuations in the distance behind them.

That kind of fluctuation is very secret. If they don't pay their full attention, I'm afraid it's really not easy to find.

"You said, in the end, the man who let us go is really true or false?" Song Li looked at the dim sea in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Regardless of whether it is true or false, we have captured the breath of the kid, which is three thousand miles ahead. As long as we record all his words and deeds with Shadow Jade, he will be dead!" The old man sneered.

"Yes! I have informed Princess Seven, I think Princess Seven will be here soon." The old lady said tentatively, "Princess Seven controls a region of sailors and can deter the sea clan in the sea. If she comes to capture that The kid is easy."

"Good! Good!" Song Li's eyes were full of evil light.

Zhao Yuande they are very fast, but in just one hour, they appeared in front of a huge submarine coral forest.

The coral forest of the original purple air was covered with a black light at this time.

A strange fish with long black horns roamed around the coral forest.

"Before the alien invasion, this coral road was the place of an old friend of mine, but now that old friend was killed, this group of aliens took over here!" The head of the horse and the horse were bloodshot, clenched in fists, and contained infinite anger.

"How about the strength of this group of aliens? Can they have the power to kill the three Song Li?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"My old friend is stronger than me. He is a black turtle who has lived for infinite years, and he has entered a half-step breaking path!" Remy Martin said lowly. "This group of aliens won only after a sneak attack. The combat effectiveness It should not be enough to kill the three!"

"Alien strongholds should be mostly connected in the sea! If we alarm them all in advance..." Huang Daxian said at this time.

"It's still Wong Tai Sin Ghost's idea!" Big Black Dog praised.

"But if we are shocked by those strongholds, will we be able to escape?" Remy Martin said.

"This is my strength, you all enter my body world!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay!" They already trusted Zhao Yuande, and even more **** dogs, so they did not hesitate to enter his body world.

According to Remy Martin, Zhao Yuande found many strongholds on the seabed.

These strongholds are within tens of thousands of miles. If a war occurs in one place, other strongholds will arrive soon.

Zhao Yuande already had a plan in mind, the Divine Space opened up, and hundreds of millions of miles under the sea were enveloped in his Divine Space.


His body disappeared instantly.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack, challenge!"


However, in just one breath, Zhao Yuande launched an attack on dozens of strongholds.

Immediately in front of the coral forest, the whole sea area was shaking with a punch, and the coral forest seemed to collapse directly like half of the paper paste.


Countless aliens rushed out of the ruins of the coral forest and killed Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande's figure flashed and disappeared in one place.

"There seems to be a war in front of the young man." The old man frowned at this moment, looking forward.


After a loud noise, he only saw a purple light radiating in the sea, and then a figure had appeared beside them.

"The three of you are ready to fight!" Zhao Yuande sneered and pushed a ray of light towards them.

"It's you!" Song Li immediately shot, and a cold awn shattered the light.

"Don't..." The old man saw the strangeness and yelled out to stop it.

But this time it was too late.

The light group was cut open, a thunder breath spread over them, and a small electric light fell on them.

This tiny electro-optical light has no harm, just attached to them.

"Broken!" The old man's face changed greatly at this time.


The continuous roaring from far to near.

They hadn't responded yet, and they saw a large group of strangely shaped aliens in front of them.

Seeing the three of them, this group of aliens immediately launched a terrorist attack.

"Go!" The old lady and the old man joined forces to block the aliens and shouted at Song Li.

"Escape? Why?" Song Li hadn't figured out the situation yet, but his face immediately changed.

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