Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4450: Crispy and tender

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Chapter 4450 Crispy and tender


He has only one word now.

Fortunately, his teleportation speed has now reached a limit. Although it is still not as fast as Hailong's catching speed, he is not worried.

Because he has gradually approached the abyss!


Zhao Yuande rushed into the abyss, his voice oscillated into the abyss.

"Hum! You are dead!"

Behind Hailong's will paws of will, he grabbed him fiercely.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande once again felt the crisis of life and death.

But he is not worried, because this is the site.


A roar came from under the abyss.

This roaring Zhao Yuande just felt a little deafening.

But that Hailong felt like thunder roaring in his ear, and the sky was thundering.


Hailong opened his mouth with a blood arrow, and his huge body fell on the ground at once.

The sea dragon's huge body fell, and the whole mountain seemed to jump at this moment.

Although the sea dragon was terribly shaken, it woke up again after falling to the ground.

It looked at the abyss as if thinking of something at once.

Then a pair of little sun-like longan showed a terrifying light.

Hailong jumped up and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Senior left him!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

The other side has already seen his chaotic Qinglian sword just now. If the other side is allowed to run, this hole card will be revealed.


Below the abyss, there was a horror sound like death.

A tangible sound wave suddenly burst into the void.

Not knowing how many billions of miles apart, Hailong is fleeing wildly.

A pair of shocked expressions appeared in its eyes.

"That's Qilin Yuan, that Qilin has reached that level!" Hailong's voice was envious and envious.

There are also many realms in the Dao Realm, true self, selfless, no self!

Hailong has just stepped into the breaking ground, and it is just the beginning of the real world.


The void is broken, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye ripples out of it, directly covering the sea dragon.

"Do not!"

Hailong roared with regret in his heart.

But there is no way.

His huge body was directly shaken in the sound waves to become a fan.

"Congratulations to Senior!" Zhao Yuande suddenly knew when he saw this scene, he was out of danger!

Zhao Yuande felt a soft power curling around himself, and suddenly appeared in front of the ink-colored unicorn.

"Why did you show up here? Still chased by a sea dragon?" Mo Se Qilin opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes also showed a bit of curiosity. edge."

"Senior, you don't know what's going on outside here..." Zhao Yuande roughly told what happened in recent years and the ink-colored unicorn.

"Away from this! The two realms are training again!" Ink Kirin shook his head slightly, "This is the norm, because the Broken God Realm is about to be opened again!"

"Senior can you do me a favor?" Zhao Yuande looked at the ink-colored unicorn with some expectation.

"Oh! What's the matter?" Ink-colored unicorn looked at Zhao Yuande with a strange look in his eyes.

"I cut off the claw of the sea dragon and wanted my senior to help me refine its power, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get close, and I would be shocked." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Don't you plan it!" There was something unnatural in the ink color of Kirin.

"Yes! If I eat Hailong's claws, I am afraid that I will have the opportunity to promote Chaos to dominate the peak, then I will no longer fear the threat of those guys!" Zhao Yuande nodded honestly.

"Okay!" Ink Unicorn nodded. "Take out your paws!"

Zhao Yuande did not shy away, directly opened a huge black hole and moved the dragon claw out.


When the huge black hole was opened, Zhao Yuande clearly saw through the black hole all the holes in the main world.

It's all because of the terrifying power released by that dragon claw!

Once Xiu Wei reached the breaking ground, the ordinary dimension could no longer carry it. Fortunately, this was just a claw.

If the sea dragon enters the main world directly, I am afraid the main world will collapse directly.

Of course, the main world has not yet completely evolved successfully.

If it is successful, it may be almost the same as the dimension of origin.

The ink-colored unicorn is not much to say, and a black-colored flame spewed out of the mouth, and began to burn continuously against the dragon's claws.

However, these flames did not seem to have terrible temperatures. Burning them on the dragon claws did not burn them, but went deep into the dragon claws and burned the power.

After an hour, although the dragon's claws were still huge, Zhao Yuande could not feel the slightest power, only the majestic energy rippling in it.

"Okay! You go!" Ink Kirin seemed tired, and closed his eyes.

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande put away the dragon claws, and then respectfully saluted.

The ink-colored unicorn no longer spoke, and Zhao Yuande simply found a place in the abyss.

He directly started making food here.

Ten days later, Da Ding in front of Zhao Yuande heard a tempting fragrance.

"Good smell!" Even the ink-colored unicorn couldn't help but opened his eyes at once, and there was an unshakable shock deep in his eyes.

"Senior tastes my craft!" Zhao Yuande tore the dragon claw from Dading to a small half and sent it to the front of the ink-colored unicorn.

"Good fragrance! I feel that there is a surging power in it, even if I... I am afraid that it will be very beneficial after eating!" The ink-colored unicorn felt the energy fluctuations in the dragon's claws carefully, and couldn't help but be shocked again.

It is also not long-winded, and directly ingests the dragon's claw.

"Scent! Crispy! Slippery! Tender!" Ink-colored Kirin didn't know how many years he hadn't eaten, and the entrance to the dragon's claws suddenly showed a wonderful light.

"Senior can try to practice!" Zhao Yuande reminded.

"Good! Good!" The ink-colored unicorn crushed and swallowed the dragon claws together with the belt bones.

It immediately began to feel closed eyes closed and began to practice...

Zhao Yuande saw this scene and began to enjoy.

However, he can't eat all the remaining dragon claws. His strength is one aspect, and there is something left for the **** dogs so that they can be improved as soon as possible.

Five years later, the opening of the Broken God Realm is getting closer and closer.

His strength also needs to improve again.

The power contained in the dragon's claws is extremely horrible and huge. Even his flesh felt tumultuous, almost unable to bear the feeling of exploding.

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