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As time passed, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes.

He felt as if a door had been pushed open in his body, and his strength suddenly improved several times.

"There is no Sky Tribulation coming in this world, and I still feel a little unsuited, otherwise the Body will be tempered again after the Sky Tribulation comes down!" Zhao Yuande said with some distress.

"Oh! Do you have this idea?" Mo Se Qilin looked at Zhao Yuande with great interest at this time. "If you want to go through the catastrophe, I can help you!"

"Senior, your strength..." Zhao Yuande looked at the dark-colored unicorn and felt that there had been some change in the opponent's body.

"Haha!" Mo Qilin laughed at this moment.

Its laughter shook the whole abyss, making Zhao Yuande dizzy and dizzy.

"Seniors broke through?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other in surprise.

"Small breakthrough! Already reached the ecstasy realm!" Ink color unicorn laughed, "Thanks to your dragon claws... It seems to contain a kind of power of heaven, let me have a little insight, that small threshold Just pass by!"

"Congratulations to seniors!" Zhao Yuande is also happy for the ink color unicorn.

The strength of this predecessor has improved, and the demonic demons in the abyss have no way out of their difficulties, which is also the luck of the entire origin.

"Do you want to think about what I just said?" Mo Se Qilin smiled, "But that place is very dangerous, and you may die if you are not careful."

"Seniors come and listen." Zhao Yuande was immediately interested.

"That is a node of two realms, and the world of another dimension is eternity! Although the eternal dimension is as strong as my origin, the powerful existence is united together to form an alliance, from a heavenly treasure to the eternal furnace of heaven. Fair control! In the two-dimensional node channel, the piece of heavenly treasure will punish the stronger of the leapfrog, and the means of punishment is thunder!" Moss Qilin Road.

"There is such a place?" Zhao Yuande's eyes widened in disbelief. "A treasure is in charge of a dimension? Can this be done?"

"Oh! Absolutely! It is more just than Heavenly Dao, stricter than Heavenly Dao, more terrible than Heavenly Dao, and has unparalleled terrorist attack power!" Mo Se Qilin said a bit of yearning, "You see, although the origin is Powerful, but there are still constant attacks from the light and dark dimensions, but the eternal dimension, there is no such worry! The powerful power of the heavenly treasure can directly cross the infinite dimension attack, and even the light and dark dimensions can not bear the terrible power! "

"Which races are in the eternal dimension?" Zhao Yuande heard the description of the ink-colored unicorn and was already looking forward to it.

"There are all races, it is a big hybrid, as long as you have the ability to enter it, as long as you have the ability to be able to stand in it!" Mok Qilin said.

"I want to see it!" Zhao Yuande looked forward.

"You... it's a little difficult to get in now, but you can try Thunder's power first." Mo Se Qilin smiled.

"I... still not going for the time being! Someone is targeting me recently. I'm afraid that it will be too long. They will harm my friends." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"Oh! In that case, then you go first! If you want to try it, come back and find me!" Mo Se Qilin nodded.

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande arched his hand, and he jumped out of Qilin Yuan in a jump.

His current strength has increased more than ten times than before, even with his own strength, he can barely fight against the strong players in the Dao Realm.

With the improvement of his cultivation spirit, his spirit is naturally rising, so his divine space teleportation has once again been upgraded by a grade. I am afraid that the speed is faster than the strong players in the Dao Realm.

So before the Qilin Yuantian, a teleport jumped.

Soon he saw the Xuan Ling City ahead.

At this time he was worried about the friends of Xuan Ling City.

Fortunately, when he saw Quan Juyou, they were all in good condition.

"Brother Zhao, how is the battle ahead?" Quan Ju asked friendly and strange.

"It's quite peaceful, but someone wants to deal with me. You better put your hands down and follow me in advance, and you will come back after the matter is resolved." Zhao Yuande said solemnly.

"This...not so! It's Xuan Ling City here!" Quan Juyou obviously didn't want to leave.

"I have to deal with the Dadao Realm Powerhouse, they will not be afraid of anything, maybe they will directly destroy the Xuan Ling City, and then you may be too late to cry." Zhao Yuande said.

"Shall we go to Kirin Valley to take refuge?" Quan Juyou said.

"Kirin Valley is safe, but what is the difference between you and me?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help saying.

"There I can remotely command and follow you, to be suffocated!" Quan Juyou smiled bitterly.

"Simply you go to the main world first, and there have been a few worlds gradually developed there. You can operate in it for a while!" Zhao Yuande suggested, "I need you to formulate the equivalent amount of currency to lead the business. ."

"This...Okay!" Quan Juyou was also a little interested after hearing it.

More importantly, a considerable part of the Xuanhuang Realm is in the main world.

This group of people does not want to enter the origin, so opening up their own family power in the main world can be regarded as the most stable and safe choice.

Many key figures in Xuan Ling City disappeared. Only Song Feng, Song Qian, and Luo Heng controlled the whole situation.

Zhao Yuande was considered to have a heart attack. He didn't worry about someone coming to deal with himself.

And if your friends and relatives are threatened by others, that kind of feeling is most suffocating.

Through the teleportation array, he quickly returned to East Lake City.

East Lake City, except for Nan Li, left, as usual.

Big Black Dog, they were excited when they saw Zhao Yuande return.

"Mirror Fairy, come!" Zhao Yuande smiled at Mirror Fairy.

Mirror Fairy had a curious look in his eyes and followed Zhao Yuande to his cave house.

When Zhao Yuande took out the remaining dragon claws, the **** dog rushed up with a cheer.

"Da Sheng! Don't **** it!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly flew the Da Sheng Pai out.

"Wang! Your kid is stronger again!" Da Sheng's eyes widened.

"Yes, it's getting stronger again! It's up to the Hailong tribe to send me a big meal!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

He divided the dragon claw into five parts and sent them to the **** dog and the mirror fairy in front of them.

"Good fragrance!" Mirror Fairy couldn't help but widen her eyes, all of them incredible.

"Click! Click!"

The **** dog could not wait to be stuffed into the big mouth and started chewing beautifully.

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