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Chapter 4502 Menacing

"Dad! We came here this time to talk about the business." Although Qing Lan was generously blushed by his father at this time.

"Yes! Yes! Tell the right thing!" The middle-aged fat man nodded again and again, and then looked solemnly at Zhao Yuande.

"Senior! This is the image I left before, everything is recorded on it." Zhao Yuande handed a jade symbol to the middle-aged fat man.

"Dad! Don't be shocked after reading it!" Qing Lan smiled mysteriously at the middle-aged fat man.

"What a shock! Some of your little guys can get higher than anything. Even if you really encounter a spy from the dark dimension, you won't... anything!" The middle-aged fat man said dignifiedly while dives into the soul Among them, his words were only half said, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Dad! How is it?" Qing Lan's face was all smug with a smug smile.

"Good! Good! What a big fish!" The middle-aged fat man's eyes were extremely bright, and the laughter on his face disappeared at once, and this moment became so solemn. "The Holy King had doubts about it before, but it has always been Can't catch his handle, now it's okay! I can finally close the net and fish!"

"Dad! Do you..." Qing Lan's eyes widened.

"It's not too late, good daughter! Good son-in-law! After the catastrophe is removed, I will personally give you the reward of the sage king!"

"Humph! We don't care about the rewards of the sage, we will leave here long after you are over!" Qing Lan pouted, apparently because the middle-aged fat man walked too fast.

"Let's leave quickly! I think that the destruction of God's domain will set off a torrential wave, and we are the source! If this secret is leaked, I am afraid that the Dark Lord will chase us down at all costs!" Zhao Yuande suddenly changed his face slightly.

"Yes! Leave now! Let's go...Huntian God Realm!" Qing Lan also nodded again and again.

"The two of you enter my inner world, and my cultivation can be directly transmitted through the Shenlian City!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay!" The two nodded.

When they were introduced into the Shenlian City, the Destruction of the God Realm had begun an unprecedented sweep.

It is rumored that the Destruction Saint King personally went out and directly captured the Dark Lord, and the other three Great Kings also dispatched together to seal the entire Dark Devil's Cave instantly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, terrors broke out in twelve large cities around the holy city at the same time, but ninety-nine cultivators died in the blink of an eye.

The soul of the infinite cultivator was pulled by an inexplicable force, and the terrifying demon eye was opened in the void.

The horrible gods were shot in the magic eyes, and in an instant the whole holy city was exploded.

The holy city became a ruin in a flash, and the practitioners under the formation of the Dao Realm and the practitioners shrouded in the formation of the Dao Realm only escaped their lives.

This time there was no one in the holy city, hundreds of millions of cultivators, and thousands of people fell under the fire.

Destruction of God Realm was instantly hit by a huge blow.

The Qiqiao, who broke the sage's anger, gave birth to smoke, and lively killed the Dark Lord, and then smashed the Dark Devil's Cave with a slap, regardless of whether there were innocent people inside or not.

Since then, the Destruction of God Realm has begun a major cleansing, starting from the Destruction Realm, combing one by one.

For this reason, the God of Destruction will invite the Chaos Holy Lotus, the Heavenly King, and the Invincible Saint to join forces to block the entire God of Destruction, and no one can enter or leave.

If the screening is not finished in one day, they will not break the blockade in one day.

Thanks to Zhao Yuande they left early, otherwise this time they will really be trapped in the Destruction God Realm.

Not even the Broken God Realm this time is gone.

At this time, they have entered the Heaven of Heaven, and they have heard of all the things that happened to destroy the Heaven.

Suddenly, his complexion became ugly.

In particular, Zhao Yuande felt a little sorry for the ordinary practitioners who died innocently.

If you don't reveal the identity of Youhai, those people may not die.

"Brother Zhao, it's better to blame yourself. Even if you don't expose Youhai, that kind of thing will happen sooner or later!" Qing Lan comforted softly. "They have built evil altars in the big cities to hide their misfortune. When the time is right to kill the city, you are just pushing the process forward."

"Brother! Fairy Lan said well, don't blame yourself. It's a big deal. Let's go kill more aliens and avenge those who died!" Man Heng nodded again and again.

"I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He also knew this in his heart, but he still felt that this matter was caused by himself, and he was burdened with great cause and effect.

This kind of cause and effect does not know when it will erupt, maybe when he is promoted to break through the Dao Realm, maybe it will appear when he is promoted to the eternal realm and become his demon.

"Let's go! Let's find the legendary gourmet shop!" Qing Lan took him and wandered around the city.

They did not ask other people, but walked around the city, enjoying the exotic scenery while soothing the stagnation in their hearts.

They came to the holy city of Huntian, which is even more prosperous than their destruction.

The breath here is different from Destruction God Realm and Holy Lotus God Realm. The breath here is thick, as if there is a strange feeling born in the mother's womb.

"This holy heavenly prince is not easy. He should practice a kind of innate magical power, which can simulate himself in that chaotic and undivided environment." Zhao Yuande felt carefully , Can not help but marvel in my heart.

"I have also heard that the Huntian Divine Realm is the best place to practice among the Four Divine Realms, but there is a shortcoming... The longer you practice here, the harder it is to get rid of the image of the Huntian Saint. Can't get out of his way, he can only stop in the Dao Realm for life." Man Heng was so solemn for the first time.

"Legend is that this heavenly monarch is actually a woman." Qing Lan said in a low voice.

"What!" The two eyes suddenly widened.

Of the four saints, two of them are women, which is a scary ratio.

"I will tell you a secret, in fact, the invincible sage is not lost to this dimension. The ancient dimension where he is located has only reached its origin, and finally successfully promoted to eternal realm, sitting in the invincible **** realm." Qing Lan broke another Fierce.

"What!" Zhao Yuande reacted more violently this time.

Because he thinks this seems to be similar to the experience of a strong man in his impression, and both names are invincible.

That is called God Invincible!

"I know about this. The old man of my family once followed this **** man. It was really a mess of power! It directly killed dozens of competitors, and killed the eternal realm, and achieved the reputation of invincibility! "Many way.

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