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Chapter 4503 Drooling

"He won't be called God Invincible!" Zhao Yuande could not help asking.

"Yes! He is invincible!" Qing Lan nodded. "The name is well known."

"It turned out to be him!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

There is still a deep cause and effect between him and this invincible monarch. If it were not for the invincible monarch's divine power to instill him at that time, there was no way to grow so quickly.

If it were not for entering the star, he would not know Qin Baoyu as his sister.

He remembered the star and the white beast **** beast recovered among the stars.

"It should be this one!" Soon they appeared in front of a restaurant.

The name of the restaurant is not loud, it is called a delicious restaurant, but there is a long line at the gate.

Many people look at the delicious restaurant with a strong expectation.

"Hey... what do the three of you do! Line up, and line up behind!" The three of them just walked in front of the restaurant and were glared by the people in line.

"We're here to find people! What line up!" Man Heng raised his head, his face cold.

"Look for someone! Find a fart, who is not here to find someone! Get behind the line and line up!" Someone said badly.

"Yes! Go back to the queue immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Don't commit a lot of anger, otherwise you may be inseparable from the holy city of Huntian."

"Aliens, don't stare. This is the holy city of heaven. You must be honest in bringing you a prominent position to bring here."


"You guys have enough stuff, really angered Lao Tzu!" When did Man Heng suffer such humiliation, his eyes suddenly glared like bull's eyes, and he immediately rushed up.

"Okay! Brother, don't be angry for now." Zhao Yuandela stopped him.

"Yes! These people's reactions are a bit wrong, it seems that they are waiting for us to do it!" Qing Lan also lowered his voice, "They must have their own dependence!"

"That's right! I almost forgot!" Zhao Yuande patted his head and smiled.

"What?" The two looked at the same time.

Zhao Yuande didn't speak, but just smiled mysteriously, with a move, a huge black dog appeared beside him.

"Wang Wang! Boy, what are you doing! My roasted dragon meat..."

The **** dog is having a barbecue with several brothers in the main world, and is eating quickly. As a result, Zhao Yuande was sent out at once, and he immediately felt very unhappy.

"We're in the Heaven of Heaven!" Zhao Yuande said, and immediately made the **** dog quiet.

"This dog!"

Man Heng looked at the **** dog, his eyes suddenly shrunk.

He felt that the **** dog in front of him was definitely not simple, and Xiu Wei also reached a half-step breaking path, a person who was almost not weaker than himself.

Qing Lan said nothing, she had received information from Zhao Yuande before.

There is this **** dog in the intelligence, which is very powerful.

"Huntian God Realm... Sniff!" The **** dog suddenly coughed his nose and his eyes were golden, "This is the breath of the old guy, he is really here!"

The eyes of the **** dog turned red, and some tears were about to roll out.

The separation of the infinite years will soon meet, even the **** dog can't help but feel excited.

"He really is here?" Zhao Yuande was also full of joy.

This is heavenly Taoist, his grandfather.

"Yes! Definitely here! Absolutely here! I can smell it even if he turns gray." The **** dog was absolutely sure.

"Old guy! Little Black is here!" The **** dog shouted with his mouth wide open at the restaurant.

This roar contains the power of the six-character mantra of Buddhism, and it also contains the feeling of longing for the **** dog for hundreds of millions of years.

The group of people standing in line in front of them all seemed to be the leaves in the gust of wind, and were blown out.

The team of thousands of people instantly fell into pieces.

Suddenly everyone looked angry in this direction, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Damn! Where is this dog!"

"It's those three...they did it!"

"How dare you be a dog in front of a delicious restaurant and wait for someone to pick you up."

"Today the three sons feasted in the restaurant. The three sons liked quietness the most. You are done!"

"Wait to die!"


On the second floor of the restaurant, a young man in white clothes is feasting on a gorgeous woman.

Both of them are peerless, and they are a match made in heaven.

However, the boy in white was obviously pleased with the woman, and the woman's reaction was dull.

"What the **** happened? How could there be a dog barking outside! Who is making trouble?" The young man in white couldn't help but look ugly. "Aren't the people outside my house waiting in line? How could they make a mistake? This kind of error?"

A young child in Tsing Yi next to White Man nodded quickly and turned downstairs.

Two figures appeared behind the child in the darkness and followed him quietly.

The **** dog barked and nothing happened for a long time.

"What's going on?" The **** dog fangs, slightly irritable.

"Does the brother know anyone here?" Man Heng looked at the **** dog, his eyes showing curiosity.

"This is the site of the legendary strong man. This strong man has a strange personality, but he doesn't like to be disturbed." Qing Lan hurriedly persuaded, "Let it be quiet. Don't disturb the senior. "

"Maybe it's retreating!" Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the two, but looked at the **** dog and touched his head.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog was a little irritable.

"Oh! You guys, and this dog! Get out!" At this moment, a boy with red lips came out of the restaurant.

The boy pointed at Zhao Yuande and the **** dog, his toes were high and his face was proud.

"Still stunned! Not fast! This is Master Aotian next to San Gongzi!"

"I will give you a chance to live and don't immediately thank you!"

"Get away now! Don't disturb the three sons Yaxing, and don't delay Master Aotian's time!"


The group of people queuing up suddenly came into spirit at this time.

It seemed that there were more beams and pillars, and the waist rods were all straightened at once. They pointed at Zhao Yuande and the dog, and they screamed.

"One stop!"

The **** dog was staring at the boy at this moment, his anxious mood suddenly became very violent.

The dragon is born with its food. It has been eating dragons since childhood, and now it will drool whenever it sees a dragon.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

The drool at the corner of the **** dog's mouth could not stop now.

" this dog go away!" The boy, who was still high-spirited, seemed to be a frightened bunny at this time, turned around and ran away, with horror and trembling in his voice.

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