Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4504: Keep calm

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Chapter 4504 Keep Calm

"Food! Give me back!" The **** dog fangs, revealing a fierce look, although the voice is not high, but it has a terrible magic power.

Others listened to nothing, but in the ear of the child, it burst like thunder.

His brain buzzed, and the escaped footsteps stopped for a while, and he actually turned around and walked towards the **** dog.


But at this time, two figures emerged from the darkness.

They are two big men with tall towers.

They wear black spiked armor covered with spikes, and carry a blood-red long knife in their hands.

"What! Blood Shawei! San Gongzi actually brought out two Blood Shawei, this time there is really a good show!"

"The three are dead!"

"Blood Guards! That's the Divine King's personal guard, each one is a powerful presence in a half-step breaking path, and one is enough to sweep the world!"

"Hurry away from the distance, the blood-sharp guards are cruel and ruthless, and there will be a short bloodthirsty rage during the killing. Don't treat us as enemies."


The group of people went backwards one after another.

At this time, other people on this street were also alarmed, all watching from a distance.

When these people saw the two Blood Guards, their faces also changed slightly.

Obviously, the prestige of this blood-sharp guard has almost reached the point where people are talking.


How could the **** dog be afraid of such a **** guard, with his mouth wide open, he would rush to tear them apart.

"Da Sheng! Don't be reckless, we just came to find someone, not to destroy!" Zhao Yuande grabbed it and let it not be impulsive for the time being.

"Two people, we just came to find someone, it's not like causing trouble." Zhao Yuande stepped forward and blocked himself in front of the **** dog.

"Wang Wang!" The **** dog was very dissatisfied.

Its mood is very complicated at this time.

Why didn't the old guy come out, did you forget Xiao Hei?

Is the old guy retreating? Would I wake him up now?

Old guy, you are coming out, Xiaohei is coming!

old man……

These are all in his head at this time.

It was tense and trembling with excitement.

At this time, dare someone to stop it, someone wants to stop it from seeing the old guy.

It will shred and eat it without hesitation!

But Zhao Yuande is different. This is a partner, a brother, a master, a relative...

At this time, only Zhao Yuande was able to appease it and calm it down temporarily.

"Right! That's it! Here we have to keep calm and exercise restraint! Otherwise, you might give that bad impression for a while." At this time, Zhao Yuande had not forgotten to appease the **** dog.

"Wang Wang!" Big black dog, nodded slightly.

Man Heng and Qing Lan had strange eyes at this time.

This guy really has the ability to calm down such a violent **** dog.

At that moment, both of them felt terrified.

It seems that the **** dog will tear up everything in front of him at any time.


But he did not expect that Zhao Yuande's so gentle explanation, such a low-profile whisper, in exchange for a cold response to the opposite.

A **** guard stepped forward, the cold and ruthless eyes did not fall on Zhao Yuande, but stared at the **** dog.

It seems that the **** dog is his strong enemy, and Zhao Yuande is not as good as an ant in his eyes, which is not worthy of his attention at all.

Xuesha Weixueliang's long knife drew a terrifying god, and he chopped towards the **** dog without hesitation.

To be correct, it is necessary to split Zhao Yuande in half and then hack the **** dog.

"I'm fucking!" Even Zhao Yuande felt like he was going to be blown away.

The cold light shone in his eyes, and he punched directly at the shocking god.

"Hey... I don't know what to do!"

"This man would like to use tritium as a car, and will definitely split in half!"

"Foreigners may not even know the power of Xueshawei!"

"Can not bear to look……"



Just as everyone was discussing, there was a loud noise in the field.

I saw Zhao Yuande's fist, which directly shattered the terrifying **** into a shattered light.

The fist continued to go towards the Blood Shawei without hindrance.


Xue Xiawei felt that the arm holding the knife had been shocked and could not move at the same time, and at the same time a force of terror poured into his body along the arm, causing his blood to be disordered at once.

He wanted to avoid it, but at this moment he lost all his strength.


There was a sound of flesh breaking.

The Blood Shawei was flew up by Zhao Yuande, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist directly in the air.

Just when the blood shawei was just punched in the boxing just now, this blood shawei's body lit up several magical lines.

Obviously these gods are some treasures of body protection, but under the fist of Zhao Yuande, they are not vulnerable at all.

His physical strength at this time can already break the void, and he has come into contact with the strength of the Dao Realm.

How is it possible for a bloodsaver to live?


Another Xueshawei saw this scene, but did not fear, but raised the knife and rushed directly to the head of Zhao Yuande.

Such intrepidity is not afraid of death, but knowing that the enemy is still going to rush up desperately.

It can be seen how cold the heart of Xueshawei is. They only know to obey the order, and they don't know what is fear and what is called retreat.

Zhao Yuande is still in a hurry, and he is simply too lazy to care about the other party.

"Hardly talk to you, you don't listen, you have to rush to die! Then I will complete you!"

Zhao Yuande's cold and ruthless words haven't been finished yet. His fist has shattered the sword, followed by the body of Xueshawei.

This scene actually happened only between electric fire and petrochemical, less than one percent of the time. Both of the two Blood Shawei were even smashed with a knife into a slag.

Regardless of the people watching from afar, the few people still present were stunned by the scene.

"Wang! Is this to keep calm? Is this to be restrained?" The **** dog opened his short without hesitation.

"Brother! You are more fierce and fiercer than me!" Man Heng gave his thumbs up.

"This... Xueshawei is dead, but it's a big trouble." Qing Lan has some understanding of the situation of the Heavenly Kingdom, and knows who is behind the bloodshade.

"What I said is calm, and restraint is of course aimed at people! These two can no longer be regarded as humans, they are just killing tools, and it is just a waste of time to reason with them!" Zhao Yuande also explained helplessly, he soon When I saw the boy named Ao Tian, ​​he smiled and waved at him, "Little boy, come here! Let's talk."

"Mother!" The child sat on the ground in shock, and rushed into the restaurant.

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