Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4505: Kill without leaving a trace

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Chapter 4505 killings without leaving traces

"Wang Wang! Haha!" Big Black Dog grinned and laughed.

"Haha! I laughed to death!" Man Heng covered his mouth and could not help laughing.

"Giggle!" Qing Lan also endured terribly, covering her mouth and laughing lightly.

But the people watching around at this time couldn't laugh, they looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes but they were all frightened.

Of course, there are still some people who have sympathy in life. Although they think that Zhao Yuande is strong, the person behind Xueshawei will not end well.

"Let's go! Let's go in!" Zhao Yuande touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed.

The three of them strode toward the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, there was no buddy Xiaoer greet the guests. Only in the lobby was a very old-looking old man sitting in the center of the lobby. At this time, his eyes were half squinted and he seemed to be napping.

The child stumbled up the stairs, and the old man didn't seem to find it at all, nor showed signs of waking up.

But when the three came in, the old man opened his old eyes and looked at them.

"The three of you are not the places you should come, leave now!" The old man's voice was weak and soft, and it seemed that the candle in the wind would die at any time.

"Wang! You are a pet, your family is a pet!" The **** dog immediately opened his eyes and stared at the old man fiercely.

Zhao Yuande blocked it again.

"Master, don't be impulsive, I will come!"

"Are you here again?" The **** dog was speechless, but he did not object.

"This senior, let's find someone..." Zhao Yuande bowed slightly and bowed to the old man.

He saw that the old man was very powerful, very powerful, and should be a super strong man who stepped into the ground.

"The old man just said, this is not the place you should come! Old man, I have limited patience, and leave immediately!" The old man rolled his eyes and said very stubbornly.

"Old guy..." Big Black Dog felt that his patience had reached a certain limit.

"Da Sheng, I said that just now! We have to calm down and exercise restraint! And this is a predecessor who must be given some respect." Zhao Yuande is not like letting the **** dog conflict with it, so he still holds it.

"Senior! We are here to find the sky..." Zhao Yuande looked at the old man and continued to speak with a very gentle attitude.


The old man's eyes suddenly icy cold, as if two sharp sky knives were directly beheaded towards Zhao Yuande.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande felt his hair fall, and a strong death crisis came.

This old man wanted to kill himself, with no room for it.

Zhao Yuande was immediately annoyed!

He feels that he is really low-key today, why do so many people want to kill themselves!

Since the other party wants to kill himself, then he can't just sit back and ignore it, then kill him in the past!


A small green gourd appeared in his hand, and a cyan sword light squirted out of the gourd mouth silently.

The cyan sword light seemed to be a long needle, disappearing through the empty space at once.

The old man didn't take Zhao Yuande into his eyes. He just thought that this little bug was very annoying, and if he wanted to die, he would just die.

As for the consequences, he was simply too lazy to think about it.

I am the strongest in the Dao Dao Realm, and I am the guardian of the three sons, but the **** is standing behind me!

Today, the entire restaurant was packed by them, and a large number of people were dispatched to line up outside, in order to block the mouth of that person.

Just now he also saw Zhao Yuande bombard two Blood Guards outside. He still didn't mean to shoot.

He is the guardian of San Gongzi, as long as the other party is not close to San Gongzi, he is too lazy to do it.

But now that the other party has come to the door and doesn't listen to it, it's squeezed to death.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a huge crisis.

It seemed that a dying old man felt the dark **** at once, as if a pig was about to be carried on the chopping board, and an irresistible fear came out of his heart.


A cyan ray of light silently shuttled from the void and flew directly towards his neck.

There was no sound of breaking the air, no breath of terror, but it made him unable to stop or dodge.


At this moment he has inspired dozens of powerful treasures one after another, trying to block this blue light.

But these dozens of powerful treasures seemed to be nonexistent at all, and there was no way to stop them.


The old man's neck was surrounded by blue light, and his head flew directly.


The old man uttered a scream of sorrow.

Immediately afterwards, the head and the body burned with a blazing blue flame.

Only a moment later, the flesh and soul of a power-breaker was burned clean, and no trace of this world remained.



Seeing this scene, Man Heng and Qing Lan were dumbfounded on the spot.

They wanted to rush to help a moment ago, worried that Zhao Yuande would be killed.

But at the next moment, the old man would have disappeared.

"What exactly is that blue light!" At this time, the thought came to both of them.

With the passage of time, the turquoise green gourd has reached a very mysterious point in the refining of chaotic Qinglian fire.

The chaotic Qinglian sword is no longer as thick as before, but extremely refined, and it is several times more powerful.

The chaotic Qinglian sword is no longer a sword, but a needle!

Coupled with the camouflage of the green calabash, now everyone will only be the mysterious means of the green calabash.


Zhao Yuande put away the turquoise green gourd and let out a long breath.

"Look! I want to talk to you well, you have to do it with me! Now you are dead!" Zhao Yuande's mouth showed a helplessness.

He just felt the strong hostility of the old man just now. He thought that the old man might be the one of the three sons, not belonging to the restaurant at all.

If there is such a person in a restaurant, it can still be opened.

Manheng and Qinglan petrified at once.


The **** dog swallowed a spit at once, and his face was very wonderful.

"Boy, your sword... has become more powerful!" Big Black Dog said with envy.

"It's really powerful, and it still kills people without leaving traces." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"What's going on? Why doesn't the old guy come out now, what the **** is he doing? Is he really retreating to practice? He is so old, he is still training a fart!" The **** dog muttered with dissatisfaction.

"You..." At this moment, the child named Ao Tian walked down the stairs quietly and saw the scene on the scene, but his face changed.

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