Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4507: Seal of Kowloon

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Chapter 4507 Seal of Kowloon

Ao Gongzi felt that his grandfather was at least 30% sure that he could get the mysterious light.

In other words, there is a 30% certainty that one can be promoted to eternity.

So he is very confident, except for the eternal realm, he feels that he is not afraid of anyone.

This is the confidence that power brings!

But Zhao Yuande didn't know all this!

Of course, Zhao Yuande doesn't feel like knowing all this.

"What kind of thing are you! Immediately disappear from my eyes, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind to you!" Zhao Yuande felt that he was too good to talk today, and he gave people opportunities again and again, but unfortunately the other party did not grasp well.

Probably because you are about to see your master!

It may also be because this is the site of the ancestors. You must exercise restraint and calm, and you must not be impulsive!

"You... bold!" Ao Gongzi has never been so scorned by others.

Even if the strong man in the Dadao Realm sees him and Yan Yuese, even the Holy Girl will smile and nod when he sees him.

In front of him, how dare he humiliate himself, how dare he blame himself.

"You are living in your dreams!" The **** dog grinned at Ao Gongzi, "Come and come! You are the most delicious."

At this time, a group of people were watching in front of the restaurant. They could not help but petrify when they heard the words of the **** dog.

What kind of words is this!

At first glance there is still a sense of joy, but the more I think about it, the more frightened I am. This dog is going to eat Ao Gongzi!

"Lin Zheng!" Young Master Ao whispered angrily at this time, "Give me back and kill them!"

"Lin Zheng! Haha, are you talking about that bad old man? He is here, but he can't respond to you!" Man Heng pointed to a gray grin on the ground and laughed.

At first, he felt very shocked. This brother was able to kill a powerful person who broke the Dao Realm instantly, but soon he felt very cool!

This feeling is still the original taste.

"What are you talking nonsense about?" Ao Gongzi looked down at Manheng's fingers and saw a group of human-shaped ashes, but how could he believe that it was left by a strong man who broke the Dao Realm, and suddenly faced Manheng Scolded.

"Old guy, if you don't come out again, I'm going to open up to eat and quit here!" The **** dog couldn't help it at this moment. Aotian was so fragrant in his mouth. There was a unique blood vein aroma of the dragon family that attracted it. His slobbering DC.

"Don't eat here, it looks spicy eyes! Just humanoid." Zhao Yuande yelled at the **** dog.

"This is simple!" The **** dog threw the child Tong Aotian in his mouth on the ground and sprayed a breath of black air. The child Tong Aotian suddenly turned into a pocket-sized golden dragon more than one meter long, and his eyes suddenly showed excitement. , "It's so exciting to eat! Dry!"

"Dare you!" Ao Gongzi saw his child turned into a body, and was also eaten by a dog, and immediately gave an angry growl.

He shot without hesitation, a golden light flew out of his palm and turned into a fist-sized golden seal.

The golden runes on the treasure seal flashed, and there were nine small dragons coiled on it, which did not look ordinary.

"It's a Daoyan Divine Soldier!" Qing Lan couldn't help but exclaimed, his body backed up again and again to the door.

Man Heng also retreated, although he has the ability to resist, but here is the home of Zhao Yuande and the **** dog, he does not want to grab their limelight.

"It's up to you!" The **** dog felt consciously, and pulled back the golden dragon.

"A good treasure, but the people who use it are not so good!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

He raised his fist and bombarded the golden seal.

A light golden light shone over his fist. The naked eye could see a layer of metal wrapped on it, as if wearing a metal glove.

Although Zhao Yuande is confident in himself, he still pays enough attention to the Dao Yan Shenbing.

He wrapped Tu Shenjia in his fist and collided with the golden seal to ensure that it was in good condition.

"Hey!" Ao Gongzi sneered contemptuously, "Daoyan Divine Soldier Jiulong Seal! It is the top grade among the Divine Divine Soldiers, how could your fist resist, break it up for me!"


But at the next moment, the fist collided with the Jiulong Seal.

Horrible energy fluctuations swept across the restaurant in an instant.

Everyone's face changed at this time, they thought this restaurant was over!

But then the light flickered in the restaurant, and infinite power could erupt in all parts of the restaurant, completely blocking the terrible impact.

Even if it is a table and chair, a bench is not damaged under the shock wave.

Everyone in the outside world was stunned, but the next moment seemed to be a frypot.

"I rely on! There is a guard of terror formation in the restaurant. This kind of energy fluctuation has almost reached the ramp state. What kind of formation is this!"

"There must be a formation wizard of the first level of the priest who laid the formation here!"

"I think of it. It is said that the host here has a lot of friends. Ninety-nine people in the world are all his friends. Will it be the hands of Master Xieyun?"

"Absolutely not wrong! This is Master Xieyun's arm. Look at the lines that light up, that is the unique pattern of Master Xieyun!"

"Did you see it? The tables and stools in those halls are not ordinary, and there are fine lines in them."

"Really...that's all Chaos Divine Soldiers! These tables and chairs are all Chaos Divine Soldiers..."


Countless people exclaimed.

It was at this time that everyone saw a golden shadow flying backwards, hitting fiercely on a wall of the restaurant, sinking the wall downright.

It was the Jiulong Seal that was embedded in the wall.

But Zhao Yuande was already in front of Ao Gongzi's body at this time, and grabbed Ao Gongzi's neck with one hand.


Everyone heard a cold breath.

Who is Ao Gongzi! Who dares to provoke him in the whole heavenly domain!

Although he ranks the last of the top ten geniuses, even the saint should give him face, even the top three super geniuses should treat him and Yan Yue.

Because his grandfather is the true dragon god, an old monster who can be promoted to the eternal realm with a slight trace.

Although there are countless heirs to the Dragon Clan, there are very few pure blood descendants. They can possess powerful talents and only a few people can inherit the Dragon Blood.

And Ao Gongzi is one of them!

However, among these few people, only Ao Gongzi is the heir to the true dragon god, and he is his grandson, so he will be particularly concerned.

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