Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4508: I'm wrong

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Chapter 4508 I was wrong

Everyone knows that Ao Gongzi is the heir to the true dragon god, so he should give him face.

But today, an outsider, an unfamiliar face, just slapped his face alive, just pinched Ao Gongzi's neck!

Everyone can imagine how the real dragon prince knew how angry he would be in the future, and they could also imagine the tragic ending of this outsider.

Of course Zhao Yuande didn't know this, and even if he knew he wouldn't care.

"Let me go! I order you to let me go!" Although Master Ao was pinched in his neck, he was not afraid, but glared at Zhao Yuande, and the words in his mouth made people feel wild.

"What if I don't let go?" Zhao Yuande sneered at each other.

"Humph!" Ao Gongzi snorted coldly, took a golden token from his arms, and shook it in front of Zhao Yuande.

Although he was strangled by his neck, his head was still habitually angling at this time. He wanted to show his arrogance and his contempt.

"What kind of stuff?" Man Heng looked at the token. The two little dragons coiled up, and a powerful coercion was passed from above.

"I don't know!" The **** dog shook his head, looking at the token with some seriousness.

"This is... the real dragon order!" Qing Lan was well-informed and recognized this thing at a glance. Even her face couldn't help but change at this time, "This is the token of the true dragon god, see the token Like a godly king!"

As soon as Qing Lan's words came out, the crowd of onlookers suddenly stepped back and forth, and there was panic in their eyes, but then they turned into curiosity.

"It's a real dragon order! Now there is a good show!"

"What should this person do if he sees the real dragon and sees the **** prince? Should he let go of Ao Gongzi and bow down? Or continue to be angry?"

"Hey! Real Dragon Order! Whoever dared not give face to the invincible true dragon prince under the sage! Even the other three princes must retreat."


These sounds naturally escaped Ao Gongzi's ears.

Especially when Ao Gongzi heard Qing Lan's words, he unconsciously showed a touch of arrogance.

"Leave me down immediately and give me a confession of my head. My son can spare you! But you have offended your son, and you can't easily spare you. In the future, you will be a servant next to your son!" The tone was faint, as if he was pinching the neck of another person now, everything was under control.

"Oh! It's really ridiculous! Ridiculous!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other, palms pressed slightly.


There was a crackling sound in Ao Gongzi's neck.

"Ah! You... how dare you..." Young Master Ao suddenly screamed in pain, his eyes full of incredible.

He didn't know why the other party still dared to shoot, but he had the real dragon order in his hand, that was the real dragon order!

"Every token wants me to be your servant. You are daydreaming too much!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the token from the opponent.


But while the token was in hand, it was suddenly golden and generous, and a powerful force was constantly swaying on it.

He slammed Zhao Yuande's palm open.

The real dragon floated in the air all at once, and a golden real dragon was projected coiling in the void.

"What a courage! How dare to conquer the real dragon order, and murder my descendants! You are unforgivable, take it!" A grand voice came from the mouth of the golden real dragon.

A horrible coercion swept over here, making everyone feel trembling and legs weak, so they would kneel down on the ground to worship.

Many low-cultivators outside the restaurant were paralyzed and looked bitter.


At this time, Zhao Yuande felt that the golden real dragon was powerful, but it was only the strength that had just entered the Dao Realm.

It should be that the true dragon **** has left a trace of the soul mark in the token.

"Wang Wang!"

At this time, Zhao Yuande hadn't shot yet, but the **** dog beside him was suddenly excited.

After a terrifying dog barking, he opened his blood basin and bite toward the golden dragon.

And that golden dragon seemed to freeze all of a sudden, his body stiffened in the air, and he couldn't move.

In this way, the **** dog swallowed directly.


The real dragon suddenly lost its luster, as if a piece of broken iron fell directly to the ground.


The **** dog swallowed the golden real dragon in one bite, and suddenly made a wolf howling that didn't seem to bark.

Its eyes are slightly closed, a look of incomparable enjoyment.

"It's cool! It's cool! For many years, Ben Sheng has finally eaten this kind of food again!" The **** dog whispered closed his eyes intoxicated.


When everyone saw the scene, they all stood on the spot.

The real dragon command was abolished, and the real dragon left above was swallowed by a dog.

They felt their worldview was subverted at once!

Isn't a dog a low-end pet?

Why is it so horrible that even the golden real dragon on the real dragon can't resist?

That's a powerful existence comparable to breaking the road, saying that it will be swallowed!

"" At this time, Master Ao was finally afraid.

He pointed to Zhao Yuande and the **** dog, his voice trembling.

He had thought that the real dragon would be issued, and everything would be resolved.

But now what he saw, his grandfather's wisp of real dragon was swallowed by a dog.

The other party didn't look at the real dragon command in his eyes at all. The contemptuous look made him chill out from the inside.

He felt that his body was cold at this time, and the other party had become a **** messenger, and he could reap his life at any time.

At this time, he was stupid and knew that today it was not the one who provokes someone he couldn't afford, that is, the group of madmen.

He doesn't want to meet these two kinds of people!

"Less nonsense, now it's nice to say." After the **** dog Shu Shuang passed, he grinned and looked at Master Ao, his voice full of ridicule.

"Uncle! I'm wrong! It's because I have no eyes, please also forgive me!" Ao Gongzi looked at the **** dog's white teeth, and suddenly burst into tears, and his voice was sad and miserable.

"Garbage!" Zhao Yuande dropped Ao Gongzi on the ground in disgust.

If the opponent is always stiff, he still admires.

But now, it instantly becomes a slug, which is really disgusting.

But the **** dog did not dislike it, and walked over with graceful steps, looking at Master Ao face-to-face, releasing the terrible breath in his body.

"You... don't come over, I'm wrong! Forgive me! Ah..." At this time, Ao Gongzi was like a pig who saw the butcher, his whole body shivering, and a burst of water came out of his heart. Fright instantly occupied his whole body.

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