Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4511: Heaven eat Taoist

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Chapter 4511 Heaven Eats Taoist

"Damn! These lunatics, they really want to do this!"

"Run away..."

Zhao Yuande didn't stop each other, he just made a wink at everyone.

Everyone hurried to his side.

"Miss Qin Qing, you should go quickly! If you are surrounded for a while, you may not be able to leave!" Zhao Yuande looked at Qin Qing.

"Let's run too fast! Wherever the real dragon guards go, kill thousands of miles, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!" Qin Qing turned around and left, but left such a sentence.

"What should I do?" Although Man Heng has his own hole card, if he is surrounded by a group of lunatics, he will definitely die.

"Master Zu! If you don't show up again, I'm going to set fire to your restaurant!" Zhao Yuande took the crowd out of the restaurant at this time, but turned to look at the restaurant, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Wang! Old guy, are you?" The **** dog widened his eyes.


There were rumbling noises in the sky.

In an instant, the whole sky turned into a dark color, and a group of powerful beings appeared on the sky, covering the whole sky.

Headed by the thirty-four strong men, each of them is a terrifying existence that breaks through the Dao Realm, and each one's blood energy runs through the Xiaohan, making the world and earth tremble.

There are thousands of dragons riding behind them, all of them are all black giant dragons, holding huge war spears in their hands.

"who is it!"

A loud and vigorous voice shakes the whole holy sky holy city.

"Really!" Someone looked at the sky and flew away.

"Sure enough, I can't imagine it!" Man Heng's face was also very unsightly at this time.

"What a terrible real dragon guard!" Qing Lan couldn't help but think that Zhao Yuande's direction was leaning, and then he felt a sense of security.

"Hey! You can really make trouble for the old man." When an old man walked out of the restaurant and looked at Zhao Yuande, there was a concealing joy on his face, especially when he saw the **** dog. Past years, "Xiaohei, you are finally not lazy, and you have reached this point of cultivation."

The old man didn't look very old, but his hair was all white.

His body was slightly rickety, but he walked with strong footwork.

"Old guy!" The **** dog burst into tears when he saw the old man's eyes.


It dropped Ao Ri in his hand and rushed towards the old man.

"Wang Wang!"

The **** dog circled around the old man, constantly shaking his tail, tears rolling in his eyes, and crackled and fell to the ground.

"Have seen the ancestor!" Zhao Yuande suddenly knew who the old man was.

It must be the God of Taoism, his ancestor.

"Good! Good! Good!" Tianchi Taoist touched the head of the **** dog, looking at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of relief, "I didn't expect that the inheritance left in that year could come to this step! You have exceeded My prediction, it was simply... unimaginable!"

"Master Zu, you have won the prize!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"This group of guys are rampant and dare to act indiscriminately in my restaurant. It seems that I should find their master to settle the accounts!" The old man looked up to the sky.

"Wang Wang! The old guy took out your spirit of the year and ran them all!" The **** dog jumped up and down excitedly, barking screamingly, and the tail turned up to the sky!

"It's them! And this old fellow, let's kill!" Zhao Yuande, the real dragon guard in front of them, gave an angry roar and pointed at Zhao Yuande and them.

He felt that he was ignored, he felt that the real dragon guard was ignored! Their supreme glory is ignored!


The army made a horrible voice in the sky.


Longta walked into the sky, and the whole holy city was trembling.

Countless pedestrians on the street below felt the scalp explode.

Some people who were lower in cultivation were even scared to the ground, and the whole body was turbulent.

This is the power of the True Dragon God!

Only his true dragon guard dare to pass unscrupulously in the holy city, and only his true dragon guard dare to kill.

Seeing this group of powerful and terrifying real dragon guards rushing forward.

Everyone can already feel the biting chill, feel that the spear edge will pierce their skin.


The old man of Heaven Eater raised his head violently, and gave a soft rebuke to the real dragon guard who was rushed down unscrupulously.

"Old things, don't rely on your identity to be unreasonable to our real dragon guards, you will die together today!" And at this time, the corner of the real dragon guard's mouth opposite Zhao Yuande showed a cruel sneer.

In his view, there is something worth paying attention to by an old cooking guy, and today he is leveling here to let the world know the power and horror of the real dragon guard.

Let the world know that no matter who it is, what identity it is in front of the true dragon guard!

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere in the air seemed to be a bit off.

Why did the rumbling army suddenly lose its voice, and why did the horrific murderous intention disappear without a trace?

He couldn't help looking up, and suddenly the whole person froze in place.

The army is still there, but at this time it is still in a dive posture, solidified in the void as if it was frozen.

Their eyes are sluggish, like clay sculptures, not at all like a terrifying powerhouse that can destroy Xingyu.

"You... what are you doing to them!" The real dragon guard looked at the heaven-eating Taoist tremblingly, his voice full of terror.

Not only he, but even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be stunned.

What kind of means is this!

Actually let a group of power-breakers be imprisoned in the void.

"Is this one who has reached that level!" Qing Lan whispered in her heart, she couldn't believe it.

"Countless times more powerful than my old man! Brother Zhao's ancestors will not be a horrible existence in an eternal realm!" Man Heng felt even more excited.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wang!" The **** dog yelled in excitement, with a kind of cheerfulness in his voice, "Yes! That's it, the old man's strong wind was still there! At that time, you only took me to the real dragon. The nest, beheaded ninety-eight heads of the true dragon, I was so full that year!"

Heaven Eat Taoist listened to the barking of the **** dog and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Xiaohei, if you were willing to practice at the beginning, I am afraid that you have already achieved success, and you will not face these little bugs hiding behind me." Although Tian Chi Taoist blamed, his face was smiling.

"Wang! If eating Xiao Hei is really so powerful, today it is impossible to accompany this kid to wander around, looking for the old guy!" The **** dog was plausible.

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