Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4515: Half step eternity

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Chapter 4512: Fights for ants

"Master Zu, what's next... what?" Zhao Yuande looked at the imprisoned thousands of powerful beings in the sky and asked.

"Wait for the people behind them to appear! If I lose patience, I will stew these small miscellaneous fish in one pot!" Tianchi Taoist's mouth twitched, "I just want to test your results of eating, see your cook art!"

"Master Zu will be satisfied!" Zhao Yuande heard the other party saying, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

The strength of this master ancestor is far beyond his imagination, and seeing that he is quite confident, he knows that he will not be afraid of that true dragon god.

He didn't show up before, just to test himself and the **** dog.

"Old friend, please be merciful." At this time, a distant and loud voice came from the far center of the Holy City.

The whole holy city shivered under this sound, and countless people looked in the direction of the sound.

"True dragon! Just kidding without knowing it! What does it mean for your guard to be dispatched, is it to flatten my restaurant? Or maybe you want to test me!" He replied lightly, "If you don't want them to be food, you will explain it to me immediately."

"Old friend, did you ask too much!" The voice was obviously a little bit angry, "My people are injured and killed from start to finish! You have to figure it out!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you too much!" Tianchi Taoist shook his head coldly.

A purple fire burst from his palm, and he rushed directly to the real dragon guard in the sky.

Purple Shenhuo temperature is not very high, but there is a faint icy breath out.

"No... Zixiao Shenhuo!" The only real dragon guard who was not imprisoned saw this flame and suddenly screamed, "Shenjun saves life! Help!"


The purple Zixiao Shenhuo shrouded those real dragon guards trapped in the void.


A burst of noise came from Zixiao Shenhuo.

"Tusun, Shizu will teach you a lesson today, how to deal with fresh food!" Although Tianchi Taoists are burning a group of real dragons, the tone is very bland.

"Tu Sun must study hard!" Zhao Yuande took his time and really watched carefully.

"God eat old! You're over, don't think I dare to shoot you!" The voice was full of anger now.

Heaven eating Taoist is already hitting his face in front of everyone.

As the head of the four great princes, as a powerful presence that could be promoted to eternity immediately, he felt he needed to do something.

Even if the monarch knew it, he would only reprimand himself a few words at most.

A dead man is no match for a super-strong man like him!

"You are free, but if you don't take any action, these foods will be dealt with. I'm afraid that even if you save them back, it's just a bunch of waste!" Tian Chi Taoist answered lightly.

"Student, you see, the flame is not to burn their bodies, but to burn the dirt on their bodies, to burn the impure thoughts in their gods and spirits, to burn the impurities in their sea of ​​blood...the only way Only in this way can the meat quality be more delicious, and the efficacy can be doubled..." Tian Shi Taoist is still teaching Zhao Yuande's knowledge of eating Tao at this time.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but nod again and again after listening to it. He used to care only about the grade of ingredients, but he didn't focus on the quality of ingredients.

It's no wonder that many of the foods made before did not have the expected effect.


A roar came.

In the center of the holy city, a huge golden dragon emptied, and immediately reached the top of their heads.

The dragon turned into a sky and opened a huge mouth to spit out a golden flame.

"Student, look good! Shizu will teach you how to fight!"

Heaven Eat Taoist didn't even look at the terrifying dragon, but his palms changed in the void.


Suddenly there was a loud deafening loud noise between heaven and earth.

A huge purple clock appeared above their heads.

The big clock vibrated slightly, and endless purple ripples rumbled in the void.

The golden flame hit the purple ripples, as if the ice and snow fell on the red stove, melting and dissolving.


At this time, not only Zhao Yuande was shocked, but also exclaimed in both directions of the holy city.

As you can hear from their voices, these are probably two peerless strong men.

"God eat old! You are hiding deep!" The voice in the middle of the Holy City was also full of surprises.

This true dragon **** never dreamed that the boss of a restaurant is so terrifying.

The shadow of the real dragon just now contained his strength, but the other party could easily follow.

What does this mean? It means that the opponent's strength has reached at least the selfless state.

Such a superpower is hidden in the holy city, he has never known.

No wonder... no wonder the sage respected him so much.

No wonder the powerful people of all walks of life admire it, no wonder the old monsters are willing to make such a restaurant for them.

At this moment he wanted to understand a lot, but he still did not give up the idea of ​​killing each other.

"God eat Laoer, since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless!" True Dragon God's voice was extremely cold, and the murderous intention swept the entire Holy City.

"Student, did you see clearly?" Tian Chi Taoist didn't pay attention to the words of the true dragon **** at this time, but looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Look clearly!" Zhao Yuande replied.

"Well, you will show it to me in a moment." Tianchi Taoist nodded slightly, his face showing satisfaction.

"I... show?" Zhao Yuande knew what the other party meant, but he didn't understand what the other party was doing.

"Yes, that dragon will come to you to show it later." Tianchi Taoist nodded.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He knew that the ancestor must have a deep meaning.


The dragon came across the sky, and this time the golden light of this dragon's whole body almost illuminated the whole heavenly heaven.

Far away, you can see the golden light rising in the holy city.

A fierce and violent breath accompanied the release.

Everyone who felt this breath shivered.

"Whoever provokes the True Dragon Divine Monarch! This one is actually angry!"

"It seems that our Heavenly Domain is about to enter the era of blood killing again, this time I don't know that there is another family force that will be unlucky."

"Hey! This dragon is really too rampant, why does the sage king care about him!"

"How can the monarch take care of this kind of trivial matter? Anything below the eternal realm is a ants. Will you fight if the ants fight?"

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