Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4520: acquaintance

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The long sword doesn't look impressive, and there is no bright radiance, but there is a strong sword intention brewing in it.

Zhao Yuande felt slightly threatened by the threat posed by the ancient sword.

"The grade of this killing sword should be in the middle class, plus the blessing of the Tiangong Divine King, the value is almost comparable to the top grade Daoyan Divine Soldier, the value should be around one billion Yuan Jing!" The silver-haired old man said the price and went to Observe Zhao Yuande's expression.

"Daoyan Divine Soldier used by Shenjun! It's worth the price!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

But he doesn't use a sword, and he has no interest in this sword.

To be honest, this sword should have the same rank as the God of Tujia except the name.

"However, I don't need a sword, the next one!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"You can really pretend! You don't have to. You have the ability to buy one for the girl next to you! This girl uses a sword!" The black-faced old man could not help but ridicule again at this time.

"Hey! I say you are an old stick, do you owe it! Are you qualified to speak here? Do you just know it? You are not qualified to come to the fifth floor without us!" Man Heng is No matter, spray directly.

Hearing the provocation and humiliation of Man Heng Guo Chiguo Guo, the black-faced old man really felt like he was going to run away.

"This predecessor, I already have a sword!" Qing Lan also felt that the black-faced old man was so cheap at the time. He couldn't help but glanced at him coldly, and a blue sword appeared in his hand, constantly turning around her.


The sound of the sword suddenly sounded on the fifth floor. The killing sword placed in the counter felt a similar appearance, and seemed to release some kind of signal.


Qinglan's cyan sword circling around her seems to be conveying some kind of message.

"Not good! Hurry up!" The silver-haired old man felt something was wrong and hurriedly swept through the void. The entire fifth floor at this moment inspired a layer of khaki mask.


The counter, which contained the sword of killing, shattered in an instant, and a sword light burst out.


The earth-colored light curtain vibrated, and was almost chopped directly.


The blue sword appeared to be provocative.

"Don't!" Qing Lan couldn't help but flustered at this time, she wanted to put away the blue Excalibur, but it was still a step later.

"Qiang Qiang!"

The two Excaliburs released their dazzling awns and collided together.

The entire space was violently shaking, and the earth-colored light curtain flickered one after another, and it was about to burst.

The silver-haired old man was frightened with a look of panic. This was the guardian's large formation of the treasure house, which could resist the full blow of the strong man in the Dao Realm.

If the light curtain can't stop the collision between the two, I am afraid that the entire treasure building will collapse directly, or even thousands of miles, and the urban area of ​​tens of thousands of miles will be turned into powder.

At this time, under the turquoise light curtain, everyone behaved differently.

The black-faced old man waited for several old guys to join hands in offering a big umbrella to protect them.

The position of the silver-haired elder at this time is the location of the array of eyes, not attacked.

Zhao Yuande also frowned at this moment, a little helpless in his heart.

This level of swordmand may really be able to shred his skin, he does not want to show the cards of the undead.

So a set of pale gold armor appeared in his body in an instant, and it was the Shen Tujia.

His body collided slightly, blocking Man Heng and Qing Lan behind him, letting the terrible sword fall on him.

The dreaded swordmans that can kill the powerful players in the Dao Realm, falling on the Slayer's Armor, only make a sound of tinkling bells.

When the black-faced old man saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, and his face was full of incredible light.

He was an old guy, and his broad knowledge made him realize that it was the God of Slaughter.

The super treasure brought back by the Broken God Realm is definitely still above the killing sword.

People who have this kind of treasure! Could there be no powerful force behind him?

This person is probably for the opening of Broken God Realm a few years later, come to buy treasures!

Having reached this conclusion, there was a greedy glow deep in the eyes of the black-faced old man.

This is definitely a big fat sheep, if you can kill it, the benefits are endless.

Just a set of Tujia, he can exchange for infinite cultivation resources, he can even try to impact the ecstasy.

If he can impact success, he can fly into the sky.

Status status is a hundred times higher than it is now!

"come back!"

At this time an old voice came from the void, and an old man slowly came out of the void.

The old man looked old and his face was wrinkled, giving people the feeling that life was about to come to an end.

But everyone felt the horrible breath from his body.

Zhao Yuande knew that this must be a strong man who had reached the second small realm of ecstasy.

Hearing this sound from the killing sword, it was as if the child had made a mistake, and no longer confronted the blue sword, and flew directly into the hands of an old man.

The killing sword fell silent, and the blue sword also lost his opponent, and fell back into Qing Lan's hands.

Qing Lan hurriedly fixed her eyes, and when she saw that the blue sword was unharmed, she could only take a long breath.

"See the landlord!" The silver-haired old man saw the old man's appearance, suddenly breathing out, and then respectfully and respectfully met.

"See seniors!" Several black-faced old men bowed to the courtesies.

The old man just waved a hand at them, but his eyes fell on the blue sword in Qing Lan's hand.

"Girl, my old friend Qingyun is good!" There was a glimmer of light in the old man's cloudy eyes.

"My father is very good!" Qing Lan looked at the old man and couldn't help but wonder. "Senior knows my father?"

"Acquaintances, countless years ago, we have worked together to break through the broken God Realm, and there is no old friend Qingyun. I really want to fall in it." The old man smiled in the corner of his mouth. Such an outstanding daughter!"

"Predecessor is wrong!" Qing Lan smiled.

"Okay! Since it is a descendant of an old friend, this matter just today! I don’t want to get involved with your juniors. Remember to go back and talk to your old friend. If he has time to come to the Holy City, I will definitely Sweep the couch to meet." The old man nodded slightly to Qing Lan, then turned and disappeared.


The black-faced old man suddenly regretted hearing this conversation.

He knew that this too lazy to take care of what happened today, but others did not necessarily have such a good temper.

It can be said that this happened because of him, he may be unlucky.

The same other old guys also guessed the result, and the people who stood with the black-faced old man suddenly stepped back a few steps away from him.

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