Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4521: Devour the flame

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Chapter four thousand and twenty-one devours the flame

"You..." The black-faced old man turned around and wanted to leave.

"Brother Li, you can't go yet!" The silver-haired old man looked at the black-faced old man at this moment, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

What does this guy mean, he wants to escape if he is in trouble, is this to kill himself?

"I... I'm not going to leave! I don't want to stay here! I'm waiting for you on the fourth floor!" The black-faced old man gritted his teeth.

"It's almost the same! If you leave, our Tiangong Baolou will find your Li family. It won't be that simple by then!" the silver-haired old man threatened.

"Lao Luo, why!" The black-faced old man really wanted to seal his mouth at this time.

Isn't it just a few fights of sentiment? Well now, obviously it is not self-destructive, and I still want to compensate myself.

What is this!

"The old guy really doesn't know life and death. If he left the Li family, he wouldn't be there!" The silver-haired old man's voice was cold.

"Okay! The girl please also put away the Excalibur, and then continue, our Tiangong Baolou will be gone!" The silver-haired old man turned his head to look at Qing Lan, his attitude towards her suddenly became extremely gentle.

"it is good!"

Qing Lan is no nonsense, she put away the blue sword, and still silently followed behind Zhao Yuande.

"Senior, let's go on! Look at the remaining treasures!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being anxious at this moment.

Because just when the Excalibur broke everything, he saw several other treasures.

There was a ray of light that seemed to be a flame beating, he thought that was what he was looking for.

"Good!" The silver-haired old man really began to think that Zhao Yuande's identity was absolutely extraordinary, not bragging or making a certain gesture.

He also gradually understood why he would send orders to make him follow this young man.

It is enough for the daughter of the old friend of the landlord to follow this person alone.

The landlord is the parent and child of Tiangong Divine Monarch, with strong strength.

The Tiangong Divine Monarch is the oldest strongman in the Huntian Divine Realm except the Huntian Shengjun. According to legend, this is the strongman of the era with the Huntian Shengjun.

Later, because he lost his destiny to the Heavenly King, he became one of the four gods.

The other three of the four princes have changed a few times, except for the celestial prince from beginning to end.

The silver-haired old man flicked it, and all the broken things were restored. Except for the disappearance of the killing sword, the fifth floor returned to normal.

"This treasure..." The silver-haired old man pointed to a **** spear in a counter and introduced it.

But Zhao Yuande's mind was not on this spear.

The silver-haired old man also seemed to see Zhao Yuande's absent-mindedness, but he set his sights on the strange flame with just a few random words.

"Don't you miss this Nirvana flame?" The silver-haired old man smiled.

"Really! This flame is useful to me, let's say a price!" Although Zhao Yuande was very excited, the tone on the surface was faint.

"This holy flame of Nirvana is a billion-year-old flame of the Nirvana Land of Phoenix! The Phoenix has no trace of our origins and even the entire origin in the heavens. We found the Nirvana Land in the old nest of Phoenix. There was only this group of flames." The silver-haired old man opened the counter and dragged the group of strange flames in his palm.

Although in his palm, Zhao Yuande didn't feel the temperature at all.

A closer look reveals that there are dense seals on it, otherwise let alone the silver-haired old man, I am afraid that Zhao Yuande will be directly burned.

"Needless to say, I know all this! Let's just say the price!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

He felt the joy of the chaotic Qinglian fire, and was obviously extremely satisfied with the flame.

"This...I need to ask the landlord." The old silver-haired man apologized.

"Ask!" Zhao Yuande said.

Soon the silver-haired old man looked at Zhao Yuande with a weird face.

"Guest! The landlord said that this group of Nirvana flame was 20 million Yuan Jing, or exchanged a Daoyan Divine Soldier." The silver-haired old man was shocked.

This price is just in vain!

You have to know that this is Nirvana's holy fire. If it can be refined into the body, there is even a small chance of getting an indestructible body.

It is a kind of horror magical power to be reborn after death.

Even if the probability is less than 1 in 10,000, its value is not something that can be compared with each other.

Is it because of that woman?

This is impossible!

Not only the silver-haired elders were stunned, but even the group of old men on the side were stunned one by one.

Can an ordinary Daoyan Divine Soldier be exchanged for Nirvana Flame?

This is not scientific!

However, they quickly looked at Qing Lan and felt that there must be something wrong with the woman's identity.


Zhao Yuande couldn't help but hear the other party's words.

He all planned to take out the Tujiajia and exchange it.

But the other party said a Daoyan Divine Soldier, what does this mean?


The other party must know their identity.

As the **** of Tiangong, he naturally knew what happened on that day.

I am afraid that the eyes of attention have already fallen on myself.

He is showing his favor to himself and his ancestors!

In this case, he would be respectful and obedient.

He easily took out a big umbrella, which was the Daoyan Divine Soldier of the Eastern Ming who was captured before.

"How about this?" Zhao Yuande handed the big umbrella to the other party.

"Yes!" The silver-haired old man saw the big umbrella and nodded slightly, agreeing.

Starting with Nirvana's Holy Flame, Zhao Yuande sent it directly into the main world, and then carefully sent it into the green gourd.

As soon as Nirvana's holy fire entered, he immediately felt the breath of chaotic green lotus fire, as if the mouse had always seen a cat, and refused to enter at the mouth of the gourd.

"Come on! Let me devour you." Xiao Qing's voice fluttered, making the Nirvana Holy Fire tremble even more, and even began to rush outwards frantically.

A cyan fire suddenly enveloped the flame of Nirvana, and it became quiet in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yuande quickly got Xiaoqing's message, and he could devour it after an hour.

Xiaoqing said that more flames are needed to swallow, so that the power of Chaos Qinglian Sword can be continuously improved.

Today's chaotic Qinglian sword can't threaten the powerlessness of the selflessness, but if you continue to devour it, it won't take long to kill the powerlessness of the selflessness.

At that time, Zhao Yuande's strength will be improved thousands of times.

"Senior, I don't know where there is such a torch for sale in Huntian Holy City?" Zhao Yuande looked at the silver-haired old man.

"Among the Heavenly City...There should be a Dao Yun Tianhuo! But the is ten times here!" The silver-haired old man said, "That Dao Yun Tianhuo should be in the Zhenlong Baolou."

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