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The two men and women jumped into the chariot, and a whip of energy gathering in their hands was directly drawn on the back of the black demon dragon.


The black demon dragon seems to be a frightened chick, pulling the chariot and turning to run.

Zhao Yuande trailed far and looked at the other party thoughtfully.

The other party already seems to be rushing back, not going elsewhere.

Is there only this terrible existence?

Or is there only such a terrible existence in this area?

Seeing the state of the black demon dragon at this time, Zhao Yuande knew that now was the best time to shoot.

The black demon dragon is now running in horror, it can be said to be panic.

His speed rose to the limit, and finally overtook the other party, setting an ambush in the front road.

Just as the Black Demon Dragon passed through a huge canyon, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of it.

The terrible attraction unintentionally sucked the black demon dragon together with the chariot.

"What is this place?" In the main world, two men and women saw the starry sky here, and the scenery here stayed in place all of a sudden.


Even the overly frightened black monster dragon made a weird cry.

It contains many emotions such as shock, surprise, unbelievable... and so on.

"Here is my world, and you are my captives now." Zhao Yuande appeared in front of them at this time.

"You... you are an outsider! Or someone who has just been put in?" The woman who had never spoken looked at Zhao Yuande in shock, constantly looking at him up and down, her eyes full of curiosity.

The woman's voice was cold, but it was very nice.

But her entire skin was black, and she couldn't see how good or bad she looked.

"You are my captives now, and you have to answer my questions." Zhao Yuande said.

"Are you all filled with these wonderful colors?" The woman seemed to be a curious baby, looking at the colorful world around her with surprise, with an intoxicating light in her eyes.

"Okay! Yes!" Zhao Yuande replied helplessly.

"Can't you let me live here for a while!" Although the woman was dark all over, she couldn't see her face, but her eyes were shining.

"Sister Sister! What are you going to do! This is our enemy!" Although the man was shocked, he was very rational and watched Zhao Yuande very alertly.


The black demon dragon gave a low roar and stared at Zhao Yuande.

"Give me imprisonment!" Zhao Yuande pressed into the empty palm.

The black demon dragon and both of them were imprisoned by the terrorist forces and could not move at all.

"Now I ask you to answer!" Zhao Yuande became severe.

"Humph!" The man snorted coldly, and did not seem to yield.

"As long as you let me live here, I will answer whatever you ask!" The woman looked at Zhao Yuande without blinking.

"Sister sister!" the man roared.

"Shut up." Zhao Yuande immediately sealed the voice of the other party and turned to look at the woman. "Talk about what this dark world is like, where do you belong, and what do you do when you come out?"

"This is the land of darkness, we are descendants of the repressed and abandoned people!" The woman did not hide it, you can see that he was extremely fascinated by the gorgeous colors in the main world.

As the woman told, Zhao Yuande gradually understood the general situation here.

Coupled with his previous tracking and understanding, he knew that the woman did not deceive him.

So he kept his promise and kept the woman in the inner world, and returned to the dark land with the man and the black demon dragon.

This dark land is vast, and no one knows how big it is.

The Dragon Palace where they are located occupies an area, which is less than one ten thousandth of the dark land, among which there are dozens of powerful forces.

The strongest of most of the forces are the strength of the ecstasy. Only the horrible existence in the black giant mountain before is a strong one without self.

The Dao Realm is divided into three realms, true self, ecstasy, and no self!

The true self is only elementary, and the ecstasy is equivalent to the intermediate level. This is a spiritual realm, and the strongest of 10,000 real selves can enter the ecstasy.

This state is already the absolute strongest here.

And the selflessness is even more difficult to climb. Among the 10,000 ecstasy, there can be a strong person without selflessness.

As for the eternal realm above, that is no longer achievable by cultivation.

That requires huge opportunities, the recognition of the universe, and a ray of mysterious light to be promoted.

In the whole dark place, there once existed the eternal realm.

But the strength has already fallen under eternal realm.

The environment in this dark place is not suitable for cultivation at all, and there is also a black mist that can erode the human body at any time.

The darkness that will gradually change people, whether it is the body or the soul, whether it is the flesh or the soul, even the inner world, the sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​knowledge will gradually become black.

As a result, their strength will gradually decrease, becoming weaker and weaker, and even the eternal realm cannot be avoided.

This is a dark world!

Of course, in addition to living creatures, many items of special materials will be eroded at an extremely slow rate.

For example, the chariot in front of me was under the erosion of a long time, and the golden light that shone before gradually turned into a yellowish color.

The terror that had brought him into this dark place before, neither of them had ever heard of it.

According to the woman, the horrible existence is only qualified to know if it is a powerful existence that has reached the ecstasy.

And the woman said, there is no way out here.

Zhao Yuande's body will not be used for many years, I am afraid that it will gradually be eroded by darkness, and eventually become a person like them.

Zhao Yuande asked them how long it would take, and the woman couldn't tell clearly, because no living creature had entered here since the endless years.

This is already an abandoned place.

"Let's go! Let's go back!" Zhao Yuande had turned into the woman's appearance at this time, and the darkness made him feel a little ridiculous.

He wanted to mix into the Dragon Palace and get more information.

According to what they said, the strength of the ecstasy has been reduced to a pitiful level.

Zhao Yuande feels that if he uses all the means, he should be able to catch a strong person who is ecstatic.

The master of these two men is his best hunting target.

"Humph!" The man's cold hum just didn't cooperate.

"Don't forget that you are my captive now, I want you to live, you live, I let you die, you are going to die! Of course, I can make you die as well, like this!" Zhao Yuande flicked his fingers, a trace of blue flame The fly landed on the man.

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