Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4530: camouflage

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The man suddenly uttered a scream of tremendous fierceness.

The cry made people feel a little bit chilly, and even the iron-hearted people like Zhao Yuande felt a little unbearable.

Only then can he know in the woman's mouth that there is no flame in this darkness, and all flames will eventually go out.

All creatures or people in the dark world are extremely afraid of flames.

Although Zhao Yuande only popped a blaze of flame, it made the man unhappy.

"I promise you!" The man quickly succumbed.

"I will leave a trace of tinder in your body, as long as you dare to betray me, I will immediately start." Zhao Yuande threatened.

"I... no!" The man no longer wanted to try the agony of the flame burning, and nodded again and again.

"As for you..." Zhao Yuande looked at the strange dragon.

"I will be very good! I promise not to betray! I haven't seen anything!" The strange dragon has no bones at all, and since being captured by Zhao Yuande, has become very cute and cute.

Although it is a powerful existence in a Dao Realm, but its real strength is not as good as Zhao Yuande. After being scared by Zhao Yuande, his whole body trembles.

"No, I can't believe you, but also give you a look!" He burst into flames involuntarily.


Suddenly screamed at the scene, some tears.

The tears of the strange dragon came out, and Zhao Yuande couldn't help shaking his head.

This is also the powerhouse of the Dadao Realm, there is no dignity!

"Remember this feeling!" Zhao Yuande solemnly warned.

"I won't dare anymore! I admit that I was selfish just now, and I won't dare again in the future!" Guai Ao yelled, kneeling on the ground and bowing again and again.

"Really..." Zhao Yuande thought this guy was really stupid.

A fool who has broken through the realm has really traveled through countless worlds without seeing it.

"I also leave a trace of flame for you. If you betray, your ending will be ten thousand times worse than now." Zhao Yuande said.

"No... definitely not..." The dragon's nose burst into tears.

Even the man couldn't help looking at the dragon with a scornful face.

What a shame!

"What are you looking at? How much stronger are you in your eyes? I wasn't crying just now." The strange dragon couldn't help but gritted his teeth at the man.

"You..." The man wanted to refute a few words, but found nothing pale.

"Go! Let's go." Zhao Yuande waved his hand and jumped into the khaki chariot.

This pair of men and women is a disciple of the Magic Dragon Palace, or a true disciple.

The male is called Xie Hong and the female is called Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's personality is relatively solitary, and she doesn't like talking very much. Zhao Yuande pretends that she just barely shows her feet.

Their master is an elder of the magic dragon palace, and his strength is also the first realm of the realm of the first realm of the Dao Realm.

However, it broke through the real world as early as tens of thousands of years ago, and is considered an old strong.

Zhao Yuande's plan was to get close to this old guy, then take a sneak attack to win him, and then force some useful information.

The Dragon Palace is in the depths of a black forest. There are dozens of hundreds of giant black trees everywhere.

The palace is actually a huge underground world.

The honeycomb cave was excavated below, the deeper the cave is, the higher the status.

Because under this land, there is a kind of magnetic energy.

It is this kind of magnetism that keeps all practitioners from falling sharply.

The monsters suppressed here are all cultivated to achieve some kind of supreme state.

In this Jedi, they racked their brains and finally created a method of using magnetic energy to practice.

This method is actually a very anti-sky cultivation method, but it requires a lot of magnetic energy.

The closer it is to the deep underground, the stronger the magnetic energy.

Many powerful forces either occupy deep seas, deep pools, dig holes underground, or occupy mountain peaks with magnetic force.

However, the more you practice, the more magnetic energy you need.

However, the more powerful it is, the less it can absorb enough magnetic energy, so although the strength is preserved, it will become lower and lower.


The huge stone door leading to the ground opened, and the dragon dragged the earthy truck into the underground world.

After entering the underground world, Zhao Yuande really felt a special energy fluctuating.

This is magnetic energy, but it is very weak, and it takes a lot of time and energy to absorb it.

Soon came to a huge black cave, the cave is dark.

But for cultivators, this darkness cannot stop their sight.

Zhao Yuande found that there were huge vehicles parked here, and a large group of powerful beasts were kept in captivity.

However, the level of those monsters is not high, just some faster monsters.

This is obviously the parking lot of the Dragon Palace.

"Go! But remember the agony!" Zhao Yuande said to the dragon.

"I get it!" The strange dragon shivered and nodded again and again.

That feeling is too painful, it would die rather than bear the flames.

"Go! You lead the way ahead, remember what I said before." Zhao Yuande sent a message to Xie Hongdao, "As long as you cooperate well, I will spare you."

"I know!" Xie Hong nodded hurriedly.

Xie Hong led Zhao Yuande all the way in the underground world, and went back to the task first, and got some rewards.

Then he turned back to his master's cave, in a stone cave on the sixth floor underground.

"Master, Lin Yi and I have come to see you!" Xie Hong walked into the stone cave and saw a bald old man sighing with a frown.

"Good apprentice, come back! Was your task smooth this time?" The bald old man looked up at Zhao Yuande and Xie Hong and asked casually.

"Return to Master, everything goes well." Xie Hong hurriedly returned.

Zhao Yuande was observing this bald old man at this time, feeling the breath inside him.

It is not difficult for him to behead this bald old man. It only needs one sword of chaos Qinglian sword.

However, it is not easy to catch it alive.

The other side said that he was also a power-breaking powerhouse, and his fighting power was comparable to him. Even if he attacked him, he was not sure.

While the thoughts were changing, the bald man glanced at him.

"Tu'er, come and thump back for the teacher." The bald old man waved at him.

Zhao Yuande didn't speak, but just walked behind the bald man.

He felt that this bald old man was simply giving his head to himself.

Behind the attack, he had 90% certainty that he could be wounded, and it would not be a problem to capture it again.

But just before Zhao Yuande's fist fell behind the bald old man.

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