Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4532: Devil feast

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The old guy in front of him must have committed a big deal, so he was suppressed here by the seal.

Be careful and careful when working with such people.

"No problem." The bald old man agreed happily.

Hey! Little one, let you be sly and ghostly, and don't know my secret.

I'm a double soul, you are banned from my soul, it's useless!

It's useless for you to let me make an oath. In order to be able to go out, I don't want the big soul.

More importantly, this little guy is not simple. The gourd in his hand is very similar to the legendary thing. If I can get it, my strength will be improved tenfold and hundredfold.

When the time comes to kill the Quartet and plunder the world, it is better to have the pain of being imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years.

The next thing was very simple. The two found the oath, and Zhao Yuande also planted a ban on each other's souls.

According to the agreement, Zhao Yuande gave the bald old man a little training resources to improve his strength.

However, Zhao Yuande claimed that he had inadvertently rushed in, and did not prepare too many source crystals, so he just gave him a little.

"This old guy is too happy, I always feel something is wrong." Zhao Yuande frowned.

He always felt something abnormal, the other side was too calm.

He let go of the soul and watched it for himself, and let himself plant the prohibition.

The only thing that made him feel puzzled was that the soul of the **** seemed weak, and it was even worse than the cultivator who had just stepped into the Dao Realm.

How can an old guy who has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years be so weak?

But he has checked many times, and that the soul of the soul and the old guy blend in, it is definitely his soul.

"Forget it! Just beware of him, anyway, he is not afraid of the other party's conspiracy, and he will be chopped off in a big deal." Zhao Yuande thought for a long time and finally had no clue, so he gave up temporarily.

Half a year before the magic tire feast was held, he did not wait in the magic dragon palace, but went out and asked for information.

The bald old man Xuan Yuanqing also provided a lot of convenience and told him a lot of secret information.

For example, the owner of the big paw, a horrible existence of eternal realm, he was sealed in the depths of the distant icy ocean.

Legend has it that this horrible existence destroyed dozens of dimensional worlds due to cultivation, which led to the siege of many powerful men, and was finally suppressed here after being seriously injured.

At that time, this terrorist existence came under repression, and I don't know how many powerful people wanted to seize Dao Guo and plunder vitality.

As a result, half of the strong men fell into that battle.

Since then, no one dared to approach that area, the cold sea was the forbidden place of the dark world.

It is impossible for such a terrible existence not to rush out of this dark world.

He felt that although the Dragon Palace's plan could hide most people, it might not be able to hide the existence.

He had a hunch that when the devil was mature, that presence would definitely come down to pick peaches.

Even the existence, like him, has been lurking in the magic dragon palace, waiting for the day when the magic tire matures.

He kept walking in the Dragon Palace, and with the cooperation of the bald old man, no one would doubt him.

During this time, he had seen almost all the elders, including all the disciples who were eligible to participate in this event.

Almost everyone felt suspicious, but there was no way to distinguish them one by one.

In the end there was no way, he had to consult with the bald old man.

"Is that what you said is true?" The bald man heard Zhao Yuande's analysis and couldn't help looking.

In no case can their plans be destroyed, otherwise all dreams will become empty.

Even if Zhao Yuande was killed here, and the treasures on him were obtained, it would be useless. Eventually, he could only die here.

"It's all my guess, but I feel like it's all right!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Then we will use the exclusion method." The bald old man was very concerned about this matter, and it might even be said that he was a little bit stunned. "We will first investigate from the disciples!"

There are thirty-two disciples in total. They are not the disciples of the palace master, or the proud disciples of the elders.

The owner of the Dragon Palace is very ambitious. He wants to leave the elite of the Dragon Palace and then come to a dimension space.

According to the strength they once cultivated, I am afraid that it will not take long to find a place among the four major dimensions, and it can occupy a good dimension space at the worst.

The time left for them is very long, so they are not too anxious.

But one by one secretly investigate.

With the identity of the bald old man, plus Zhao Yuande's identification technique.

Soon all the disciples were checked.

The bald old man also invited friends widely, except for the palace master, all the strong men of the Dragon Palace came.

There are still no clues.

"Is it the palace lord?" The bald old man and Zhao Yuande gathered together, looking puzzled.

"Absolutely impossible! The palace master will not be taken away so easily, and if the palace master's character will change, I think it is impossible." The bald old man shook his head.

"Either the other people in the Magic Dragon Palace, or lurking among ordinary disciples..." Zhao Yuande speculated.

"This is troublesome! There are tens of thousands of people in the Dragon Palace. How can we make inquiries one by one." The bald old man could not help frowning.

"Anyway, time is enough, let me go shopping first!" Zhao Yuande said.

The two continued to work for a month, still clueless.

Almost all the people in the Dragon Palace were screened again, making them all desperate.

"You can't guess wrong!" The bald old man smiled bitterly.

"I wish I was wrong." Zhao Yuande shook his head. "I feel the threat more and more as if a pair of eyes are staring at me in the dark."

"How is this good." The bald old man said.

"I'm afraid the toss is too obvious during this time, so let's slow down first!" Zhao Yuande frowned.

He always felt like he had missed something and always felt a little frightened.

what exactly is it?

He thought hard, but he was clueless.

So he closed the door altogether!

The time is in a hurry, and two months have passed.

Zhao Yuande opened his eyes and woke up from the closed state.

"It's two months before the fetal feast event, it's time to come out and walk!" Zhao Yuande's real body did not leave the closed cave house, but turned into a doppelganger walking in the darkness.

He wants to know what happened in the past two months, and whether there is anything suspicious.

"You're finally out!" The bald old man saw Zhao Yuande appear, and there was a moment of worry in his eyes.

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