Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4533: Discuss major events

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"What happened?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"The dragon palace was attacked, and several elders were killed when they went out! Now the enemy army is under pressure to ask the palace master to hand over the authority of the magic tire." The elder smiled bitterly. "If the palace master really succumbed, our plan may be Just in vain."

"What! Was it attacked by someone? What secret was revealed?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

This is really bad news.

If the real fetus is handed over, they will be deprived of the opportunity to leave here, so the long-term plan will be ruined.

"It's Elder Nine! This bastard... it's not that he is short of him, he betrayed us!" The bald old man cursed fiercely.

"Elder Nine! I have an impression of this person..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but think of Elder Nine.

"It's up to the palace master's decision now! They are already negotiating." The bald old man was helpless.

"If this time the channel is opened, how many people can pass?" Zhao Yuande said.

"There is no limit on the number of people, but there is a time limit." The bald old man shook his head. "If only the people of our magic dragon palace have their own hearts, they can pass in an orderly manner. But if there are many forces together, it will be a big time. In melee, I am afraid that the space channel will be destroyed by the aftermath of the war, and all of us can’t go."

"... Hey! Make the worst plan first!" Zhao Yuande sighed, and he had no better way.

Not to mention that it is the most unrealistic thing to concentrate all people on one's inner world.

As long as it enters the internal world of others, it will be dominated by others.

Most of the strong people would rather be sealed in darkness and life for a lifetime, and they would not be called slaves by others.

I feel that most cultivators can practice to such a degree that they will not choose to be called slaves of others.

Especially in this dark world, everyone is a bad guy and there is no limit to doing things.

It is miserable to imagine a slave called such a person.

"Go! Go out, the palace master called us." The bald old man said suddenly.

They quickly walked out of the dragon palace and came to the ground.

Suddenly found that the entrance of the Magic Dragon Palace was besieged by countless powerful people,

Those strong men have fierce eyes and are murderous.

If you do not agree, you will definitely fight with you and turn your face.

"Since you are all here, let's be fair! Let's talk about our strength..." The Lord of the Dragon Palace is a strong man shrouded in darkness. His voice is slightly strange, giving a very weird feel.

"Strength speaks, that's about to fight!" Some strong people secretly screamed, "Since this, brothers go together and slaughter them, we occupy the magic dragon palace!"


The Master of the Dragon Palace snorted coldly, finger a little, a black light rushed into the crowd, and suddenly a person's head exploded.

"What do you want to do! Do you want to be enemies with all of us?" Yi Wei, who was a tall giant, said aloud, "I want to know that we have many people, but I'm not afraid of you!"

"I haven't finished my words. This person wants to incite everyone to kill me. If I'm so weak, I won't be the owner of the Palace of the Devil Dragon Palace!" The Lord of the Palace of the Devil Palace sneered. "If you are right now I attacked, and I exploded the magic tire, and it would be a big deal for us to stay here forever."

"Good! You say, keep talking!" Some strong man said.

"I mean, there are a total of eight forces on the scene. If we can, we can wait for the channel to open together, but... the order of entering the channel needs to be determined by strength." The Lord of the Dragon Palace said.

"Eight forces!" Some people's faces changed suddenly.

"Yes, there are only eight forces, everyone else is a sacrifice this time!" The voice of the palace master of the Dragon Palace suddenly became very cold, "If you want to come to the palace, you must be prepared to pay the price, and you will become a sacrifice. Products."

"Run! The Lord of the Dragon Palace is crazy!" Suddenly someone turned and ran.

The scene was noisy and countless people were flying around like crazy.

"You guys, what are you waiting for? Do you want to use your own disciples as sacrifices?" The Master of the Dragon Palace smiled. "We caught these sacrifices and discussed major events!"

"Yes! Grab the offerings and discuss the big things!" All of them suddenly moved.

They attacked fiercely and showed no mercy.

However, in just ten breaths, tens of thousands of practitioners were captured and thrown in the center of the field.

Eight parties sent representatives respectively and began to talk with the owner of the Magic Dragon Palace in detail.

"It's really hard-hearted, turning the hand over the cloud to cover the rain." Zhao Yuande looked at the Master of the Dragon Palace and couldn't help but wonder in secret.

"This is the means of the palace master, otherwise we people will not be frightened by him, this is a big man!" Even the bald old man could not help but praise.

"But I only hope that the palace owner will not give up on us! Otherwise, we will have to think of other ways." Zhao Yuande said.

"It shouldn't be so. I say this is also the existence of the eleventh elders ranked fourth." The bald old man said confidently.

Soon the palace masters, bishops, and patriarchs negotiated a result.

Through battle to determine the order of entering the space channel, everyone must make an oath to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

According to the calculations of a group of strong men in the Palace of the Magic Dragon Palace, the space channel may insist on a dozen breathing time, and if you leave in an orderly manner, the eight forces will never fall.

The current ranking is just for the little surprise.

The game is actually very simple, it does not require the strong hands, but a contest between all the disciples.

Each major force will select six talented disciples, a total of 48 people will fight one by one.

Arrange the order according to the final points.

"This time, it seems that I want to play!" Zhao Yuande said.

"However, none of the geniuses in our palace can compare with you." The bald old man nodded.

"Then you sign up for me! In order to be foolproof, I will be in danger once." Zhao Yuande said.

Lin Yuan, disguised by Zhao Yuande, is a dull gourd and usually never communicates with others.

Even as her master, the bald old man can count the number of times he talks with him.

Without communication, her strength is very mysterious.

Few people know how strong or weak she is.

In this way, Zhao Yuande can fully exert his strength, especially his physical strength.

As for the identity, there is no doubt about it. The Dragon Palace and Lin Yi know very little, and some people don't even know that there is such a person.

Even if Lin Yi was a man, no one would doubt it.

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